Chapter 9 : Strike the Goal!!

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Toxsa P. O. B

Today, Guren, Ceylan and I were waiting for a certain someone. Which was actually Chooki.

All of us were planning to go to Mr. White's shop to discuss about protecting the cave. But, apparently he has a soccer practice to attend to.

We watched from the sides, and as usual Chooki managed to strike a lot of goals.

Ceylan : Mr. Perfect wins again!!. So what else is new?. T_T

Guren : Don't be like that Ceylan. They're having a huge game at the end of the week. So it's not a surprise that they would training very often.

Toxsa : Well, let's just hope we can go to Mr. White's strategize. Who knows what that ShadowHorse is planning.

Guren : Well, you're right about that.

Ceylan : Agreed.

We've waited for about an hour and Chooki's practice session is finally done. Once he was allowed to leave, Chooki came up to us while panting a little.

Chooki : S-sorry guys. That practice took longer than I thought.

Guren : Don't worry. I guess we should get going. Time to strategize!!.

Toxsa : With snacks!!.

Guren/Ceylan/Chooki : *sweat drop* Seriously Toxsa....

Toxsa : What?! I'm hungry!!.

~At Mr. White's Shop~

Once we arrived at the shop, neither of us wasted time and quickly jumped to the main topic. Which was Quorton.

Chooki : So all that we could find about the Shadow Stone is the legend that Guren told us.

Mr. White : I think that legend has more answers than you think.

Toxsa : What do you mean Mr. White?.

Mr. White : The legend says; "Everytime there is a powerful force, there would always be the exact opposite of it.". Am I right?.

Guren : Yes. Something like that.

Mr. White : I think that the 'Powerful Force' that the legend mentioned is actually the Titan Gem.

Guren/Ceylan/Toxsa/Chooki : And the 'Opposite' of it is the Shadow Stone!!.

Mr. White : That's correct. The Titan Gem was so powerful that it destroyed itself, Sukui, Kage, and even Tsuro. Imagine what will happen if the same amount of power falls to the wrong hands.

Chooki : That will mean trouble.

We were all quiet for a second. Just thinking about that major amount of power in ShadowHores's hands made all of our bodies shiver.

Guren : So how do we stop that from happening Mr. White.

Mr. White : I think that you should find all of the scatter pieces of the Titan Gem first. I figure if you all can find them before ShadowHores finds the Shadow Stone, we might be able to end this.

Guren : We haven't been summoned for awhile, which is very suspicious.

Ceylan : You tell me.

Chooki : *looks at Toxsa* Maybe you and I should get to work Toxsa. Because the two of us are the only ones who haven't got our Gems.

Toxsa : Yeah you're right.

Ceylan : Good luck you two.

Guren : We know you both can do it.

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