Week 7

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Eliana’s POV

Just another week. But this week we were in the top four. And this week Jason was gone. I wouldn’t let that get me down though, we were too close to winning and I couldn’t be off now. I wouldn’t do that to the girls or myself. We were so close to winning.

“El, Jess, come in here.” Leti calls from the living room.

“What’s up?” I ask as I walk in.

“Simon is calling us in a few to talk about this week,” Ashlee explains. “Sit here.” She pats the couch next to her and we all wait for the call. Finally the phone rings and Leti answers and puts it on speaker phone.

“Hello girls,” Simon says.

“Hi Simon.” We all say together.

“I’m so excited for this week, I think you will be too.” He tells us. “First you will pick your own song to perform, all on your own. Second is your song to get you to the finals, which I have decided will be,” he pauses and I’m on edge. “Torn by Natalie Imbruglia.”

“Oh, no way!” Meghan says happily. We had wanted to sing this song at judge’s house.

“I will need to know what your other song is by tomorrow ok?”

“Sounds great Simon, thank you.” Jessica says and we end the call.

“We are singing Torn!” Ashlee yells.

“But we also have to choose another one.” I remind her.

“You know how Britney liked when we did something different?” Meghan asks and we all nod. “Well since Torn in a slower song we should do a more upbeat one.”

“Not too upbeat though.” Jessica adds.

“So not a dance song but not a slow song?” I ask.

“Sounds good,” Ashlee says.

“Any ideas yet?” Leti asks and we are all quiet. “How about we think about it through the day and decide later.”

“Yeah ok, I like that idea,” Meghan says.

“So if you need to do school work do that or whatever,” Leti takes charge and we all go our separate ways.

Leti’s POV

“Shhh!” Jessica shushes us as the boys walk down the hall.

“Hey girls. Whatcha doin?” Jack asks peeking his head into our room.

“Oh you know, practicing like usual.” I say casually.

“Cool, what songs are you singing?” Garrett walks in next.

“Some good ones,” Jessica says.

“Cmon tell us. We are singing L.A. and 1, 2, 3, 4.” Kyle tells us as they all sit on Meghan’s bed.

“Yeah, and I’m singing Jump and Lego House.” Carter reveals. If they were telling us what would it hurt really?

“Well, we chose Dark Side and our other song is Torn.” Eliana discloses.

“No! You got Torn? That’s so not fair.” Logan complains.

“It is what it is,” Ashlee laughs.

“Yeah and it’s not fair. We would so rock that song,” Jack says.

“Well Simon must feel that we will too.” Meghan retorts with a smile. This wasn’t going to end well..

“Oh, so you think you’re better than us?” Kyle raises his eyebrows.

“The polls show so,” Meghan moves closer to him and they are having a major stare down. Everyone is silent and the tension goes through the roof.

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