Part 8 To the rescue

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Paul is fighting the "numb serum" so hard; of all the agents, he is the most trained for this situation. He knows that the serum will bring his fears to life, the thing Paul fears the most is losing Gavin and based on the questions, he may give them what they ask for. Paul had to fight it so hard that it was killing him. Being in a constant battle with the Hunters for many years, he knows very well how they operate when it comes to interrogating other people. Paul is suffering the side effects of the serum, going in and out of consciousness. He was brought back to reality when he felt a coldness all over his body, he was submerged under ice-cold water.

They were torturing him just for fun because they realized that Paul will never tell them, not even with the serum on his system. The Hunters were alluring the other agents into a trap. In the meantime, Mew and Gulf were at the station waiting for Gavin to arrive. Gavin will be coming very soon with everything that they may need for the rescue.

Gulf: "Mew, how are we going to find him? We do not have any leads."

Mew: "Gulf, I don't know why I am going to tell you this, because only high-level agents know about this. All the senior agents have a tracking device in the back of their left ear. Well, not all of them; only those who have been to more than 10 missions and of those at least 9 have been successful. That means that they are valuable to the agency".

Gulf: "What? If that is the case, why did you not track him right away when you noticed he was missing?"

Mew: "The tracking can only be activated by the agent using his/her code. Maybe Paul feels he can do it himself, or he does not want to be rescued."

Gulf:" I hope he can do it; he is an excellent agent, and I will feel sorry for Gavin. When we talked last night, he sounded so frightened and sad at the same time. Look, he is here, let's go."

Gavin: "Mew, Gulf, are we ready? I keep checking the tablet to see if he activates his tracking device and nothing." Gavin said this while looking at his tablet. At that moment, Mew and Gulf look at each other with a surprised face.

Mew: "Gavin, how do you know about the tracking?"

Gavin: "Mr. Brass and Miles told me about it and how to use the tablet to track him. Mew look! The tracking is being activated, let's go".

Mew: "Gavin, wait, we need to be careful. Both of you need to follow my orders. I do not want to worry about you too, is that understood?" Mew said this while looking at Gulf. Gavin and Gulf agreed. They jumped into the car and headed north of the station following the tracker.

The three of them were heading north for quite some time. This morning storm made the road muddy. They stop 15 miles north from where they started. When they got closer to the area, Mew decided to stop the car and walk on foot to comb the area.

He knew that the Hunters would be ready for them, and they needed to be careful. Mew decided to wait a little bit longer before they headed out, Gavin was scanning the area to see if he saw anything suspicious. Gulf was in charge of programming any video surveillance from the building. Gulf was successful in obtaining video feedback from the building, well, sort of, it was terrible, and only two Hunters were visible. On the video, it shows how Paul was being tortured. Mew clearly knew that something was odd and wanted to call for backup, but it will take hours for them to get here from the city. He was restless having a junior agent who indeed is suffering for his lover and a new agent who looks like he was still in training.

Mew sent Gulf and Gavin first and to stay close to the building. Mew needed to create a distraction. When Mew returned, they all decided to enter the building. Gavin and Mew were in charge of taking care of the Hunters and Gulf to rescue Paul. When they were getting closer to enter the building, two Hunters appeared, and Mew single-handled them.

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