Chunin Exams

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Land of Waves

Naruto, Kakarra, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi, Haku and Zabuza were just leaving The Land of Waves. The bridge was named The Great 7 Bridge for the effort of Team 7. They finished their meals with all of the shops being opened and making profit. No more kids were on the street begging for money. Instead, they were running around playing with each other.

Zabuza and Haku had nowhere to go so they asked if they could go to Konoha. Kakarra, Naruto and Sakura had no problem with that. Sasuke didn't care. Kakashi was unsure if he could convince the Hokage but Naruto and Kakarra volunteered for the convincing part.


You could now see Team 7 with 2 others entering Konoha. They went straight to the Hokage tower. They planned to split the pay and make the former Mist Ninjas into Leaf Ninjas. It didn't even take too long before the Hokage gave up and said that he would allow them after checking their skill levels. They then split ways.

1 month later. Chunin Exams

It was now the Chunin Exams and shinobi of many villages came to Konoha to represent their country and/or village. However there was only 2/5 of the great nations participating. Konohagakure and Sunagakure. Unbeknownst to Konoha, The Sand and The Sound village were planning to attack them.

Naruto and Kakarra were walking when they both see a square box with eye holes disguised as a rock.

"Come on out Konohamaru. Rocks aren't square." Naruto said bored.

"As expected of my bosses and my greatest rival."

The rock then exploded revealing a lot of smoke and three coughing 8 year olds.

"I think you used to much gunpowder Konohamaru." A female voice said.

"I'm Konohamaru and I'm gonna be the Hokage one day!"

"I'm Udon and I like math!" A snotty nosed kid said

"I'm Moegi and I like being pretty!" The female voice said.

"And together we are the Konohamaru Corps!" All three said simultaneously.

Sakura came after hearing all the commotion.

"Hey Kakarra! Hey Naruto!" Sakura called out to them.

"Oh hey Sakura!" Kakarra said back.

"Who's this?" Konohamaru asked

"One of our other teammates." Kakarra responded.

"Hey could you guys to us a favour and get us a drink. It's so hot today." Naruto said.

"No problem Boss!"

After they turned the corner you could hear a thump and a "that hurt you brat!" soon after. They rushed towards it and saw Konohamaru being held up by a Sand Ninja.

"Put him down." Naruto said

"Or what." The Ninja asked

Just then a pebble hit his wrist and he dropped Konohamaru.

"Who are you?" He asked Sasuke

"I don't matter. Attacking the Third's grandson could be considered an act of war. Do you want to go to war because of your stupidity?" Sasuke questioned

He only kissed his teeth in response.

"Kankuro let's get out of here before he comes." The blonde girl said.

"Yeah, Temari. Thanks for the idea." Kankuro said.

"You! In the tree! Get down here!" Kakarra said.

And soon after a red-head came down. He then threatened his teammates. He also asked for Naruto's, Kakarra's and Sasuke's names and left.

Time skip to the Chunin Exams. Written Exam

Ibiki has just finished explaining the rules of the first exam. Everyone's cheating methods stay the same but Naruto and Kakarra get the answers off Kurama because he's smart. The tenth question is the same and Naruto doesn't get rid of everyone's fears so there's less teams.

Forest Of Death. Survival Exam

Team 7 stayed as a 4 person team. The only difference is that one person can't fight when attacking for a scroll. They chose Sakura because she was the weakest and was meant to be the medic. She learnt a tiny bit of medical Ninjutsu in the 1 month time skip.

They were discussing what to use as a password when suddenly a huge gust of wind separates Naruto from the others. A giant snake goes to distract Naruto so Orochimaru can get Sasuke.

When Orochimaru attacks, Kakarra fights him off with her speed and KI blasts. She tells Sasuke and Sakura to go find Naruto and help him. And then bring him here. Kakarra then holds him off. Orochimaru tries to give her a curse mark because he wants KI now but she keeps flying away. Orochimaru tries to bite Sasuke but Naruto cuts his head off with a sword but he substituted and left after Anko and Anbu came as backup. The Anbu report to the Hokage whilst Team 7 go to the tower with 2 scrolls after beating a random team.


The matches are the same except it's Lee vs Kakarra and Gaara doesn't fight because of the extra person. And Sakura beats Ino because of the extra training from Kakashi.

Lee and Kakarra agree to do a Taijutsu only match. They start off with simple punches and kicks but then Gai/Guy allows Lee to take of his weights. He gets much faster and Kakarra can't keep up. Then she takes off her weighted wristbands, boots and GI top. She's left in her GI trousers and her turquoise shirt. You could see her defined muscles. Her speed is now above Lee's and now he is on the defensive, not that anyone besides a few Jounin and Hokage could see what was going on. Gai/Guy then tells Lee to open his 5 gates which he does and Kakarra could sense his power and was in shock. In response to Lee, Kakarra goes into her golden form (super saiyan).


Kakarra was training her Taijutsu so she could access more of her KI but she was struggling to do it. Kurama then told her that her rage was necessary to access more of her KI. Though, that was a problem because she was always so happy. Naruto had to help her by saying stuff like "I never thought of you as a friend.", "I always hated you" and "Your parents probably abandoned you."

All of her emotions bubbled up and she went super saiyan and gave a hard punch to Naruto in anger. But she forgave him after because he was only trying to help. She named it her 'golden form' because she doesn't even know she is a Saiyan.

Flashback end

Lee and Kakarra were now moving too fast for even the Hokage to see. Only Naruto saw after having his senses enhanced by Kurama. Every punch Lee threw was countered by a punch from Kakarra and so was every kick. After a while of blocking, Kakarra went on the offensive landing many blows forcing Lee to close his gates. Both were very tired but Lee gad sustained more damage and Kakarra was still in super saiyan so he eventually lost. But he lost with a smile on his face, knowing that there were other people who valued Taijutsu just as much as he did.


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