Part 13 The Confrontation

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A/N: Credit to the owner.

After that lovely confession, Mew started to drive again with one hand and holding Gulf's hand in the other. They got to the launching site. Gavin and Mr. Brass are fighting the Hunters hand to hand combat. Mew and Gulf run over and join the fight. Mew can block the punches of the Hunters, he high kicks one of the Hunters sending him to the ground, the second Hunter hits Mew on his right ribs, making Mew groan because of the pain. Mr. Brass and Gavin are also fighting two and sometimes three Hunters at once, they even think they will lose this one.

Gulf is fighting as well, but from time to time, look around to see how Mew is doing. Mew is still fighting the Hunters, but he was hit from behind, unexpectedly Mew sees the Hunter being dragged on the grass and it was Gulf who knocked the Hunter down. They smile again, suddenly a gunshot is heard, and that is when Mew realizes that Mr. Brass is hit by a bullet on his left shoulder. Another shot is fired, and this time is Gavin shooting at one of the Hunters. Everyone took their guns out and ran for cover. The Hunters hid behind their cars while the Citrus agents on their cars, respectively.

Mr. Brass: "Shit, I forgot how painful this feels. Gavin, we need to make sure that the missile is disabled. We need to protect Miles and Heather. As soon as they get here, we need to escort them to the launching site. I know there are more Hunters inside, but we will die here if it takes to stop this madness from happening.

Gavin: "This is crazy, how can they use humans like they are just toys? Okay, Miles, listen up when you are getting closer to the site. I need you to stop and wait for our signal. We will continue to communicate through the intercommunicator for now. We will try and stop the Hunters from launching the missile."

Mew: "We need to be careful, even though we have a few hours before the countdown ends; we need to make sure to find Mr. Douglas and Michel; they have the final code. I know they are just playing with us. If they wanted us dead, they would have done it at the gala."

Mr. Brass: "Miles, I need you to do something for me while you wait for our order. I need you to link the Hunters car into our system, tell me you can do it."

Miles: "If their cars are connected to the Internet, I can easily access them. Give me a few minutes, and I will let you know when they are ready."

One of the Hunters started to walk towards Gulf and Mew's side of the car when Gulf fired a shot. Mew and Gulf look at each other and smile, but that smile faded away when Mew heard Mr. Douglas's voice from the other side.

Mr. Douglas: "My friends, forgive me for welcoming you like this, I think I could do better. What about if I just kill each one of you right now? Mew, I know you are there, I forgot to tell you at the gala that your mother was the love of my life, but she rejected me and decided to stay with your stupid father. I felt so good when I learned that they die, she was supposed to be mine, and your father took her away from me again." Mr. Douglas said this with anger in his voice.

Mew: "Henry! I promised you on my mother's name that tonight will be your last day alive, even if I die along with you, this I promised you." Gulf looks at Mew as he says this, but stays quiet, suddenly Gulf stood up and began to fire his gun at the Hunters. Mew tried to stop Gulf by calling his name; it was impossible.

Mew: "Gulf, what the hell are you doing?! You want to get killed? Come back here." Gulf just keeps walking with two guns on his hands, marching towards the other Hunters like he is bulletproof.

Gavin: "What is wrong with Gulf, he will get killed, we need to protect him. Miles are the cars ready?"

Miles: "They are, now what do you want me to do?"

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