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The story is completely my imagination with some part from the original serial as well... So plz excuse for any mistakes that would happen...

Part of story before Ragini United shekhar and sharmistha with some twists...

The story starts after janaki's death... Ragini was just 5 yrs old...
One day she was sitting on the stairs of terrace of badi... Suddenly swara came from no where and was climbing up Ragini was unaware of it and all of a sudden she slipped and fell down... Ragini was shocked seeing it...
Dida came running to her and found her unconscious... She saw Ragini standing there and misunderstood that Ragini pushed her... She wanted to revenge her and dadi for what they had done to sharmistha ( Here dida blames Ragini too for sharmistha's state) hence started badmouthing ragini...
When swara woke up she too blamed Ragini coz she feared her dida and also coz she was jealous of seeing Ragini having a father where as she doesn't (little did she know that shekhar was least interested towards Ragini)... As a result shekhar sent Ragini to hostel...

Once she completed her studies and had turned 18 her dadi wanted her to get married hence she was again back at badi... Ragini was reluctant to return but had to return coz of her dadi's emotional drama and her hidden mission(Lot of mysteries are yet to unfold about Ragini's life at hostel and her reason for coming back)...

Now coming back to the story everything happened same until Ragini's truth was out...


To be continued...


Plz excuse for any mistakes... Let me know ur views... Suggestions for story cover are most welcome...



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