
655 38 12

Word count: 3,038

well well well, hello besties <3


DISCLAIMER: this is part TWO to the mini-series as follows:

part 1: "positions"
part 2: "obvious"
part 3: "pov"
part 3.5 (epilogue): "someone like u"

so make sure to read those BEFORE this!


some events don't match up like mac's death (RIP we miss you.) i have decided to not include in this imagine.

Y/H/T = Your hometown

- "21" by Gracie Abrams
- "Afterglow" by Taylor Swift


track thirteen: obvious


i would stay forever
if you say,
don't go.



Part Two of Positions


i love the taste of you in the morning
keep me warm and,


A few hours went by, followed by a few days, then a few weeks, and yet Ariana had not responded. I considered the fact that she often had to change her number as part of the reason why, but that theory was shot down after I spoke to one of our mutual friends and he said that Ari hadn't switched her number as far as he was aware. I slowly started to accept the fact that Ariana did not want to talk to me.

My birthday came and went, with still nothing. It honestly broke me. Nothing was as important to me as her. I had honestly thought she had forgotten about me... that was until October 14th.

The beginning of the day was normal, Maddie had stayed the night and we were speaking about her latest casual hookup, who she seemed to be liking. As the day progressed I went to a business meeting with some of the people from my record label, who wanted me to release another album in under a year, to "stay relevant". Which honestly put more stress on me than I was prepared to have. I got annoyed when people wanted more from me than I was able to give.

I had been a tad bit happier in the recent weeks. I felt the familiar feeling that maybe it was time to move on. I started to notice when I thought about her, it was less from a place of anger and more of a place of understanding. If she found someone who she was happier with, well who was I to ever deny her that? I only started to understand my fame was growing when interviewers stopped asking me questions about her and started asking me questions. Something different every time, but the basis was the same. I had separated myself from her and her image. I thought I would hate the attention of stardom but in reality, I loved it, I thrived in it.

positions (ariana/you)Where stories live. Discover now