Chapter 3: Release The Roar

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After a few minutes of searching, a monster came into their view. The three girls hid behind a tree log. "Where is that Imugi fang?" the creature questioned. "The tracker pointed it here." Es recognized the voice and realized that it was the same monster that attacked her. "That's the monster that attacked me this morning" she whispered to the others.

"Let's morph then!" Iris yelled. Catori and Iris pull out small dragon head shaped morphers yelling "Dragon Mystics! Release the Roar!!" Catori and Iris morphed into the pink and green rangers. After seeing how the two of them morph, Es looked into her pocket and found her morpher. She accidentally dropped it but picked it up and morphed into the red ranger. "Oh no, 2 more rangers!" exclaimed the monster.

"Make that 3 more" a mysterious voice claimed. In just a blink of an eye, the monster was caught in a snake shaped whip and was tossed into the air. The monster yelled as it landed on top of its transport pod. "Valoran is not gonna be happy with this!" It got into the transport pod and immediately escaped.

A mysterious figure started walking closer to the three girls. "Apologies for that. I haven't properly introduced myself." Catori soon saw a hint of blue and gasped yelling "You're the blue dragon ranger!!!"

"Indeed" they confirmed. "But I actually have a name." The blue ranger demoprhs revealing a tall Korean boy. "My name is Jin Ji-hoon. I'm the blue dragon ranger that possesses the power of the Imugi serpent." The three girls demorphed. "Um. Hello! I'm Esmeralda but you can call me Es."

"I'm Catori and I sometimes go by Cat!" she exclaimed.

"Iris'' she said in a monotone voice.

"Nice to meet you all!" the blue ranger stated cheerfully.

"Enough introductions. We got what we needed so let's teleport back now." Iris asserted. "Good idea but do we do that again?" questioned Es. Cat budged in saying "Oh! We just press the dragon shaped button on our comms and we teleport back!"

"Is that what the button is for?" Ji-hoon asked. "I always thought it was just a decoration add-on." The four rangers pressed their buttons and were teleported back to the base.

"You're gonna love our base Ji-hoon," Es said. The four of them went down the tele-pad and went into the laboratory. "We're back!" Cat said in a sing-songy voice. "We got the blue ranger with us," Iris said. "Great! So where are they?" Asterio asked.

Ji-hoon walked towards him and put his hand out. "Pleased to meet you," he stated. "I'm Ji-hoon. The blue ranger that possesses the power of the Imugi." Asterio took his hand and shook it. His face started to turn red when he saw the blue ranger's face. "Oh I uh. Hi Ji-hoon" he said. "I'm Asterio. I don't have a fang but I uh....uh" Iris walked behind Asterio saying "You help locate the other 6 fangs."

Asterio thanked Iris for correcting him. He cleared his throat trying to clear his red face away. "I help you rangers look for the other 6 dragon fangs so that our enemy, Valoran, doesn't take them all."

Ji-hoon nodded. "Great! Well I'm glad to be here on the team." Es butted in asking "Wait Ji-hoon, why did we locate you in the forest?" Ji-hoon was hesitant at first but then answered "I often go there to escape my problems. I may come off as friendly but people always take advantage of me because of it. I've only ever had two real friends, or so I thought."

Asterio comforted Ji-hoon. "I'm afraid to ask but what happened?"

"Promise you guys won't make fun of me?" He asked.

Everyone nodded their heads and Ji-hoon continued.

"The truth is that they took advantage of me too. But not because of me being friendly."

"Then why?" Iris questioned.

"It's because I-" He was cut off when an alarm went off.

"What the heck is that?" Es asked.

"Alien bio signs" Asterio stated. He walked over to the computer and tried to find where the life forms were located. "It's in the plaza of Sapphire Grove."

Es looked at the map with fear. "Guys. That's the same monster in the forest, but it's not alone. It has minions with it."

"Those minions are robotic knights," Asterio explained. "They're basically centaur knights and they help Valoran and his companions. Though that other monster's identity is still unknown."

"Let's go guys," Iris said.

"Be back in a flash!" Cat exclaimed.

The four rangers exited the laboratory and headed to the plaza. Before they got there, they morphed into their ranger outfits and they were soon met by citizens fleeing from the monster.

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