Chapter 1: Is This A Joke?

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"You're joking? Please tell me this is a joke."

Veronica just stood there staring at her best friend in disbelief.

"Why would you do that?!"

Misty, the best friend in question, just scoffed and rolled her eyes. She leaned against the wall.

"Uhh maybe because I'm tired of seeing you mope around all the time! You need this Veronica! Hell, you deserve this!"

"I'm fine!" Snapped Veronica, "I wish you would understand that I just need time..."

"No...Babe, it's been a year. A. Year. You need to move on. This will be good for you."

A tear slid down Veronica's face.

"Has it really been a year?"

"Oh babe," Misty ran to her friend giving her a hug, "look, I know that bastard hurt you, and I know you blame yourself, which by the way, you know is bullshit," she smiled and gave a little laugh, "He was a bad egg Veronica. Time to go shopping for a new one. A nice one. That will make you smile.....and not be a douchebag. "

Veronica laughed at her friend trying to be sweet and funny at the same time.

"Why can't I just meet the guy version of you?"

Misty shrugged, "It's a cruel world babe. Now come on, you need to respond to this email. You in or what?!"

Veronica sighed and closed her eyes, Love Island. Seriously? Misty could be a bit over the top sometimes but this? This was crazy. What would people think? What would they say? Her parents would be happy she was "moving on" whatever the hell that meant.

"I just don't understand how THIS is what I need or as you put it, deserve." Veronica motioned to the laptop setting on her bed

"Well first off," said Misty, "You are the sweetest person I know and yet you walk around acting like you're to blame for that idiots actions...."

"Ok." Veronica said while standing up and flinging her hands in the air, "His name is Travis and I really think we should stop blaming him for everything that...."


"Maybe it was.."

"No. Stop. You are beautiful and funny and you deserve someone to treat you like a damn princess and yes, if a reality TV show can give you that then why not go and see??" Misty stared at her friend. She couldn't understand how her outgoing, beautiful, independent friend couldn't see herself anymore. It hurt her so much that she basically put the emergency stop on her life. And by God Misty was about to push her off a cliff one way or another. She crossed her arms.

"You're going."

"I'm.....I'm scared"

"Good. That's the first emotion other than sad that you've had in like 6 months."

Veronica picked up the laptop  and started to scroll through the email.

"It says here I need to bring at least 10 swimsuits??? Who has that many swimsuits? Plus dresses and night wear??" She looks up at Misty

Misty smiled and pulled out a credit card from her bra.

"Looks like we're going shopping.......Hoe."

Veronica smirked, "Looks like it.....Bitch."

The two girls laughed and headed out.


It did not take long for Misty to find Veronica all the best clothes she would need for a "hot sexy holiday"

"I think we have enough." Veronica said as she was eyeing all the bags in the back of the car.

"Yeah you're probably right." Laughed Misty "let's go home and get you packed! Your plane leaves in 4 hours."

"Wait?! 4 hours?? You just told me about this today!"

"Uhhh yeah, I couldn't give you time to back out."

"So you already told them I'm coming??"

"Yep. Last month."

"What....hang on....Misty...."

"No. Veronica. I'm doing this because I love you and you are incapable of making a good decision for yourself unless it's drowning in a gallon of cookies and cream ice cream. You'll thank me when you're all loved up."


"Welp, this is it!" Misty smiled at her friend

"Yeah.....maybe this isn't a good idea..."

"Veronica." Misty closed her eyes and sighed. "You're going."

Veronica opened her mouth to object but Misty put a finger up.

"No. Shut it. Old Veronica will get on that plane and she will not kick or scream. She will transform into New and Improved Veronica. No tears. No doubts.  She will be the badass woman that I know she is. This is your transformation babe. Take it."

Veronica took her best friend's hand and squeezed it.

"What would I do without you?"

Misty smiled, "just be glad you never have to find out. Now go. Have some fun and open that big heart of yours!"

Veronica picked up her bags and made her way to the gate. Was she nuts for doing this? She whispered to herself

"This is a good thing."

Just as she was handing her ticket over she heard Misty shout,

"Veronica! If you meet a hottie see if he has a brother for me!"

Veronica laughed and waved at her friend,

"Of course babe!"

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