Chapter 4: Knight-mare Nightmares

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"Well hello again rangers!" the monster said. "I'm afraid I never properly introduced myself. I'm-" The monster's head turned to its other face, causing its voice to lower in pitch. "Gemi-knight! I'm a faithful companion to Valoran and Sir Metallica. Knight-mares!" He called out to the minions. "Attack those useless rangers." The centaurs started charging at them. Gemi-knight created a strange black smog that fogged up only the rangers' visions.

"I can't see anything! Ji-hoon can't you use your whip or something?!" Iris yelled.

"I'm on it!" He grabbed his whip and started swinging it around. He managed to hit most of the knight-mares, destroying them. Es was slicing away at some of the creatures with her daggers and Catori was shooting and stabbing with her knife revolver. Iris was helping Ji-hoon with her dragon sais. Since his weapon is long range and her weapon is close ranged, both make a good pairing.

A few minutes passed, all the knight-mares were defeated and the fog cleared up. "You're cornered now Gemi-knight. Surrender and tell us where Valoran is." Es demanded. Gemi-knight's face turned back to normal. "Oh no this isn't good! Better run!" He threw smoke bombs on the ground and made his escape.

"Get him before we lose him!" screamed Ji-hoon. The rangers tried searching through the smoke screen to see if they could find the monster, but soon failed when they heard an engine running. When the smoke cleared, they saw a transport pod retreating into space. "We'll get him next time, I'm sure of it!" Cat said energetically. The four of them demorphed and went back to the base.

"We're back!" yelled Cat.

"Great" Asterio responded. "Did you guys catch the monster?"

"Unfortunately no," Ji-hoon replied. "He disappeared in a smoke screen he made."

"The monster's name was Gemi-knight," Iris explained. "Much like the Gemini constellation, it was two faced. However this monster had one in front and one in the back. Its face changes back and forth based on its emotions. He managed to create a smog that blocked our vision. He's also an acquaintance of Valoran."

"I see," Asterio started. "Most likely we will see him soon again. We'll just have to prepare ourselves for what's to come. For now let's head up and help out in the library. I feel like the staff will have some issues since rush hour will happen in a few minutes."

The rangers wore their fangs as necklaces and hid it behind their shirts. They headed upstairs into the library and started their shifts. It was quite exhausting since rush hour happened a few minutes early. Things soon calmed down after 4 restless hours.

Iris sat in a chair and sighed. Es was laying on the floor and Cat brought everyone coffee from the cafeteria.

"Sorry Ji-hoon and Es. They were sold out on all the hot coco" Cat stated.

"It's alright Cat," Ji-hoon uttered

"Plus I'll take what I can get," mumbled Es.

Everyone drank their coffee and eventually headed home. Iris and Cat headed home in their car and Es on her bike. Iris lived with Cat since her parents often worked overseas trying to help with pollution problems in the oceans.

Ji-hoon didn't have a place to stay since he lived many miles away. He called his parents asking them if he can stay in Sapphire Grove for a while. They were indecisive at first but they said it's fine as long as Ji-hoon is safe. He then went to ask Asterio if he can stay at his house. He pulled out his phone and texted his parents if they were ok with it.

Luckily, they said yes. Asterio did warn Ji-hoon that it gets a bit loud at night when his parents and 4 siblings, 2 older and 2 younger, worked with the animals since he lives in a ranch and barn. Ji-hoon was fine with it though, since he has siblings of his own that were loud. The two boys got on Asterio's car and drove to his ranch.

At Asterio's home, he set up an inflatable mattress on the floor and set it up with a blanket and 3 pillows.

"Sorry, it was all I could find."

"Oh no don't worry it's fine. I'm used to sleeping on the floor," Ji-hoon responded. "Do you have any pjs I can borrow? I kind of feel uncomfortable wearing a work uniform to bed."

"I think I have some in my drawers." Asterio went to his drawers and pulled out a blue long sleeve shirt and pants with black star prints on it. He handed them to Ji-hoon.

"Sorry if it's a bit too big. I'm kind of taller than you so it may be longer than your size."

"You don't have to apologize for everything dude, but thanks. I'll go change in the bathroom."

Asterio grabbed his purple pjs with yellow dragon prints on it and led his friend to the bathroom.

"You go first," he insisted.

"Thanks." Ji-hoon went in and changed into the blue pjs. After he came out, Asterio went in and changed. The two of them went back into the bedroom and laid down on their beds. They weren't sleepy yet so the two boys started talking.

"Asterio, if you don't have a fang, how do you know a lot about Valoran and the fangs and such?" Ji-hoon asked.

Asterio was silent at first but then answered. "I used to be friends with Valoran. He told me his plans and wanted me to go with him to look for the dragon fangs so we can dominate the world together. I refused so he left without me. Something was strange too. He mentioned the name 'Sir Metallica.' Though I'm not sure how he managed to enter the other dimensions and hire monsters to help him, let alone mention one of their names. It's kind of a complicated story but all I can say is that he was my... best friend and I can't believe someone like him is bloodthirsty for power."

"I'm so sorry to hear that. I honestly know how it feels to be backstabbed," replied Ji-hoon.

"Enough about Valoran. Let's just get some sleep."

The two boys said good night but before they were about to sleep, Asterio's mom came bursting through the door, waking the two boys up.

"ASTERIO THE CHICKENS AND GOATS GOT LOOSE AGAIN" yelled his mom. She looked around the room and realized that Asterio had brought a friend with him. She asked him happily, "Asterio is this your boyfriend?"

Asterio's face immediately turned red. He told his family that he was pansexual. They were accepting to him but he had never told the others of his sexuality. Ji-hoon was blushing a little as well.

"I- Ji-hoon this is-." he stuttered. "Oh this is a nightmare." Asterio hid his face in the pillow and immediately became filled with both anger and embarrassment.

"I'll just call the neighbors to help us," his mom uttered. "You two go get your rest."

Asterio's mom left the room and closed the door behind her. His face was red for the rest of the night.

"Let's about it in the morning. Ok Asterio?"

Asterio nodded his head and the both of them drifted to sleep.

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