Chapter 8: Knight in Shadow Armor

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"How are we supposed to go about this?!" yelled Iris.

"We don't even know what he's planning. He might have his Gemi-knight and Sagi-fear-ius friends with him" Ji-hoon implied.

"He might double cross us and blow up Sapphire Grove anyways" Cat mentioned.

"We can have someone stay here and keep watch" suggested Alex.

"No that's too risky. He'll know that one of us is missing"  Es claimed. Suddenly the same noise was heard and another arrow was shot but this time in between Ji-hoon and Asterio. Ji-hoon jumped and Asterio ducked. Ji-hoon saw another note attached to the arrow. He took it and read what was on it. "Oh no. It's another letter from Valoran. It says that he only wants Asterio to come into the forest and that he'll have his monster friends take care of the rest of us"

Asterio was silent for a moment, thinking whether he should go or not.

"There is no way we're letting Asterio go alone. He has no powers!" Elijah stated.

"I'll go," Asterio decided as he clenched his fists. "I don't have the powers to protect Sapphire Grove from explosions and monsters, plus I know Valoran and I know he won't hurt me."

"Be careful," Ji-hoon said to him. The two of them hugged.

"Be back as soon as you can. We'll hold off the explosions and monsters as long as we can" Elijah claimed. All seven of them hugged for a full minute and pulled out. The six rangers morphed and Asterio went to the teleporter. He figured he'd get there faster using the teleporter than running.

Asterio entered the coordinates to the center of Tanzanite Forest and got on the telepad. He was teleported and was soon greeted by Valoran. "So you did come alone" Valoran stated in a monotone voice.

"Yes. Now what do you want?" Asterio asked frustratingly.

"Can't a soon to be ruler ask for a friend to visit him?"

"Kalol, why? Why are you doing this?"

"Because, asteroid face, aren't you tired of having to wallow under everyone taking credit for what you did? Don't you remember how Varrick stole your art idea? He knew that that octopus sculpture was yours but gained all the attention. How about when Isabel stole your spotlight in science when we did the science fair? She did it for three more years until you went solo. Don't you ever get sick of people stealing your attention? I want you to join me. To show everyone what we deserve."

"You're crazy for this! You've turned bloodthirsty for power! I will never join you just to make every innocent person suffer. I know we made a pact many years ago that we'd do everything together. But we never agreed that it had to involve hurting anyone and everyone." 'Something's wrong. Kalol only had one class with me and it was only math. And I never had a classmate named Isabel or Varrick.' Asterio thought to himself.

"I'm not the crazy one. You are, for going back on everything!" Valoran's finger began glowing bright green. He aimed it at Asterio and shot him. But before Asterio was hit, he dodged the shot and landed on a tree log.

"You dare call me the crazy one? You almost killed me!" Asterio yelled as he got back up. Valoran ignored his question and continued shooting. Asterio did his best to dodge but was soon hit by one in the foot, causing him to trip and fall. He fell into a lake and Valoran approached him. "I'm sorry for this." He pointed his finger at Asterio as it started glowing green.

"You're gonna wish you never messed with me." Asterio sweep kicked Valoran, making him fall. Before he got up, Asterio saw something glow purple under the water of the lake. He grabbed it and it turned out to be another fang. His body began glowing purple and was suddenly morphed into a ranger. Valoran was surprised at the sight, seeing his former friend and now enemy becoming a ranger. The two of them stood back up and started fist fighting each other. "Seems like you have improved since we last fought two years ago, asteroid face."

"I'm only just getting started!"

10 minutes had passed. Asterio was demorphed and he and Valoran were covered in bruises and scratches. They were lying next to each other, out of breath. "You really have improved, Asterio."

Asterio was shocked at his sentence. "You've never called me Asterio before. Least not since we were kids."

"Heh, yeah. So uh, how does it feel to be a ranger?"

"It feels amazing...Kalol you don't have to work for evil. You can join my friends and I. We can defeat the evil, for good. And whoever this Metallica person is."

"Asterio, the thing is that-"

"He is under my rule" a mysterious voice claimed. The two got up and saw a monster wearing a dark colored suit of armor. "Valoran, you seem to have forgotten who you really are" The creature blasted Valoran with its sword, hypnotizing him.

"Kalol? Kalol?!" Asterio said frantically as he tried to wake up Valoran.

Valoran stood up and stated "The Kalol you know is no longer." He walked up to the monster and kneeled on one knee. "My master, Sir Metallica. I am ready to serve you once again."

"Attack the purple ranger" Sir Metallica uttered.

Valoran dashed at Asterio. Asterio stood back up and morphed before fighting Valoran once again.

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