Tsunadae and leaving The Leaf for Training

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With Jiraiya and Naruto

Jiraiya was impressed with Naruto. He was the prodigy of his generation. He learnt the Rasengan in a month. He could already control 7 of the Kyuubi's chakra and he was super fast with Kage level Chakra reserves. He already learnt the Arts of Sealing and when he asked him where he learnt it from he was flabbergasted. He told him that the Kyuubi had trained him. Naruto explained the truth of The Kyuubi Attack. He was stunned by this 12 nearly 13 year old boy. He already knew about his parents. They came to a Hotel to relax. They didn't know that Kakashi was attacked by Itachi's Tskuyomi and was severely damaged and him and Kisame, his partner, were currently coming for Naruto.


"Hey do you wanna find Kakashi sensei and ask for a mission whilst Naruto is gone?" Sakura asked.

Kakarra and Sasuke agreed. They went around looking for Kakashi but Kakarra could sense him and a few other Jounins so it didn't take long.

When they got there they saw Kakashi laying down either asleep or unconscious. He looked like he was in pain.

"Why is Kakashi sensei sleeping? And why are all these Jounin in one room?" Sasuke asked.

Then they heard something they weren't expecting.

A stupid Jounin had said "Is it true that Itachi has returned and is after Naruto Uzumaki."

All of the Genins' eyes widened and all the other Jounins face palmed.

At this they rushed out of the room and Kakarra flew towards Naruto's Chakra signature whilst holding Sasuke and Sakura.

They arrived to see Naruto and Jiraiya standing together in a fighting position and Itachi across the room with his Sharingan active. Sasuke activated his in response.


"Hello foolish little brother."

"You bastard. You think you have the right to kill all the Uchihas and then after being gone for 5 years think you can return and take one of my best friends. Well your wrong Itachi! I'm gonna kill you before you can take anyone else from me!" Sasuke said as he activated his Chidori and ran to Itachi.

Itachi punches him in the gut but all of a sudden Kakarra appears underneath him and kicks his leg so he's off balance. Itachi stumbles and Sasuke punches him in the face. That's when Jiraiya turns the walls into a toad's stomach and Itachi and Kisame retreat. Sasuke is about to run after Itachi but he's held back by Kakarra.

"Don't." Is the one word that comes out of her mouth.

Sasuke obliges and turns off his Sharingan. Sasuke is amused at Itachi running away from him.

Sasuke, Sakura and Kakarra go back to Konoha and the rest of the Tsunadae retrieval arc goes the same except Naruto destroys Kabuto with his Rasengan.


Tsunadae was appointed as The 5th Hokage after losing a bet to Naruto. She healed Kakashi and he recovered soon after. She agreed to take Sakura on as her student and she was amazed at the power in Kakarra's punches. Kakarra and Tsunadae both took a liking to each other quite quickly. All in all, it was good in Konoha despite being attacked by Orochimaru recently.

Naruto had gained more of the Civilians respect by bringing back Tsunadae and Kakarra got respect of both Civilians and Shinobi of Konoha by defeating Gaara. Unfortunately, the  Akatsuki were still a threat. And so Naruto had to go with Jiraiya on a Three year training trip. Kakarra not wanting to be left behind requested a solo three year training trip which was also approved by The Hokage. But before they left, Konoha 13 had a slumber party of sorts at Sasuke's house since it was the biggest.

They had fun. They talked with each other and then they played a game. A game where you would talk about your romantic interests.

So they started playing the game. And here are their answers:

Hinata said Naruto.

TenTen said Gaara. (They had met again after Kakarra's Talk no Jutsu.)

Sakura said Lee.

Ino said No one currently. (She realised that she has no chance with Sasuke)

Kiba said No one.

Neji said No one.

Shikamaru said Temari.

Lee said Sakura. They're official now.

Naruto said Hinata. They will be official after the Training Trip.

Shino said No one.

Choji said food.

Kakarra said No one.

They all turned to Sasuke who was blushing like crazy. They thought he was ill.

That was until Sasuke said he likes Kakarra.


Kakarra blushed like crazy as well. Naruto shot Sasuke a death glare. Sakura laughed because she saw this coming. And everyone else was silent.

Then Kiba said "Well that was awkward. Let's move on and forget about that. Ok." He looked at Kakarra and saw she was as red as a tomato. "Hey Sasuke do you like tomatoes because if you do you'll have a good time with her." He then pointed at Kakarra and everyone saw her blushing. Sasuke blushed even harder and Kakarra fainted.

The Next Day. Naruto's and Kakarra's departure.

"See you guys in 3 years." Sakura said.

"You too." Naruto replied.

Sasuke and Kakarra refused to talk to each other because of yesterday. They gave their goodbye gifts to their other friends who were also at the gate. Then they left. They left for different goals. Naruto wanted to be strong to protect himself and his friends from the Akatsuki. Kakarra didn't wanna be left in the dust and she wanted a certain power. Subconscious movement otherwise known as Ultra Instinct.

(A/N: Kakarra is a lot more smarter than Goku so she came up with the idea of possibly moving subconsciously. She didn't know if it would work but she knew it would make her much stronger and fix many of her flaws.)


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