~ E m o ~

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   ~ Kokichis pov ~

       Im sitting in class very tired. Im holding my head in my hands but my head slips and hit my head on the desk. Ow. I open my eyes to see that im at a rave. I blink and end up back in the classroom. Fuck. What drugs am I on. I raise my hand. The teacher points at me. "May I... go to the bathroom.?" She nods. I grab my stuff and walk out. Like im going to the bathroom. I walk out the building. I hear footsteps behind me. I think its a teacher so I hurry up but the footsteps just stay at the same pace. I turn around. I see a boy with green hair and streaks of color. Hes very tall, and he looks emo. More my style such. He waves at me. I wave back. I turn around to see that im in the middle if the road. Theres a car too. I mean... whatever. I feel a hand wrap around my forearm and pull me to the sidewalk. "Aha, maybe dont..." I look up at him. "Hello stranger. Im Kokichi Ouma~" I say with a smirk. "The names Rantaro, Rantaro Amami." Hes hot, but im not gay.

        "I like your style shortie." He says walking away from the school. I follow him. "Fuck you too.." I say walking faster than him. "Thats not nice, Ouma." He says stopping. "Your supposed... to be at school." I say wobbling. Holy hell what drugs did I do-!? "Fuck, well I should get home before I faint~!" I say waving kinda falling over. "Why'd you go to school high?" He asks picking me up. Whore. "I dont know. I just did, let me down now..." i say hitting his arm. "No, you'll fall." He say chuckling. God this 'walk' is going to take forever. "Penis enlargement pills." I say tiredly. "What-?!" Amami says chuckling at me. "I dont know... im taking a nap. Don't kidnap me." I say resting my head on his shoulder. "I'll keep that in mind. Oh by the way where is your house? Ive just been walking." Oh yeah.

~ at his houme ~

"Your home." He says setting me down carefully. "Thanks..." i say unlocking the door. "Aha... um whats your number... shortie." He says putting a hand on the back of his head.

~ l a t e r ~

I get a text from a random number. 'Hey lol its Rantaro' figured that. 'Hey Amami. Im going to sleep again lel bai.' I send him and put my phone down. After about 5 minutes of not being able to sleep I hear the front door open. This is great. My parents are home. I get up and start cleaning my room just in case. My door opens. "Oh good... your doing the shit we asked. Youll always be... a disappointment in out eyes.." My dad says clearly drunk. After he says that he slams the door. This is normal but they left for the week and that made me forget how horrible they were. Its only about 10:57. If only I had a place to go... Rantaro! I grab my phone and text Rantaro. 'Whats your address im coming over.' I send him. He sends me his address and I grab my stuff. Good thing its Friday.

I jump out my window and start walking. Ive always hated the dark. Especially because I could get killed. Rantaro doesn't live to far from me so its about a five minute walk. I arrive at his house. I don't know if I should knock or.... I'll just text him. 'Amami let me in your house' as I sent that to him the door opens. When I look up I see Rantaro standing there... shirtless... with sweatpants on and he looks exhausted. "Sorry to interrupt your sleep Amami..." I say scratching my head. "Its fine... just come in." He says... his voice is very... scratchy. Its nice though. "So.. what brings you to my house?" He says turning on the tv. "Parents, ya know the usual. Calling me a faggot or a disappointment. I thought they were dead..." I say sitting on the floor. "Dont say faggot Ouma." This stupid fucker. "Why? I can say it. Im like gay?" I say flicking his knee. "Ah... sorry." He says gesturing that I sit on the couch. I do sit on the couch. "Hey... I have an extra ticket pass thing for a concert... wanna come with me?" I say laying on his lap. "U..Uh... sure.!" Rantaro says starting to blush a bit. "Cute...." I accidentally say. "W-What..?" Rantaro says looking away. "Huh? Oh nothing.." I say starting to become more comfortable with Rantaro. "Hey... you can stay at my house... till your parents... you know leave." Rantaro says putting a hand in my hair. "Really!" I say bolting up and looking at him. "Yeah." He says smiling. I hug him. He obviously hugs me back.

      ~lol about two months later~

      Me and Kaito started going out. Its been about a month since. I love him but he treats me... not well. He would hit or yell at me if I didn't do as he said or he'd force me to do something that I was clearly uncomfortable with. This got so bad that Amami has told me several times to leave the relationship. But Im scared on what Kaito would do. I walk into the house to see Rantaro sitting on the couch. "Kokichi... we need to talk." He says sternly. "O...Okay..." I say setting my stuff down and sitting next to him. "You need to stop seeing Kaito aha...." he says putting a hand on my thigh. "No..!" I say loudly. "Kokichi. Hes been hooking up with maki. Plus he isnt... the nicest to you. Last night I heard... that. I could clearly tell you didn't want that..." Amami says looking at me sadly. I hug him as tight as I can. I want to stay like this forever. I began to fall tired while hugging Rantaro. I stand up. "Im gonna go sleep now. Night... wake me when you wake up." I say waving and walking upstairs. I clearly dont want to go into my room so I go to Rantaros. I steal one of his shirts and change into that. Without shorts cause he wont do anything to me. I climb into his bed and curl into a ball under the covers. After ten minutes of trying to sleep I cant. I call Amamis phone. "Rantaro~ come up here~~" I whine and hang up. I hear him walking up the stairs. He walks into my room first. Then realizes im not there... i think. He walks into his room where I am. "Ah... hello Ouma." He says sitting next to me. I hug his waist and rest my head on his black ripped jeans. "Gah..! Kokichi... I'm uncomfortable.." As soon as Rantaro said that I got off him and just laid down. "Thats not what I meant. Would it be more comforting if I slept in here to or do want me to sleep on the couch?" He says poking me. "Slept in here.." I say with the little strength i had left. He doesnt respond he simply just spoons me and that all I remember.


~ 1 month later ~

Its been about a month after me and Kaito broke up. But im happier now. Lol. "Kokichi guess what?" Rantaro says plopping himself on the table. "Yea..?" I say looking up at him. "I got us tickets to go to a rave." He says sliding a ticket over to me. God.... is this a dream? "Im tired.. please don't let this be a dream..." I say looking at Rantaro. He chuckles. "Nope... I can kiss you to show you its not a dream." He says.., sternly. I just look at him. I feel him cup my face and lean closer... then... i feel his soft lips land on mine. I kiss him back... this feels normal... he pulls away. "Did... that answer your question?" He says chuckling. I just nod... slowly.

~ a week later ~

Im still thinking about that kiss... it felt right.... almost normal. I mean Im pretty sure he has a lover... Im gonna ask him. "Hey... Amami... do you have a.. lover.?" I ask laying on the hotel bed. "Huh..? Oh, nope! Why? Did that kiss get to you..~" He says folding the clothes. "N...Maybe...." I say blushing. "Ah... maybe your not gay." He says climbing ontop of me. "W-What... im g..gay..!" I say trying to hide my face. "Ah... your eyes are pretty..." He says kissing my nose. "Wh-Wha-! Ra-Rantaro..!" I says blushing more. "Yeah... you know I love you..." he says running his hands down my waist. I shiver. "I...I love... you to-too...." I say putting my hands on his. "Aha..." Rantaro chuckles.... and then kisses me... roughly. I gasp... but I kiss back. He pulls away with heavy breathing. "Aha... Kokichi... you really are something..." He says putting his hands on my thighs. I mumble something useless.

        We never made it to that rave... and got a noise complaint from the people next to our room....

>1551 words<
Lol here. Xd I updated it..

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