Chapter 7: Paradise Pandemonium

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The five rangers were teleported to a beach in Puerto Rico. "Why is it that whenever we find a new ranger, it's always by the beach?" asked Iris.

    "I don't know but it's fun!" Cat replied excitedly. "Oooh I can't wait to see the black ranger. I wonder what they'll be like."

    "Let's just hope they get here fast. I feel like I'm getting shorter and shorter by the minute" Elijah stated.

    "Yeah me too" Es claimed. The five rangers looked down and realized they're sinking in sand.

    "What the heck?!" Ji-hoon yelled. The five of them were struggling to get out when all of a sudden a sand monster appeared behind them. "Haha yes! I've captured all five of the rangers! Master Valoran will be so happy!" the creature happily exclaimed. "I am Sand Trap. You idiot rangers stepped into a spot in the sand that activates my quicksand trap! Have fun trying to morph now!"

    "We have to get free!" Ji-hoon uttered as he struggled to get out. Sand Trap neared the rangers, trying to find the fangs but couldn't find them.

"Huh? Hey wait where are your fangs?" the monster questioned. The rangers remembered that their fangs were worn as necklaces and they hid them behind their shirts. "Eh doesn't matter. Master Valoran will be thrilled I caught you anyways" Sand Trap stated as he chuckled. Out of the blue, Sand Trap was soon shot by a fireball, knocking him down and turning his right arm into glass. "Huh? Who shot that?!"

The five rangers looked up and saw the black ranger on top of their zord. They landed their zord down in the parking lot behind the beach, jumped off and darted towards the five rangers that are waist deep in quicksand. "Help us!!" screamed Cat.

The black ranger took out a revolver but pressed a button that made a whip come out. They threw it at the rangers and yelled "Grab on!!" Sand Trap got up and tried to knock the new ranger into the rigged sand, but soon failed when he got caught in his own trap. The rangers grabbed onto the whip and Es gave the black ranger a nod. "Ok Chimera. Now fly!" The zord started flying towards the other side of the parking lot, pulling out the rangers.

After they got out, they ran towards the new ranger. "Thanks for saving us," Es uttered gratefully.

"Don't celebrate yet, we have a monster to finish" Iris exclaimed.

"Leave that to me" said the black ranger. They aimed their gun at the monster with the Chimera zord doing the same with its lion head. Sand Trap managed to get out of its quick sand but before it could do anything, "Fire!" The black ranger shot fire bullets and their zord fired another fireball at the monster, turning it into a large pile of glass. The giant robot roared before heading back across the sea.

"Not to be rude but who exactly are you?" Iris asked.

The new team member demorphed revealing a person with short brown hair wearing skater clothing. "I'm Alex Angelos," they replied. "I go by they/them pronouns and I go by either Alex or Angel. As you five know I'm the black ranger that possesses the power of the Chimera. I came all the way from Greece, which is why you guys saw me coming from the ocean."

The other five introduced themselves and they all teleported back to base. Asterio introduced himself to Alex and explained everything they needed to know. Ji-hoon pulled him aside from the others as they were all talking among each other.

"Asterio we have to tell the others sooner or later" Ji-hoon whispered.

"I know but how?" Asterio asked.

"What'cha guys talking about?" Cat questioned when she walked up behind the two boys. The two boys jumped from the question and cleared their throats.

"Well I uh" Ji-hoon was hesitating.

"JI-HOON AND I ARE DATING" Asterio loudly announced. Everyone was silent for a minute. Ji-hoon and Asterio's faces were extremely red and Asterio was covering his mouth.

"I can't believe this," Iris said sternly.

"You guys had the audacity to keep it a secret and didn't tell us?" Elijah questioned.


Ji-hoon and Asterio were very surprised. They didn't expect that kind of response from them.

"I may be new here but yeah we should've planned your guys' date" insisted Alex.

"No you guys don't have to plan anything. Asterio and I were only planning on a night by the beach" Ji-hoon replied reassuringly.

"Ok then. But at least have a lovely dinner. Those are always so romantic" Cat exclaimed.

"We'll consider it," Asterio uttered.

A couple hours gone by and all seven of them were tired from a hard day working at the library. They were heading to the loading dock to head home when all of a sudden, Iris and Asterio's cars weren't there.

They all looked around the museum to see if anyone moved it and even called the tow company, but their cars weren't towed nor were they moved. Suddenly, a noise was heard and an arrow landed in between Elijah and Alex. They weren't startled by the arrow but their eyes widened as they could've been hit. Alex inspected the arrow and noticed that a note was attached to it. They tore it from the arrow and read what was on it. "Oh my gosh" Alex said terrified.

"What is it?" Es asked.

"This note was sent...from Valoran! He says that we have to meet him deep within the Tanzanite Forest. Otherwise...he's blowing up all of Sapphire Grove." Everyone instantly became quiet.

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