Episode 4: Momento

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Trey: Araru! Leave her be!!

(Eva's eyes roll down to reveal that they are iridescent and the irises are a smooth gem appearance.)

Eva: Or what, boy!?

Trey: *Hesitant* Don't make me...Don't make me do this!

Eva: Hahaha! Did you think this was over!? Huh!?

Trey: No, I didn't. I knew his day was coming and I couldn't prepare for it at all!

Eva: Well, now that I'm here, what do you plan to do? Because if you want me gone, you'll have to kill this girl!

Trey: I…

Eva: How ironic, a father and son fighting a father and daughter. A child betraying its parent due to this silly bond you hold so dear!

(Trey falls to his knees feeling conflicted. He stares at Eva for a moment and all he could think is how he should have shown her more love. This thought leads him to his next action.)

Trey: (Eva, I should have been there for you better. Now, it may be too late. But...but I would be even worse as a father if I let you suffer this way!) Raine, Jey, come to me!!

(Trey blasts a large flame up into the sky alerting Raine. Jey sits in his home, not budging, even as the Earth shakes. He notices the flame in the sky, but is unable to bring himself to move. Raine aims towards the flame and launches forward at mach 3.)

Eva: You think calling others will save you? Bah! Your lives end here.

(Eva puts her hands together and power wells up within. Trey instantly realizes what Araru is going to make her do and he rushes forward to attack, but Eva bends backward to dodge and he flies over her. Trey stops, turns, and throws a right hook into a left roundhouse, but Eva blocks the hook and grabs Trey's leg and slams him onto the ground Trey puts on his armor before impact, but it nearly shatters when he hits the ground. The cracks slowly repair as he turns to Eva.)

Trey: You weren't this strong before!

Eva: Yes, true. The way I forcefully fused with Hoffman reduced my power entirely. Your way of doing things is disgusting, but shows results. Even now, even without it being mutual, I have greater power.

(Trey jumps up and unleashes a hi-ougi level flame attack. Flames surround and engulf Eva, but with a twist of her wrist, the flames come under her control. Raine arrives to see Eva controlling the flames.)

Raine: Eva!!!

Eva: Oh? Mommy's here?

Trey: Raine, I have to!

Raine: I-...It's not fair!

Trey: Hi-ougi: Rage!

(A giant black and orange ball forms above Trey. In that instant, Eva gets behind Trey with light speed. Catching Trey off guard, Eva forces her hand through his armor and into his lower spine.)

Eva: You don't have him here to help you with this now. Let me return you to your true state!

Trey: Don't-!

(She rips the metal prosthetic from his back. Trey falls over onto the ground and his ball of flame gently starts to descend.)

Raine: No!

(Raine goes to move towards Trey, but Eva locks her into place by spiking rocks into her torso. Raine screams in pain.)

Eva: Another fault of mine was holding back against you all. Stupid of me to only match my elements against yours. I gave you too many openings. As a being who controls, moves, and perceives everything at the speed of light, there was no reason I should have lost back then. Now lay there, as I release my children from your horrid grasps and purge you disgusting humans! Uni-ougi!!

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