Part 4 First Mission

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                                ***3 months later***

3 months have passed, and Mew and Gulf are a little friendlier with each other, but their tension keeps building and at any moment is about to explode like a pressure cooker. Mew still feels strange when he is around Gulf. On the other hand, Gulf feels hurt because Mew is indifferent to him, and that makes him mad for no apparent reason. During these past weeks, Gulf had worked hard to prove himself to Mew, his uncle, and to himself. Gulf worked day and night, under the steaming sun and rain.

During that time, Gulf was able to assemble five different weapons in less than 1 minute, learned to sword fight, and blindfold hand to hand combat. Even Mew was impressed by it. Mew began to see that Gulf was not using his uncle to advance in the agency. Mew knew when he was wrong and was not afraid to admit it. This really impressed Gulf when he heard Mew telling Mr. Brass that he was ready to move on to the next level.

The next level meant for Gulf to detonate a bomb remotely. Their conversation was abruptly interrupted when Miles came into the briefing room. This was the first time that Gulf could enter the briefing room; he was impressed by all the high-tech devices. Miles began the briefing by displaying a picture of a strange phone, which he named "The Replicant." Everyone, except Gulf, began to whisper and lower their heads.

Gulf:" Why that name?"

Mew: "Oh, gosh!"

Paul: "Please don't ask."

Gavin: "We warned you, Gulf."

Everyone said this while Gulf looked at them with a confused face. Heather just smiled and kept her eyes fixed on her tablet.

Miles:" I name it after one of my sci-fi movies, later we can see it if you want."

Heather: "Miles, seriously, stop naming your devices with those names; they don't make sense to us at all."

Mr. Brass: "All right, don't spook the boy, let's go back to what is at hand. Miles, continue". Mr. Brass extended his right arm as a suggestion for Miles to continue with the debrief.

Miles: "So the Replicant," this phone here, can access the codes of all the leading agencies' computer frames remotely with the right combination and now is in the hands of the Hunters. Which means we must get it back no matter what".

Mr. Brass: "For now, Paul will be leaving tomorrow for Italy and stay there for a month and a half to obtain information on the Hunters hideout. We got a lead that they have several locations, but the one in Italy is more accurate. Gulf, I understand that you are improving a lot; plus, you are the one besides Miles with a technological background, and for that reason, you are here. After Paul gets more accurate information, you will be joining him in Italy.

Gulf: "What?! Me? Are you sure Gavin has more experience in the field than me"? Everyone looks at Gulf, this chance only comes once in a blue moon in the agency, and he is declining it.

Mr. Brass: "Gulf, even though you are my nephew, you don't get to question my authority, you will be joining Paul in a couple of weeks. Don't be afraid Mew will accompany you. Gulf looks at Mew, and when their eyes meet, Gulf feels a knot inside his stomach and changes his gaze to look at Miles.

Mr. Brass: "Is everyone clear of what they are supposed to do? Ah, Mew, in two days, Gulf will be moving in with you".

M/G: What?!

Mew: "Mr. Brass, are you..." Mew just stayed quiet and looked at Gulf, dropping the tablet he was holding the whole time.

Mr. Brass: Yes, Mew, I am sure you two need to look like you are newlyweds and need to look real, so start liking each other so you can complete the mission". Mr. Brass says this while he begins to walk. At that moment, Paul wheeled his chair close to Gavin.

Paul: "Gavin, come tonight to the apartment, I will prepare your favorite dishes. Later we can just relax, while you play with your guitar or we can do something else". Paul said this with a mischievous smile on his face. Gavin looks at him with those playful eyes that he knew will be making Paul go crazy. Paul grabs Gavin by his waist and pulls him closer and planted a sweet kiss on his forehead.

Gavin: "Mm, I already have plans with some of the guys to play a marathon of video games."

Paul: "Come on, I will be leaving soon, and we won't see each other again for a month and a half." No one was paying attention to those two love birds, they were in their own world, especially Mew and Gulf. How can they survive living together when they can barely "stand" each other? 

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