Part 10 The Sour Orange

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A/N:  Did you notice that Gulf has been calling Special Agent Mew by his given name for a while, and Mew has not said anything? You think that was a sign of Mew acceptance of his feelings for Gulf or he was too busy with the rescue to notice it? The next chapter Mew's and Gulf's hearts will break for sure. It is a long one so bear with me.

                                                                     ***The morning after***

The morning after their first time was a little strange for Gulf and Mew, but Mew acted normal. At least on Gulf's point of view. Surprisingly, Gulf was not a virgin, as Mew thought. He already had an encounter six years ago while he was studying at Snow Hill Boarding School. Mew accepts it as Gulf's private life. If Gulf wants to share, Mew will wait for that day. For breakfast, they had salt crackers, cheese, and oranges. Usually, James was the one in charge of locating secret places for the agents, but this one was in a hurry, and it was not well equipped for any of the agents. Thank God that those places were used only once every mission. Mew picked up one of the oranges and began to peel it.

Mew: "What? No joke this time?" As Mew watches Gulf holding his orange with a strange expression.

Gulf: "Just my luck, of all the oranges, I had to pick a sour one." Mew laughed and turned his whole body to face Gulf.

Mew: "Mine is actually sweet, would you like to taste it?" Mew didn't wait for Gulf's response; he sucked on his orange and grabbed Gulf by the back of his neck and kissed him passionately, exchanging the sweet taste of his mouth.

Gulf: " I am glad I got a sour orange." While he smiles... Gulf's hands began to move as an attempt to touch Mew's waist. Mew grabbed Gulf and positioned him up against the table.

Mew: "I want you so bad." He whispered this into Gulf's ear.

Gulf stands up, and exchanges position with Mew, now Gulf is the one in control. Gulf kisses Mew's bruised arm and back. For every bruise, he kisses Mew passionately, like trying to ease the pain. Mew and Gulf's body move in unison, it is as if their bodies know each other from before. The only sound around is their bodies rubbing against each other and their passionate kisses as if they want to be only one body and soul.

After their second encounter, Gulf is still awake, thinking of the time where Mew was having the nightmare. He wanted to know a little bit more about it. He noticed that Mew moved and realized that he was awake.

Gulf: "Mew, you always have nightmares about your parents? I didn't want to pressure you after what happened that night, but I am worried about you."

Mew: "Since I was a little boy from time to time, I have nightmares about them. Mr. Brass always says that it was not my fault, but I was the only one who insisted on going to the lake that day."

Gulf: "Mew, you were a child, you don't see the future, it was an accident."

Mew: "Gulf, remember what I told you before, accidents don't exist, only carelessness, and I was the one who wanted to go. That is why the nightmares are still hunting me. You know why I live in that big house alone? I always wanted a big family; I am always hoping that one day I can have a family of my own to fill every room of that big house."

Gulf: "You really want a family? It is funny that I have a family and still feel lonely. Except for my uncle, I feel I do not have a family. My parents fought all the time, and they decided that I was a nuisance in their lives, so they sent me to Snow Hill Boarding school since I was 4 years old. That is why I don't talk to them." Mew laughs as to how similar Gulf and his life are alike.

Mew: "You know why I have so many books? My father used to read a lot, my mom would sit down next to him and read too while listening to opera. Those were happy moments that I still remember a few fragments of, mainly when we used to go on vacation. The following year we were planning to go to the Maldives, but it was the year they were killed, and I still cannot bear to visit the place, not even for a mission.

Gulf: "Mew, I wanted to apologize for what I say about your parents not loving you, I said that because I wanted to hurt you. I wanted to hurt myself by saying that as a reminder of my relationship with my parents. At least you know your parents love you very much. I want you to be happy, Mew. I will stay with you if you want me to stay by your side. I can go with you to the Maldives if you need me. Remember this, I will always be there for you and will protect you no matter what, as a colleague, a friend, or your lover. You have found someone who loves you, and you will never be alone again, that I promise you." Mew stayed quiet; instead, he pulled Gulf's body close to him. They need to feel the heat from each other's bodies as it was still cold in the tiny house. They fall asleep, embracing each other.

Two hours later, Gulf woke up suddenly; while he used Mew's left arm as his pillow, He cannot stop wondering what will happen tomorrow, how things will change for them. He felt his eyes watering and tried to push the tears back. He began to touch Mew's hand and felt how hundreds of needles came to his heart like missiles. The thought of losing Mew was too much to bear, he needed reassurance, he needed to make sure Mew would stay with him. After so long of feeling alone and scared at times, he found someone that could understand him. Gulf could not hold his tears any longer.

Mew felt a wet sensation on his arm, moving slowly with a faint smile he whispered to Gulf, "can't sleep?". Mew began to sniff Gulf neck, which he knew would make Gulf crazy. Only this time, Gulf pushed him away in anger because he could not understand why Mew was so relaxed about the situation.

Gulf: "How can you be like this, you know we have to go back to reality tomorrow, you know what will happen to us?".

Mew: "Gulf, my sweet love, you need to stop thinking about tomorrow; when do you become to think like me, and when did I begin to behave like you?" Mew kissed Gulf's teary eyes and then wiped Gulf's tears with his thumbs; he began to kiss his lips; they were moist and so warm even on a cold night. Gulf tried to stay away from Mew because he was still mad. That changes when he saw Mew's eyes and how hot he looked. Gulf gave him a faint smile, and his ears began to come red. Mew smiled back and began to kiss his neck, cheeks, and of course, that damn mouth that was Mew's Achilles heel. They made love again, by now, they know what the other wanted/needed and oh my gosh! It was delivered.

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