Chapter one

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"Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul." -Alice Walker.

Before I show you the deeper story of my life, I'm going to take you back to where it first began. October 9th, 2006
Tuesday 11:13 am

My name is Allison Johnson, and I've been teaching third grade children at an elementary school a few blocks away from me, called Maple Elementary. Overall, I can easily say I'm passionate about what I do for a living. Although there were plenty of  sleepless nights in college studying, and though I had habituated a routine consisting of early morning runs for energy drinks and coffee, it was worth every penny and time spent. However, it can be a challenge sometimes.

I looked at my cluttered desk, with test papers and lesson planners scattered across it. There were so many tests and assignments to grade that I still haven't gotten to yet, I can never seem to stay on top of it. I've been putting it on the back burner for a little over a week now. To organize my thoughts before organizing this stack of papers sitting on my desk, I took in a deep breath and exhaled as I relaxed in my chair.

It was the moments of silence like this, on every Monday test that I lived for. I closed my eyes while I listened to the trees whistling in the wind with the birds, then took another moment to listen to the traffic driving down the busy street.

One thing I can say about me, is that teaching is a passion of mine. I find peace in knowing I can expand someone's knowledge through education, so that way their life can just be a little bit easier. I find that it is my purpose to teach my students all they need to know, and make sure I'm not only making good students, but good people. It just fills my heart with this overall warmth of love and joy, that I know I'm shaping the youth. Besides, I was a child once myself, too, sitting in a classroom just like they are now.
I can still remember it to this teacher. I had this one teacher, her name was Mrs. Greenly. She taught my senior anatomy class, but she sucked every last ounce of inspiration and excitement that was left of me that year. It was the monotone in her voice every time she taught the class, and not to mention her dreaded Monday morning lectures. Senior year was rough enough already, due to my father's crippling addiction with money. My mother and father's screaming matches roared through my bedroom vents my whole last year of high school when his addiction got worse. I remember sitting in bed one night, and I thought to myself, when it's time for me to graduate and really make something of myself, no matter what it is, I will not become a replica of my mother, father, or another Mrs. Greenly.

As I was day dreaming at my desk, I was abruptly interrupted by two boys arguing in the back of my class. "Hey, that's my pencil! Give that back to me!" William thunked the boy in the forehead and snatched his pencil back. I took in a deep breath as I reached for a detention slip. Well, there are some cons to being a teacher, too. Have to have balance.

       I got home around five pm from the grocery store after work, which wasn't too late for me compared to most days when I'm at my evening yoga class. My therapist suggested incorporating more yoga into my life to release any built up energy,  and I'd have to say I feel a change somewhat. I unloaded the groceries into the refrigerator and prepared for tonight's dinner. I try to cook dinner every night for the two of us, and sometimes I'll even prepare a little meal for our dog, Pumpkin, as well, but there are some nights where work has gotten the best of us, and we find a bowl of Lucky charms satisfying enough.

While waiting at the kitchen table on the chicken and steamed broccoli to cook, I started to thumb through my mail to occupy myself. Electric bill... gas bill... I tossed them off to the side to keep in the "important, but I wish it wasn't" pile. I continued to thumb through the mail we've been too busy to go through, that's now piled up from last week. Bills... more bills... coupons... I stumbled across a wedding invitation from my boss, and I couldn't help but smile to myself. It's good to see Mike get married finally. My boss has been chatting about this woman of his since I've started teaching. I remember the day when I excitedly sent out my wedding invitations five years ago. My five year anniversary was coming up this weekend with my husband, Jasper, and if I'm being honest with you I'm still in amazement. He's seen my broken family, he's seen the wounds I still have yet to heal from, and he's seen me at my worst. Growing up, after seeing my parent's rocky relationship at a young age, I thought that was normal. That was my version of a healthy relationship, so I began to date boys when I was really young. Like, middle school. It wasn't until I met Jasper when I was sixteen and he shifted my whole perception of love. I'm still amazed that I still feel this immense, unconditional, love for another person. I've never felt so certain about spending forever with another man in my existence, until I met him. I find it fascinating, and rather baffling, how fast time flies in front of your eyes when you're in love. I find it so magical that you can look at a human being in the eyes and your entire future reflects back to you.

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