Sasuke's and Kakarra's date (filler chapter)

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With Kakarra

Kakarra and Naruto had gotten a bigger apartment than their old one due to the fact that they would need more space. They were currently unpacking their stuff and putting into draws, closets, etc.

"So I heard you're going on a date with Sasuke." Naruto said

"Yeah. I am. He has a crush on me and I'm not gonna lie, I have a little crush on him too. Not enough to make me a fangirl though." Kakarra replied. "Are you and Hinata official now?"

"Sort of. We both like each other and we are aware of it but we haven't gotten into a relationship yet."


8pm at Ichiraku's

Sasuke and Kakarra met up and ordered some ramen. Ayame and Teuchi, the owners, were glad to see one of their favourite customers back again in 3 years. And this time, she came with her soon-to-be boyfriend.

Their date was smooth. The food was good. They talked about each other. They enjoyed it. Talked about their dreams. They talked about their training and adventures. Kakarra insisted that they go to one more place. That place was a grass patch on The Hokage Mountain. It showed a spectacular view of Konoha in all of it's current glory. Konoha looked beautiful with all the lights on at night.

"So what do you think of this place. Me and Naruto came here a lot when growing up."

"It's great. The breeze and the view. The comfort. But most of all, your presence." He said. She blushed.

"Thanks Sasuke."

"So. Is it official? Are we together? Like boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Hell yeah. If anyone has a problem, they can talk to me."

Sasuke chuckled at his now-girlfriend's actions. He still wanted to get closer though. He resorted to one last thing.

"Sasuke....!?!?" A startled Kakarra shouted as she felt a hand on her ass.

"If we're official then you wouldn't mind me doing this."

"You're right. I don't. I actually quite like it. You can do all you want Sasuke."

Sasuke smirks at this. They then watch Konoha for about 30 minutes before Sasuke pulls another move.

Kakarra was yet again startled when she was lifted off the ground and placed on Sasuke's lap. She then felt him playing with her hair. It had grown out but still had the same style.

"I like your hair. It's unique. Soft as well. Though it does look like you haven't brushed you hair since you were born. But I don't care about that.  Everything about you is appealing to me. You, your confidence, your kindness, your abilities as a kunoichi and your body is quite nice as well." Sasuke flirted.

"I hear that a lot." Kakarra was blushing at what Sasuke said. "Your hair is nice too. Ducks are one of my favourite animals."

"Thanks....Wait what?" Sasuke realising he had been made fun of. Kakarra just laughed at this.

"I admire your strength the most." Sasuke said.

"I don't understand. Doesn't that count as my abilities as a kunoichi?"

"Nah. That weird thing that makes you wanna protect this village despite what it's done to you and Naruto. I like to call it strength."

"Thank you Sasuke." Kakarra said as she leaned back into Sasuke, placing her head onto his chest.

"Anytime. If you need comforting, I'm available. Isn't that what boyfriend and girlfriend do."

"Yeah...." Kakarra said blushing making her look like a tomato.

"You know there's one thing I like and it's tomatoes and you currently look like one."

"Woah....Who knew the 'Last Uchiha' was such a great flirter. "

"I am pretty great aren't I."

"Shut up."


They stayed like that for another 15 minutes before Kakarra got up to leave. Sasuke stood up as well.

"Are you leaving?" Sasuke asked

"Yeah. I gotta get home."

"Are we official or not?"

"Does this answer your question?"

"Does what answ- mmmph."

Sasuke's eyes widened as he felt lips on his. They were kissing. They weren't ready for tongue kissing yet so they stopped it there. They still enjoyed it. They both had faint blushes on their cheeks and Kakarra was holding her arm.

"Yeah it does." Sasuke answered Kakarra's earlier question.

"See you later." Kakarra said as she flew off.

They both went home with blushes at what Kakarra had done. They were now officially boyfriend and girlfriend.


What do you guys think of this chapter? I decided not to pull a Kishimoto and skip all the romance so I made their date a separate chapter. I prefer this Sasuke much more than Canon Sasuke. And Naruto would have realised his feelings for Hinata earlier as he is much smarter.

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