Chapter fourteen

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         3 days later|| Wednesday morning 6:14

"So, whats going on?" I asked Charlotte as I dropped her and Tristian's laundry basket in front of the guest bed. "You've been sleeping here for the last couple days, which I don't mind, but do you plan on staying for a couple more days, or what?" Charlotte picked up the basket and started folding clothes. "I guess we got a little too comfortable," She chuckled of embarrassment. "If you want us to go, we'll go." I sat down on the bed. "I just didn't expect this to be a three day stay." Charlotte opened the curtains to the bedroom window and cracked a window for fresh air. She loved watching the sunrise every morning. Mom would try and excite her for school when she was younger by telling her she'll see the sunrise if she wakes up early enough. "We like being here for a change," she admitted as she flopped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "It's nice not being hounded by our parents for once. For once I actually feel free. Mom's been calling the house phone wondering when I'm coming back. I told her I'd let her know when I know." Jasper knocked on the door before coming in. "Hey honey, I'm headed to work." He pecked my cheek and brushed my hair back. "By the way, we need to have a talk tonight." I gave him a look like I already knew what he was talking about. "Yeah, sure." I muttered. "I'll see you tonight." He waved to Tristian and Charlotte, "see ya later." "Waffles sound good for breakfast?" I asked, getting up from the bed. "I'm brewing coffee, too." "Sure," Charlotte smiled. I left the room and began walking down the stairs.

All of the sudden, I heard pots and pans clinking loudly from the kitchen, followed by a clash of things falling onto the floor. What in the world is going on? I ran down the rest of the staircase nearly tripping over my step. I seen Oliver smacking the pots together while laughing. "Oh, Ollie." I picked him up and set him on the chair. "Is this your way of saying you're hungry?" I laughed as he nodded. "Charlotte, Tristian, get down here!" I shouted as I grabbed the pan off the kitchen floor before washing it to set on the stove. "If you're going to be staying here for a couple more nights to soak in your freedom we need to set some rules, alright?" I poured them a cup of coffee and gave Oliver a cup of water. "I don't care if you the two of you decide to stay a little longer but I won't be a babysitter. I have to leave for work in an hour and I still have yet to shower. Feel free to grab whatever you see in the fridge, just don't touch the beer or the liquor in the cabinets." Charlotte gave me a funny look, submissively suggesting she's pregnant and can't drink. "Not you," I added. "After work at five Jasper takes up the T.V, so it's off limits til six." I put a waffle on the griddle and waited for it to cook. "I won't be putting any more laundry in your baskets. That's up to the two of you to wash, dry, and fold." I took a sip of the hot, bittersweet Colombian coffee and eyed the two of them. "The two of you can't be late to class, and since you have to leave early to walk to school, I'd advise you to be in bed at a decent time tonight so you get enough sleep." The two of them just looked at me. "Then again, I'm not your parent so I can't really tell you what to do. I'll continue to drop off Oliver at daycare before work, but one of you have to pick him up after school." I tossed a few waffles on their plates. "I'm gonna be late for work, I've got to start getting ready." I scrambled around in a hurry. "Thank you, sis. You've been a huge help to the four of us." "Yeah," I started to head up the staircase. "Well don't get used to this alright? I'm only letting you stay here to let things cool down things at home."

"Alright class, turn to chapter seven in your English textbooks and re sight the vocabulary words in the word bank. Once you're done looking over the words, I'm gonna hand you each a sheet of paper and I want you to spell the words I say out loud." "Another spelling test?" My student, Annabelle, groaned. "Yes," I answered back as I tried to keep the smile on my face. "Another spelling test." The whole class sighed. "I told you if each of you can reach at least an ninety percent I'll give you guys a pizza party on Friday. Sound good?" The class turned their groan into a cheer. "First word is 'brilliant'. We've all been studying our adjectives this week, haven't we?" All of the sudden my cell phone rang, and the entire class gasped at the fact my phone rang. I quickly silenced my phone, but the screen lit up indicating I missed a call from Dad. I sat back down at my desk while the class finished their spelling test, and I sent a quick text. I was anxious to see what he had wanted. Didn't he know I was teaching?

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