Chapter 12

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I must've fallen asleep on the couch because the next thing I heard was Jack, I felt him shaking me.
"Alex...Hey. Babe." 
I opened my eyes, there he was kneeling down next to me.
I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him close.
"You're okay..." He said quietly, removing my arms long enough to stand up and get himself on the couch next to me.
I curled up against him, being careful of him.
"Why didn't you come to bed? It's like midnight."
"Why are you awake?" I asked, looking at him.
"I don't know, you just weren't there when I woke up just now. I've been sleeping since like 8." He shrugged a little.
"Sorry." I sighed.
"What happened?"
"I'm scared Jack. What if he does come back? What if he really meant it? I don't want to see him...He just..." I shook my head, "I never want to be that humiliated again. I never want to lose my dignity like that. I never want to piss him off so bad that he forces me to stand in a cold shower until I apologize or he thinks he tortured me long enough. I never want to be forced into painful sex that I'm begging to not have, where most of the time, I didn't even get to get off. Just him. Like I didn't deserve to. All I deserved is pain." I rubbed my eyes. They were sore from all the crying I did earlier.

"Alex...No one's gonna hurt you like that ever again. No one. There's not one single day that I'd let that happen. Ever." He kissed my head.
"You can't protect me everywhere. You have to go back to work soon. What are you going to do then?" I sighed. 
Jack shook his head, "You're going to be okay Alex. He isn't going to hurt you. Owen and Tiff wouldn't let that happen, right?" 
I shook my head.
"Okay, what if maybe Tiff picks you up and drops you off? He doesn't know you live here. I would but I can't until I can drive again." He sighed.
"I don't know. I'll ask Tiff. She's still up. She was just snapchatting." I got my phone out and facetimed her.

"Hey Tiff. Sorry I'm calling you so late." I mumbled.
She smiled at me, and her fiancé Kylie came on the screen, "Alex! Hi baby! It's been forever!" She beamed.
Tiff smiled, "Kylie clearly missed you." She smirked, "What's going on hun?"
I smiled a bit back, "I know it has been, sorry Kyls. I've just been...I don't know. A mess. For the last two years. A complete mess." I shook my head, "I just was talking to Jack about how scared and freaked out I am by Eli...He suggested maybe you pick me up and take me home from work? I don't know if that's something you could do, I mean I'd obviously give you gas money, but I'm afraid to really take myself. I don't know what I'll do on your days off." 
Tiff smiled, "On my days off I'll still pick you up and take you. I'm not going to let him scare you like that Alex." She moved to lay down in her bed, pulling her long hair over her shoulder. Kylie laid her head on her chest.
I smiled a little at the two.
"You'd really do that?" I ran my fingers through my hair.
Tiff nodded, "Duh. I'm not gonna let you feel unsafe. Plus, it means we get to hang out and it means I get to help you pick out an outfit and makeup like we used to!" She grinned.
Jack laughed, "Ohhh boy. Here it comes."

I grinned back at her, "Really?! You'll help me! I've been so scared like you wouldn't believe Tiff. Do you know how long it's been since I've actually worn womens clothes in public? Like I did once at the hotel I was staying at but I got made fun of so much so I stopped again and I just...I want to go back to work wearing what I want to! I keep wanting to wear this dress of mine but I'm too fucking scared to." I groaned.
Jack smirked. Kylie rolled her eyes a little and smirked right back at Jack. I knew it wasn't at me.
Tiff laughed, "Okay tomorrow I'm coming over, and you're wearing the fucking dress Alex. Oh! I'll bring these tights I have! You'll love them! So I'll pick you up and get you to work, I work tomorrow too so it's all good!" She loved Alex so much. She was sad when he left, because the conversation just sort of died, but now that he was back, it was like they just picked right up where they left off. 
I squealed a little, "Yay! Oh my god okay. Okay, so come over like an hour before work, you have to help me. I don't wanna go too crazy but I wanna look so good!" See, I felt safe at work and with Tiff there to help me, I felt safer. Maybe not so much going out shopping and all that, but work would be fine. I had Tiff and Owen to back me up.
"Okay, I'll be there. Don't be scared anymore, okay? I got you babe." Tiff smiled at me.
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow! I'll text you my address. I don't live with that idiot anymore." I grinned. We all said our goodbyes and hung up.
Jack shook his head in amusement at me, "That conversation took a turn I wasn't expecting. First you were scared, and now you're planning outfits." 
I grinned, "Tiff makes me feel safe, and Owen doesn't mind it. So. I can at least go to work dressed how I want. I think that's okay. I'm accepted there. Can we go to bed now? I can't be ugly with bags under my eyes." 
Jack laughed, "Yeah, we can go to bed." He got up, and helped me up.
We went to bed and I was actually excited for the next day. Elijah still scared the shit out of me, but hey. At least I could start feeling like myself again now that Tiff wanted to help me?
I texted her my address and went to bed that night cuddled up with my boy.

May 20th.

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