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Thank you to all the readers who read my stories, voted for me, and left your comments, and thank you to all of my followers...

After a very long time, I'm here with an OS. Extremely sorry for making you all to wait.


I write this story by getting inspired by a Korean drama "Goblin". This story won't be the same as Goblin, but some incidents in it would resemble it. It is a fictional story and it doesn't depict any real incident.


Let me start a story

" I love you not ony for what you are, but for what I'm when I'm with you..."

                                                                                                                                       - By Unknown

This story is about a king name Abhiramavardhan. He is named for his ruling and war strategies. People were happy and satisfied with his ruling. Abhiramavardhan has a lot of respect for his Guru as he is the main reason for his success. His life was filled with victory and happiness. Whenever he gives judgment, it would undeniable and whenever he goes to the war zone, he would come with victory undoubtedly.

Abhiramavardhan falls in love with his Guru's daughter, Pragyarathina. As Abhiramavardhan is his closest student, Guruji also accepted it and get them married together. After the marriage, both of them's life was filled with happiness. Everything was going nice, until that day.

Abhiramavardhan was getting ready, whereas Pragyarathina was sitting on the bed with a pale face.

"What happened Pragyarathina?" Abhiramavardhan asked, approaching her.

"I don't know why, but I feel like something bad is going to happen. I have some bad vibes." Pragyarathina said.

Abhiramavardhan kneeled in front of her and held her hands. "Nothing bad would happen unless and until I'm there." He said caressing her cheek, whereas she gave a pleasant smile to him.

"Maharaj...." The soldier came, running towards him.

"What happened?"

"That Dharmaraj has entered our palace without anyone's knowledge and he is attacking everyone, Maharaj." The soldier said, nervously, whereas Abhi became angry, hearing it. He was about to go, but Pragyarathina held his hand.

He turned and looked at her, who was standing there with a worried face. "I will set everything alright." 

Abhiramavardhan took his sword and approached his enemies furiously and started to attack everyone. All of his enemies started to die slowly. The entire palace started to become a war zone. Abhiramavardhan attacked everyone with utter anger and didn't see any mercy for them. He noticed his enemy king entering into Pragyarathina's room and followed him.

The enemy king entered the room and smirked, seeing Pragyarathina, standing there nervously. He started approaching her, whereas Pragyarathina became afraid, seeing him. Abhiramavardhan came inside and saw him trying to attack his wife. Without thinking for a second, he aimed at the enemy king and threw the sword. At the neck of the time, the enemy king sensed it and moved away and as a result, the sword passed through Pragyarathina's chest.

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