Part 12 The Confession

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The big event is going according to plan, everything is in place, and all the agents are doing their jobs. Except for Gulf, he is freaking out because he does not know how Mew will react when he sees Mr. Douglas. At that moment, Gulf noticed Mr. Douglas entering with his son Michael. Everyone is just too tense, looking at Mew's reaction. Mew begins to walk towards Mr. Douglas and shakes his hand. Everyone noticed Mew walking around with Mr. Douglas as how the plan dictated. He is not showing any sign of anger or discomfort, which is why Mew is the best agent in the agency.

He knows what is at stake, and he is putting his feelings aside to get a better result. The main goal is to make the Hunters believe that they will succeed in taking the "Frame." The Citrus agents know that Mr. Douglas loves these kinds of auctions where unique items are sold. As part of the plan, Mew stays away from Mr. Douglas. Mew walks to the area where the "Frame" is located and whispers something to the guards. Right away, the guards and the handler take the "Frame" out of sight and to the back.

Mr. Douglas: "Agent Mew, afraid I will steal your precious item right in front of all these people?"

Mew: "No, that item is not supposed to be out just yet, it will be the last one to be an auction. Come, let us talk about how you were able to kill my parents 20 years ago". Mr. Douglas stopped and look at Mew with puzzling eyes.

M. Douglas: "Then it will be a long night, I have a bad memory and too many people to remember. Actually, you remind me of someone since the day I met you."

Mew: "You will not get away with it. The "Frame" is safe, and no one can touch it. It is in a secret vault that no one can access without the code. Not even your son with his particular phone." Mew walked away and did not give Mr. Douglas a chance to respond. He went straight to Gulf and told him to follow him. Mew and Gulf went outside, and Mew began to walk back and forth while Gulf observed him, while the sound of the fountain muffled Mew's voice.

Gulf: "Mew, are you alright? You think you can continue with the plan?"

Mew: "Yes, it is taking me everything to not destroy him right away, but I know we have to wait. I already told him about my parents, and now the trap is set." At that moment, Miles walks in on them.

Miles: "Okay, you two, the plan is going fine. Now come inside and let us continue, we have a lot of things to do." When the three of them walked in, they noticed that Michael was nowhere to be found. Gavin and Miles went to the storage room to make sure the "Frame" was still there. Miles inputted the code and told Gavin that the item was still there.

Back in the main event, Mr. Brass appears with Heather, many items being sold. Now the main event is about to start. The final item is brought to the center of the room and placed on display. The bids were inexplicably high, starting from 10 million all the way to 100 million dollars. Suddenly the lights went out, and people began to panic. Less than 10 seconds later, the lights came back on, and the item was still there. At least in the eyes of the partygoers, but the Citrus agents knew very well what had happened.

The Hunters were behind the blackout as a way to steal the "Frame." Michael was hiding in the back when Gavin and Miles went to open the vault to see if the item was there. The Hunters replace Miles' frame with their own version. The Hunters believe that the original "Frame" holds the last clue for them to have all the codes of every agency in the world. Sadly, the Hunter got what they were looking for. The "Frame" design is the final code to get all the codes, and because Miles designed his frame as an exact copy of the original one, all the clues were there. Now the Hunters got the code for all the agencies.

Mr. Douglas: "James, James, it's been so long since the last time we met. How are you, my old friend?"

Mr. Brass: "Henry, you know that tonight will be the last time we will see each other. You see, we know that you will come and try to steal the "Frame," but little did you know that when your son switches the frames, all the information from his phone was transferred to our agency database. You should thank Miles for that, so now we have all your secrets. By the way, you can keep the "Frame" as a gift from me to you."

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