Episode 23: ...Fade To End Part Two

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Sokka: *Hitting the ground* Did you just…?

Fsoldier: Return fire!

Eva: Stop it!!

(Both sides begin to shoot at the other. Sokka is hit several more times with stray bullets, Killing him. Eva cries out, but her voice is overshadowed by gun fire. Emotionally charged, she seems to somewhat tap into her power in the staff and her area of influence expands across the island. She freezes time once more, stopping the nukes as well.)

Eva: *Thinking* I stopped it. But…*Tears flowing heavily from her eyes* It's too late for Sokka! These guys, I ought to kill them!! But I can't, I said I wouldn't resolve things through hate! They have to learn. *Technas' voice echoing in her mind* (With Araru and I, you can do anything.)

(She reaches her hand out and turns it slowly counter clockwise. The events on the island begin to reverse.)

Eva: I have to try again.

(She rewinds it back to just as she arrives.)

Eva: Be calm. Speak to them sternly.

(She looks at Sokka, frozen in time.)

Eva: I won't do this without you. *Unfreezes time*

RL: She's a god! You understand!?

Eva: Hey!

RL: Evangeline! Our Goddess! Everyone, bow! Praise her!

Eva: Please! Stop praising me. I get that you're thankful. You must not know what else to do, but this isn't it. You can't force people to do what you want.

RL: You don't understand. You are an absolute, tangible power. Why wouldn't we worship you?

FL: Because she asked you not to. She does have human roots after all. She's no divine being.

RL: Blasphemy! You do not know what you're saying! Human or not, she is made divine by the creatures she harbors in her body. A vessel for a greater power, fused into flesh.

Eva: This wasn't the view of amalgram before!

RL: Oh, but it was. Though Hoffman made sure to shut us few up and conscript us to his army. But there were and are those who worshipped the amalgram.

Eva: Can't we just come to an agreement!?

FL: I don't think so. He's a religious nut.

RL: We won't stop until we've converted each and every person!

FL: *Sigh*

(The free leader pulls out a gun and fires on the religious leader, shooting him in the head. Gun fire erupts and each army miles out starts moving in. Eva starts halting bullets in the air, then spitting air bullets to break their guns.)

Sokka: Eva!

(She goes to look, but is immediately blown to the side. Turns out that each side has mach tanks in their possession. Part of Eva's left side is blown off and in her panic, she looks around for Sokka. All she sees is a mist of blood, and her eyes widen.)

Eva: Again!? Again!?!?!?

(She once again stops time across the island. The obelisk glowing this time. She rewinds time once more, but this time to one week ago, just before the meeting began. All of her injuries are healed and Sokka is back at their home.)

Eva: With him not here, there's no way he can get hurt. *Unfreezes time*

RL: Let's get this started.

Eva: Hold it!

RL: Evangeline! Our-!

Eva: Shut up! The nukes, I know you have them! Disarm them now!

Collaborator Arc 4: Fade To EndWhere stories live. Discover now