Part 3 The Training

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Author's Comments: I wanted to show a little bit of the tension between Mew and Gulf. Mew and Gulf are two souls that need love in their lives. Will they be able to let go of the "hate" they have for each other? 

P.S. The Citrus agency is not located in any country or belongs to any culture. Let's say it is a neutral land where the characters are unique. 

                                         ***2 Weeks later***

Mew was sitting on his table eating his favorite dessert when he heard Gulf chatting with the other trainees and saying one of his bad jokes.

Gulf: "Why do you need to squeeze the juice out of the orange? Because it needs to be concentrated".

Everyone looks at Gulf, and some of their faces are puzzled, while others make a faint laugh. Mew just lower his head while shaking it. He walks toward the youngsters, and when they see him approach, they begin to walk away and pretend they were busy ordering their food. Gulf looks confused, and it was not until Mew touched his shoulder very hard, that he knew what was going on.

Mew: "Trainee #0064, I see you are adapting to this environment very quickly. You are even recruiting allies, but with those horrible jokes you say, I don't think they will last."

Gulf removed Mew's hands from his shoulder with a hostile force.

Gulf: "Mew, I..."

Mew: "You still don't remember, is S. A. Mew or agent #0291 if that makes it more clear for you. You have not earned the right to call me by my name, especially with only two weeks being here".

Gulf:" Alright Special Agent #0291, as I was trying to explain, they are not allies because this is not a war zone. I consider them my friends, and that's why I feel comfortable enough to make

jokes with them. You should try it from time to time. Oh, wait, you are S. A. Mew, the rest of us are beneath you, my apologies on behalf of all the trainees".

Mew:" You are full of yourself; you know that? You think because you are Mr. Brass's nephew, you have an advantage?" Well, no, every trainee here is the same no exception".

Gulf: "I would like to know why you behave this way with me, we only met a few days ago and I feel like I did something to you, are you still mad because of the damn table? Are you that possessive of your things?"

Mew: "Yes, I am, as a matter of fact, when I claim something like my own, no one can and will not take it away from me."

Gulf: "Wow! You must have a bad childhood, what if someone took your favorite toy away from you, oh maybe your parents did not give you enough attention? They sent you away. That's the reason you are such a d**ck?"

Mew was enraged; he could not believe that Gulf would mention his parents, the only topic that could make him go mad with anger. He was about to punch Gulf when Paul intervened.

Paul: "Oh, hello, Mew, I was looking for you. It is time to train the trainees, and I need your assistant. Hello, Gulf, please go back to the campsite and wait for us there".

Mew: "I will be right there; I need a few minutes alone." Mew did not wait for Paul's response, he stormed out of the cafeteria with such force that he almost knocked Gavin and Miles into the floor when they entered the cafeteria.

Miles: "Mew? Mew?! Hold on, what is wrong, Mew? Talk to me please, I am here for you".

Paul looks at Gulf as if he was waiting for Gulf to explain the situation, which was to no prevail.

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