Part 9 The Desire

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Mew and Gulf decided to stay hidden for a while until they were sure no one was around to follow them, they decided to get the car. After driving for a while, Gulf stops the car to see how Mew was doing. Mew was holding his arm to stop the bleeding.

Gulf: "Mew, how far is the secret place from here?"

Mew: "According to my calculations it is an hour from here. You need to drive carefully; this is a new place; the road is wet, and it will be funny if I die from a car accident and not a bullet."

Gulf: "Are you sure you are alright?"

Mew: "Yes, just drive, we are almost there. We need to stay there for at least 24 hours with no technological communication. Later we will go to the meeting place and go back home."

Gulf: "How do we know about the meeting place?"

Mew: "It will be sent to us after 24 hours."

After finding the hideout, Mew makes sure the area is safe before tending to his wound, ...which is deep and hard to treat on his own. Gulf found a medical kit in the bathroom. He began to apply alcohol on Mew's arm, which Mew retreated immediately. Gulf smiled and said between his teeth, "how can you be an agent and behave this way by just a small wound?" It is not the pain that makes Mew react this way, it is Gulf's touches.

Mew looked at Gulf with anger, but when their eyes met, Mew's gaze changed for a softer one, which surprised Gulf. The hideout is an orange farm, but at night no matter the season, it is cold. The only way to get heat is by using the electric fireplace. Still, there was no electricity in the place because of the storm.

The bed was too small for both, the hideout was intended for just one person. Gulf offered to sleep on the floor to prevent hurting Mew's arm. Just having a thin blanket as a protection against the freezing cold.

Gulf: "There must be something wrong with me by doing this." Gulf knew it was a bad idea the moment his body contacted the floor. It was a small room, and with no heat, it was impossible to sleep.

                                                          ***1 hour later***

Mew felt Gulf's arm around him, he did not understand how someone as clumsy and sometimes aloof as Gulf can make him feel that way. Plus, how can he not feel Gulf sneak in on the bed? Mew noticed how his body was asking for Gulf. It was a desire that every fiber of his body was going crazy. Sending him an electric shock to his heart and blocking all his reasoning senses.

It was hard to control himself despite years of training. Mew thought that maybe that is why he felt the need to keep his distance from Gulf. Mew half-smile when he realized he was now on the other side, now he was the one (begging).

Mew looks closely at Gulf's face as the moonlight shine upon him. He was the most handsome man he has even lay eyes on. His beautiful silky black hair, the thickness of his eyes brows, his perfect shape nose. What really makes Mew go crazy, were those desirable lips that were chestnut shapes. Mew swallowed hard, and at that moment, Gulf opened his eyes.

Gulf: "Are you hurt? Did I hurt your arm? I am so sorry if I did, the floor was so cold that I could not hold it any longer."

Mew stayed quiet, looking at how Gulf's s eyes moved from side to side, examining the situation and seeing if he in any way hurt Mew. Mew could not hold himself anymore. His heart was about to jump out of his chest. He pressed Gulf's shoulders so hard that Gulf closed his eyes for a few seconds to compose himself.

Mew: "Who are you? Why do you make me feel this way?"

Gulf: "I don't und..."

Mew began to kiss Gulf's face inch by inch as if he was claiming a newfound paradise. Gulf was surprised at first, but after a while, let himself go and enjoy the moment. Those kisses were making him feel good, he was enjoying the sensation of Mew's smooth, warm lips touching his skin. Gulf was not sure if it was his own or Mew's heartbeat he was hearing; honestly, he didn't care. At that moment, he was enjoying Mew's touches. Something new for him, something strange and unusual at the same time. As Mew moves to Gulf's neck, he stops for a moment to remove Gulf's shirt and, in the process, the pants too.

Gulf felt the coldness on his bare skin, and just like that in an instant, the cold was nothing compared to the fire he was feeling inside when he felt Mew kissing his manhood, that is when he lost it. It was the most amazing experience he has ever had. Gulf wanted more, more of Mew. Gulf grabbed Mew's thick, silky hair while moaning. He felt his heart wanting to get out of his chest; he felt the electricity running through his body, waking every fiber of his body. He could not hold it any longer, he was ready to let go. After a while, Mew came back up the same way he went down and found the widest smile on Gulf's face.

Mew: "You know? Even without looking at you, I know you enjoyed it, this and more is what you will experience with me". Gulf started to kiss Mew passionately, after repeating the same process of before, only this time Gulf was the one taking the lead. Even though Mew was surprised, he let himself enjoy the moment too. Gulf was a little nervous because even though he wanted to do everything with Mew, he was afraid of hurting his arm, so he was cautious of what he was doing. Mew suspected what was happening and decided to retake the lead, Mew turned Gulf on his back, he began to admire Gulf's back, how tone and soft it was at the same time.

He began to kiss it, as he wanted to claim it as his own. Meanwhile, Gulf was going crazy with anger; he wants, no, want is not the correct word. He needs Mew so bad that the thought of begging him was infuriating. Gulf did not want to be another "somebody" that Mew f**k like the targets during his missions. Gulf wants to be the only person Mew needs to be with.

Gulf was preparing himself for what he knows is coming, he fists both of his hands on the sheet to have better support. Mew, on the other hand, was trying so hard not to hurt Gulf because he knew that Gulf had no experience in that area.

Mew is the gentlest person at this moment, it is taking him some self-control not to hurt Gulf even when he just wants to experience it to the fullest. Mew knows that he could not hurt Gulf, not like that. Gulf squeezes his fists on the sheet as he feels Mew, they both feed on each other's moaning. Mew kiss Gulf's back, neck, and even place a thumb inside Gulf's mouth.

Mew: "Hmm, Gulf..."

Gulf: "Mew..."

They did not know how long it passed, but after they finished, they stayed still for a while without talking. They belong to each other now; no one can experience something like that if they did not feel something for the other person. Gulf looks at Mew's eyes and how amazing they are, he sees love in his eyes, but deep down, he sees the pain Mew is holding back for so long. Gulf decides at that moment that he would take the responsibility of making Mew happy. Their hate became a passionate, crazy love. 

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