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Jimin continues once his breath slows down and he feels relaxed.

" He called me names, saying that I was a whore who cheated behind his back b-but I never did such things."
Yoongi clenched his fist, his knuckles white from that. His teeth gritted tightly from the effort to remain silent. He felt so useless for not being able to protect his Jimin. For not being there for him when he needed him the most.

" He started controlling my life after that and it went to hell. He would tell me to stop eating because I was getting fat and said that he loved my skinny body. I went on a diet just to please him but clearly I wasn't enough for him."
The disappointment in Jimin's voice made him want to hunt Sang hyun down.

" One day he came back smelling like another omega, his body covered in hickeys and love bites. We had a huge fight that day but he blamed it on me saying it was my fault for not being enough for him. I was hurt and I had enough so I packed my bag and left the house."
Jimin had his suspicion for quite a time now. He found lipstick in Sang hyun's pocket, the fake hint of perfume that wasn't his own. He tried his best to ignore the obvious, making up every type of excuse to assure himself.

But when he came home that night Jimin had enough. The fight was a big one, lots of screaming, shouting and throwing stuff. He packed his suitcase with tears streaming down his eyes.

Sang hyun chugged the beer to its very last drop. He went for another bottle not caring a bit about Jimin.
" Where are you going ?"
He slurred, even though he was fully aware of where he was going.
" Away from you." Sang hyun laughed while walking towards Jimin with his sloppy steps.

He cupped his face in his hands, Jimin scrunched up his nose in disgust.
" You don't have anywhere else to go. You'll end up here in the end."
He let him go, going back to the couch as he drank another bottle. His lips curled up in a smirk as he looked at him leaving.

Jimin gave him one last look hoping the alpha will apologize and beg him to stay but he knew that would never happen. He took one last look at the apartment that he once called his home and finally left the place for once and all.

Sang hyun's laughter echoed inside the empty house as he picked up his phone dialing her number.
" I'm alone, wanna come over ?"
He hung the call with a satisfied grin And with that, he opened another can of beer.

" I had nowhere to go, I ended up checking into a cheap motel but I didn't have enough money to stay there for longer."
The room was a little too cramped, a dusty single bed lying on the corner with a little window allowing the fresh air inside. It was so different from Sang hyun's apartment but he sure did feel happier there.

" I started spending my money on cigarettes and alcohol rather than food, it was my way of coping up with our separation."

There are other ways to clear the brain ,to let the bad memories pass as a song on the radio one dislikes, to wait until there is enough space for the good stuff to grow. But Jimin chose the easiest one. He let the alcohol blur his brain , some days the memories would fade away completely and other days he would cry for Sang hyun more than ever.

He would laugh at the stack of cigarettes before bringing them up to his lips. Sang hyun was the one who made him smoke and now smoking was the one that helped him forget about him, how ironic.

He would stay in that little room, crumbled up in the train of his thoughts. He would stare at the moon at night that reminded him of his mother. He dialed up the number numerous times but didn't have the actual courage to call her, not when he was the one to distance himself from them.

" It was one day when I was smoking in a park when a kid came to me and took the cigarette away. She looked at me with a sympathetic look in her eyes. She said it was dangerous and I shouldn't do it. And that was all I needed to hear, I broke down hugging that little girl."

The girl stared at Jimin with her loving eyes , she walked towards Jimin and took the cigarette out of his mouth, throwing it away. He kept staring at the little girl with a surprised look.

" It's no good. Mama says it's a bad thing."
The girls fiddle with her pocket, extending the lollipop towards Jimin's direction.

" You can take this."
Jimin stared between the girl and the lollipop clenched in her hand. Before the girl could say something he fell into her arms. His hands wrapped around her neck as he cried his heart out.

" Her name was Hana... Yeah, she's the same Hana." Jimin answers the curious look on Yoongi's face.
“ After that I fainted in her arms . When I regained consciousness I was in a different place. Hana's mother took me to their house and fed me, she helped me build myself from the start and I got a job as a teacher in Hana's school."

The journey wasn't easy, the first step to his new life was to give up on smoking and drinking. It was difficult because his body was so accustomed to those poison that he would practically beg for them. But whenever he looked at Hana, she inspired him to be a better version of himself. And he did it with all the support from his surrounding he was able to build himself from the bottom again.

" You're so brave Jimin. I'm so proud of you." He shifts the hairs from Jimin's forehead, his eyes glistening with his own tears but he didn't want to show them.

" Your papa is so strong."
He places his hand on Jimin's belly, his smile growing when he feels the baby's movement.
" Hyung."
He tries to calm himself down but Yoongi's words just made him cry more. He was finally free from his haunting past.

" Let it out.''
He let himself be a crying mess on Yoongi's arm because he knows that the alpha would never judge him for something like this.

" He knows I'm pregnant, w-what if he hurt my b-baby ? Hyung, I can't lose my baby. My baby-"
His heart races at the mention of losing his baby, his omega instinct rising up.

" Shh no one's going to harm you or the baby. I'm here. I'll protect you both."
Yoongi held him, his strong embrace enough to tell Jimin that he'll protect them. Jimin let himself believe in it.

" Trust hyung, okay."
Jimin nods his eyes red from all the crying.
" Now sleep, it's been a long day for you both. Get some sleep."
He helps the omega lay down on the bed, he himself sits next to him, playing with his hairs.

He pats his head slowly watching the omega curl into himself, his hands wrapped around his bump.

He falls asleep to the soft patting, his body probably exhausted from all the stress. Yoongi gaped openly as he observed Jimin's sleeping state, his sharp jaw, chin and cheekbones. His dark brows were actually graceful, but currently furrowed in a frown. His smooth flawless skin that was glowing from the pregnancy.

His soft sharp lips that were very attractive and captivating, Yoongi seemed bewitched by them. He couldn't believe what Jimin had to go through, he wishes to go back in time and save Jimin from experiencing all this.


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