Chapter eleven

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Dad spit out his drink all over the dinner table. "Is this beer spiked with LSD or something? Because I think I'm hallucinating. I could've swore I heard Charlotte tell us she's pregnant." I looked around the table at everyone's uneasy expression on their face. Their jaws dropped with their eyes wide, and Charlotte's face was beat red. "Charlotte, are you being serious? Who am I kidding? You can't be serious." Mom set her fork down on her plate with a concerned look. This isn't going to be good. Charlotte didn't say a word, I observed her as I looked around the table at the disgust on everyone's judgmental face. I can't blame them, though. It is something to be shocked about. She stayed silent with the rest of us for a few moments, and I don't think she wanted to be silent, because she usually was very outspoken, but I don't think she knew how to say what she wanted to say. "Can I be excused please?" Charlotte asked. "Absolutely not!" Dad hounded. "Go ahead," mom answered, disregarding Dad. She got up from the table and walked to her bedroom, slamming it shut. "If she breaks that damn door she's buying us a new one," Dad groaned. "Forget about the door! Allison, did you know about this?" Mom wanted answers, but all I did in that moment was sit there in my chair, stunned. I didn't want to lie, but I didn't necessarily want to tell the truth either. I took a sip of my wine and didn't say anything. "Is this some fucking joke?" Benjamin scoffed. "The girl is what, sixteen? Seventeen? With 2 kids? What kind of parenting are you guys doing here?" Dad's face turned red with anger, "Don't you tell us how to parent Benjamin." Mom spoke gently trying to keep the peace, "Will the both of you quiet down please?" The way she said it sounded more like a command than a question. At least it was all on the table, but now the tension was rising fast. Benjamin laughed as he took a sip of his wine, but it wasn't genuine, or joyful, it was scornful. "You all wonder why I stopped coming around. This family is dysfunctional." Uncle Brian interfered now, "Hey Benny, just sit down alright?" Benjamin slammed his fist on the table and his glass spilled all over, but he didn't care. "All I've ever wanted was parents that genuinely gave a damn." "Oh shut up would you?" Dad drunkenly slurred. "I don't remembering you being this dramatic. Jesus. Your mother and I have been doing the best we could. Did you forget we paid for your college?" Mom started to tear up as she spoke with her voice shaky, "He's right." Dad slammed his beer on the table, "hell, I know I'm right." She shook her head. "No, Dave. Benjamin's right. We have been awful parents. Look at where we're at now." Aunt Linda walked over and patted Mom on the back, "Oh don't blame yourself, Cindy. Our mother and father raised us to the best of their ability, but I still chose the path I wanted to live. I wasn't exactly a saint in my college years. You've seen the mug shots." I raised my eyebrows in shock. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "My point is, people are going to do what they want to do regardless of how they were brought up." "Bullshit." Ben intervened. "We needed guidance!" I looked over at Jasper, who was stuffing his face full of mashed potatoes. He didn't say a word yet, and I don't blame him. I've never seen my family at odds like this, and I'm just hoping it's the last time. I can't really say I agree with Ben. He must've forgotten all they have done for us. We had movie night every Friday, we had our annual camping trips, and I even remember craft time was a routine every Wednesday after dinner. Family is all we ever had growing up, so for him to blame them was extremely unfair. Charlotte stormed into the dining room and interrupted the argument. "How do you think I feel?" She started sobbing, and Mom and I instantly got up out of her seat to comfort her. "If we could stop the bickering, and talk like normal people, I'd like to come back to the table and finish dinner please." "Of course," mom said soft. "But, this doesn't excuse a thing. You're grounded until your father and I say you're not any more, and you will be getting a job to earn money for this baby. Your father and I can't financially support another child. We're struggling to support ourselves as it is. And..." mom choked on her words, "If you don't find a job within a month, and if you don't stick with your job once you get one, you're out on your own. Understood? And where the hell is Tristian tonight?" If they knew about that they'd really lose it. Uncle Joe shrugged, "I could use a part time leaf raker over the next few weeks, and then a snow plower in the winter." Aunt Linda stepped up, "I could use some extra help sweeping and mopping at my salon up the street." "That's all great," Charlotte mocked, "but what about my well being? My life?" Benjamin rolled his eyes. "Charlotte, I love you but what the hell is going on with you lately? Your focus can no longer be on yourself. This isn't about you, it's about your baby." Mom was furious, but she put her hand on Charlotte's shoulder anyway. I couldn't imagine the pressure that was on her right now at this dinner table. The air was heavy, and I know she never did well with anxiety. My eyes flickered towards Dad, who was leaned back in his chair with his eyes closed. I then looked at Jasper, who's been dead quiet the majority of dinner. Aunt Linda had a slight frown on her face, looking like she was sympathizing. Oliver was picking up his food with this hands and eating big scoops of mashed potatoes. I looked down below me at my full plate of food. I cleared my throat to at least hear some noise in the room. "I don't know how I'm going to be able to handle this," Charlotte broke the silence. "I- I mean I can't juggle high school, a job, two babies, a social life, and time to my self at seventeen. It's just not possible." Dad rubbed his temples, "you can and you will, Charlotte. This is all your doing, alright? Once you start taking some accountability for your actions you will-" Mom cut him off. "Please, David. Don't." "Don't what?" Dad slurred, wasted. "Don't tell her the truth? She's slipping, Cindy. If she doesn't start taking some initiative now she'll be even worse off in the future." "Like you?" Benjamin muttered under his breath. "Excuse me?" Dad crinkled his forward and sat up. A tear streamed down Charlotte's face and it tore at my heart strings that I was helpless in this situation. But before anyone could say anything else, Jasper spoke up for the first time since dinner started. "We'll adopt the baby, Allison and I."

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