Té Curativa

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I jumped out my skin as I heard the many cars honking behind me. I probably should have pulled over and fondled my car, but the ride was just too damn smooth and i couldn't keep my hands off everything!

I pulled off from the green light and parked into the parking lot of the organic market my mother and I went to. It was a long-shot hoping he still worked here but I just had to see.

I parked Chrysanthemum next to a minivan and got out. Maybe hiding my baby next to an eye-sore will keep her safe. If not, someone might lose a limb today.

I climbed out the beamer, blew it a kiss, picked out a cart and walked in the market.

The loveliest thing about organic produce was not only the taste but the super bright colors. Everything had been picked from the garden, rinsed and placed on these beautiful glass shelves. I forgot everything else as I shopped.

I danced around the market earning some stares and giggles. I picked up a pair of beautiful avocadoes, ten mangos, three coconuts, a case of bottled water, five bunches of kale and other various things. I had my cart full and figured I'd make another trip to this lovely store at another time.

I was on my way to checkout until I heard a snippet of the world's sexiest voice. I'd be an idiot not to follow it, so I did. The guy was speaking Spanish and I melted. I didn't understand a lick of what he was saying but I wasn't moving a muscle until he stopped talking.

I propped my leg onto a bar of the cart and hunched over, eavesdropping like a creep. I was probably sitting there for five minutes but when I heard his voice coming closer I started to move. Of course I was too late and rammed into a female.

She was a pretty Latin woman. Hazel monolid eyes, freshly waxed eyebrows, plump lips and her light brown hair fell down in layers around her face. Even as she gave me the stink eye, she was striking. She looked behind her, rolled her eyes and stormed away. I faintly heard her shrieking in Spanish but I sort of blocked her out, focusing only on the calm masculine voice that accompanied her.

"Sorry!" I screamed out when she was probably leaving the store. I shook my head at my dumb ass.

"Perdoname, Hermosa."

I looked up and I'm sure my heart hit the floor. It was him! The guy I had a crush on when I was ten!

Only I wasn't ten anymore and this isn't a crush. This was something else I wasn't prepared to acknowledge.

He was probably a couple inches shorter than my dad, glowing bronze skin and his black hair was cut at the sides and a bit messy in the front.

He was wearing sunglasses, some Khaki pants, converse and a black shirt that hugged his frame deliciously.

Why would this fallen angel drop into my life?

"I'm sorry, beautiful."

"No I should seriously watch where I'm going. Life's a bit quicker here than where I'm from."

"Can I ask where they make such fine-looking women like yourself?"

I placed my hand behind my neck a lightly touched the nape. Stupid comforting gesture for when I was nervous.

"Portland." I finally answered.

He lifted his glasses, so that they sat at the top of his head, "Maybe you'll show me around sometime."

"Well I'd have to have your number for that." I inwardly groaned at my corny line but kept my flirty disposition.

He chuckled and my knees buckled. He reached into his back pocket and handed me a gold smartphone with a severely cracked screen. I swear my heart broke a little. Blame it on my intense empathy, but cracked phone screens make me a bit emotional.

I looked through the cracks to see that it was locked and told him to enter his pin. He didn't have one so I added my number and put a flower next to my name before giving it back. He looked at it and smiled.

"Like the tea? Pinche perfecta." He said before reaching for my hand and kissing it.

"Don't have me waiting impatiently all day for a text like a love sick teenager." I said starting to impress myself with my confidence.

"Of course not, I get clingy. You've been warned té curativa." He winked and gently placed my hand down then strolled away.

I couldn't stop smiling as I walked out of my room and downstairs.

Matt and I had been talking since I got home. I found out that the woman from earlier was his sister, Celia. That spat that they were having was because she wanted him to take over the business while she visited their parents in Cuba.

His family owns the market and as an avid lover of produce, I was too excited about that.

Matt wasn't the business type though, he told me suits were 'el diablo', the devil.

The twenty three year old had grown a huge garden, not too far from where I live. Told me that he worked much better behind the scenes. I learned that gardening was his passion and according to him, I'd never have to spend money on something that he could easily grow. Obviously I fell in love with him after that beautiful admission.

I actually had no clue what I was getting myself into. I'm putting my feelings out there for the first time. Who the hell knows what kind of emotional rollercoaster I'm getting on? I don't even like rollercoasters!

Yeah, it was awesome to find a guy that understood, respected and loved most of the same things that I do but am I going to be getting myself into some shit over a crush that's almost a decade old?

I peeled and diced some mangoes and peaches and grabbed a handful of grapes after snapping out of my thoughts. I put the fruits in the blender with some apple juice and ice then I blended it. Smoothies brightened life tenfold and if it weren't a smoothie, I probably wasn't gonna drink it.

I stopped the blender, unplugged it and emptied my mixture into a tall glass cup. Not wanting to be too messy, I placed the blender pitcher into the dishwasher and walked back upstairs and sat up in bed, sipping.

I was just about done with my smoothie and ready for bed when my phone rang. It was almost midnight. I rolled my eyes and felt a little uneasy when I saw that it was Matt. I answered.


"I couldn't end our conversation talking about dragon fruit now could I? You have a good night, mi querida. I'll see you tomorrow."

There wasn't a force on Earth that could keep me from smiling when I hear his voice.

"My night would be a lot nicer with a promise."

"Cualquier cosa. Anything."

"You have to get that screen fixed."

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