An Emotional Sponge

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"Okay, how the hell do people live in these castles?" I asked myself as I searched Matt's house for some painkillers. Everything from crying to me yelling to head-butting some prick, is surely gonna have Matt's head throbbing. I walked into a room and really wished I had walked out. It was Celia's room.

Hers was a bit smaller than Matthew's. There were beautiful floor-to-ceiling windows on the opposite side of the room. A wooden bookcase occupied the left of the room and the other side of the room was a desk. Her Apple desktop computer, papers and book took up all the space on that desk. If it weren't for the Queen sized four post bed pushed up against the wall with the windows, this room could have been easily mistaken for an office. Seriously, the only things missing were glass doors, a receptionist and marble floors.

"Sad right?" I jumped at Matt's voice and turned around.

Fresh from a hangover, at noon, filthy and he still was the best looking man I had ever seen. I walked into his arms.

"You're supposed to be in bed."

"I always told her to stop working so much and find a guy, adopt a baby, take a vacation but she never wanted to." He voice broke at the end.

I looked up at him, "Hey, no one knew this would happen. People take planes all the time. Fucked up shit just happens sometimes."

He ran his fingers through my hair and I closed my eyes and titled my head back. I swear, nothing was as orgasmic as someone playing in your hair.


"¿Mateo? ¿Dónde estás, hijo?"

I moved away from him as soon as I heard footsteps coming closer.

"Estoy aquí mama." He said still looking at me.

A short plump Hispanic woman came rushing into the room. I couldn't get a good look at her face because she buried it into Matt's chest. She wore a dark-green maxi dress with a beige cardigan and sandals. She was crying hysterically and mumbling in Spanish. I started crying too and then a tall stocky man walked in. He had a look of pure anguish on his face as he hugged his son and wife.

I felt like I was imposing but wasn't sure how to slink away without being rude. I waited and stood in the corner.

His mother's sobs slowed and she raised her head. I finally got a good look at her. She had those same monolid eyes as Celia, was fairly short and had flawless copper skin. She looked around the room and started to cry again until she saw me.

"I am so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Sanchez. I had heard a lot about Celia and never got a real chance to meet her. I can't imagine the pain you must be suffering from but I do wish that you heal from it in the best possible way."

Yeah it was a little wordy but no child should go before their parents, it just wasn't right. And the whole 'I'm sorry for your loss' thing needed a little more love in it.

She grabbed my hands and held them close to her heart, "Thank you so much." I was surprised that she spoke in English as clear as day without an accent but then I remembered that she was a goddamn business mogul. She probably spoke Swedish.

"I'm Chamomille by the way."

"Thank you for taking care of our son." His father said, coming up to pat my shoulder.

"If I'm being truthful, we've only known each other for a couple of days."

"Well that may be true but you don't seem irresponsible enough to throw a wild party like Mateo would."

I look passed Mrs. Sanchez and at her son who was leaning against the wall, smirking. "Yeah I shut the party down, after he stood me up."

She looked over her shoulder and scolded him in Spanish and he looked embarrassed. "How about we let Chamomille go home and maybe we can all go out for dinner?"

"I think that's perfect, after you clean up this house Matthew." His father said, giving him a pointed look.

"It was really nice to meet you and I can't wait for dinner tonight." His mom let go of my hands and kissed my cheek and his father squeezed my hand.

Matt held out his hand for me and we walked downstairs to my car, hand in hand.

"So, you met my parents."

"Looks like I got the seal of approval too. You might be seeing more of me than you originally planned." I said smiling.

He leaned up against my car and pulled me into his arms. He hugged my waist tightly, buried his face into my shoulder and once again, we just stood there as time flew by. Matt was sad, hell, so was I. How the hell was I supposed to feel any other way? I was like an emotional sponge, I think that was a personal favorite trait of mine.

Matt finally let me go and I missed the physically contact. He opened up my car door and I kissed his cheek, telling him I'd see him later then I was on my way home with a lot on my mind.

I pulled into my garage and couldn't wait to take a shower, I tried to sneak through the house but there was a lot of shit going on. Guys moved back and forth carrying boxes, wrapping furniture, sweeping and just packing up everything. Some guy winked at me and I flipped him off, smiling before walking upstairs. My room had yet to be touched and I was thankful for that. I stripped and soaked for about thirty minutes then took an hour long shower. When I got out Samantha was in my room.

"Hey." I spoke looking for underwear and some loungewear.

"Hi, I just thought that we could talk before your dad comes back."

"Where did he go?"

"We know how crappy it would be to ask you to go back home, so we bought you an apartment!"

I didn't want her to know just how happy I was to hear that so I just nodded my head.

"To be honest Chamomille, we've been thinking about moving to Ghana for a couple months now. My mom's down there and all my other family members. And you know your dad's never been close with his family other than you and your mom, so we decided that this was for the best." She smiled sadly.

"Yeah, but what about me? Will I get to see him again? Or the babies? Or you?"

"Well we won't be able to fly until the kids get a little older. And taking care of three newborns is going to be challenging but, we'll definitely make the time to see you. How's that sound?"

"Reasonable." She patted my hand and squeezed it then I heard a knock at my door.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah dad."

"I'll let you guys have your time." Sam said and left.

My dad walked in and I started to cry. He was moving some place, where it wasn't as easy for me to get to. He won't be a state away anymore. He held me and rocked me gently while patting my back.

"At least I won't embarrass you in front of your boyfriend."

I half smiled, half grimaced, "Oh yeah, that's where I was yesterday. A lot of sad stuff going on over there."

"Doesn't seem like much of an excuse to keep my baby girl waiting."

"No, this was one of those extreme exceptions."

He didn't press the issue and I was thankful for that. We sat there and talked about my new apartment, the selling of the house and just joked around.

Somehow we managed to fall asleep, his snoring woke me up though. I got a text during my stretches and I just remembered that I had a dinner date with Matthew and his family. I shooed my dad out the room and replied to the text, frantically searching for something classy and dressy. I found the perfect dark blue skater dress with a halter neckline and matched it with a pair of high heeled black booties.

I promised my dad and Sam that I'd be back before they left and walked out the door. Too much has happened within the last 24 hours and if there was ever a perfect time for underage drinking, this was it.

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