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The next morning Jimin woke up with a light head. All the late night drama helped him get a good night's sleep. He expected to wake up in the alpha's arms but his face fell once he noticed he was alone.

He walked with a dizzy head towards the kitchen, hoping to see the alpha waiting for him but the house was oddly silent. There was a bowl of soup placed on the table, Jimin smiles at the pleasant smell, his hand extending towards the note placed on its side.
‘I have urgent work that I need to take care of. I'll be back soon.’

He read out the note, sticking it back on its original position. He feels a bit anxious after reading it. Was Yoongi weirded out about what happened yesterday ? He shouldn't have told him anything. He should have known it was a bad idea.

His heart beats heavily at the thought of Yoongi leaving him. The fear of abandonment resurfacing in his heart.

" Wow you're early."
Jungkook announces his presence once he enters the room. Yoongi looked up at him with his tired eyes. He was sitting bleary-eyed slumped in his arm chair. His eyes glazed over blankly at Jungkook.
" And you look like shit."
He remarks once he takes a good look at Yoongi's sulked face.

" Something wrong ?"
He sits on his usual desk keeping his things aside. Yoongi doesn't say anything, he remains silent but inside, his mind is in chaos. He tried to shake his head hoping those thoughts would leave him but nothing worked.

" Hyung, are you okay ?"
Jungkook bends  down. Yoongi finally looked up at him.

" I think I-i love Jimin."
He said those words. He finally admitted to it after months. Jungkook doesn't seem surprised by this; he just thinks Yoongi is the last one to know.

" Congrats, I guess ?"
He laughs it off earning a deathly glare from Yoongi.
" It's not funny. Last night he told me about his past relationship and it wasn't a good one. I could have never imagined what he had gone through."
Jimin's smile is like a bright sun that hides his dark past behind it. It's truly said that the biggest smile hides the deepest pain.

" I swear if that asshole tries to lay a finger on Jimin I'll be sure to make him see the end."
He didn't even notice how his voice changes when he talks about Jimin, the sudden seriousness and aggressiveness.

" But it's just a matter of 3 more months. And then we'll be strangers again."
His angry eyes changed into an upset one.

" I love him, Jungkook. I don't want to leave him. I want to spend my life with him. I want to witness our family grow."
He throws himself into Jungkook's arms , his face buried in his neck as he continues to blabber out.

Jungkook tries his best to calm his hyung, he has never seen him in such a vulnerable state and he doesn't know what to do.
" Then why don't you tell him how you feel ?" He asks the obvious question.

" He doesn't feel the same and I don't even think he's ready for a relationship after his past. That's why he went for a sperm donor rather than finding a mate."
The disappointment settles down in his voice.

" Atleast you can try. Maybe he feels the same."
Jungkook tries to reason out but Yoongi is quick to deny it.

" No. Please stop. Don't give me false hope."
" Okay."
He tries to calm the older down.

" I need to move on. I promised to leave the day the baby is born. I need to prepare myself." The words are thick and heavy, each word containing lots of meaning behind them.

" But hyung it's your baby too. There's nothing wrong if you want to be a part of their life." Jungkook is ready to throw his hands at Yoongi, does he even hear what he's saying? He's sounding like a complete idiot.

" No gguk it's wrong. I told him I would never interfere in their life and I don't think Jimin will want that either."
Jungkook wanted to argue about that but decided to stay quiet. Yoongi goes back to stare at the blank computer screen.

" Let's go to the cafe I think you need a coffee." He grabs the older by his arm pushing him out of the building without even hearing his approval.

" Oh, you came after quite a long time."
The waiter greets them once they're settled in at their regular table.
" The usual ?"
He says even before they had a chance to speak up. Jungkook nodes, impressed by his attentiveness.

" You're looking great, Yoongi ssi."
The waiter winks at him before going away with their order.
" Wow, he's totally into you."
Jungkook teases him once the waiter is out of their sight.

" Should I give your number to him?"
He snickers at the thought.

" Don't you dare Jungkook."
Yoongi growls at him. Jungkook raises his hand in defeat.

They left after spending some quality time there. Yoongi really needed this for freshing his mind. But his thoughts were still occupied by Jimin.

" Stop thinking about him. You won't be able to get over him that way."
" I was not-"
Yoongi was about to defend himself when Ilsung interrupted him.

" Yoongi, your phone has been blowing off for quite a time."
He points towards his desk, where the loud ringing could be heard from.

" Someone named Jimin is calling."
Yoongi never knew he could run so fast, he practically leaped over all the desks to reach his phone.

His heart beat doubled with every ring, his mind occupied with worry. He picked the phone with sweaty hands, his heart pounding in his ears.

" Jimin ?"
He hoped the younger was okay and he just called him because he missed him.
" Hyung."
His voice came out muffled from all the groans and pained moans.
" It hurts."
He whimpered, letting out a subdued scream mixed with his sobs.

Yoongi didn't wait for a second before grabbing the car keys and running out of the office, leaving a dazed Jungkook behind.

" Jimin breath. Take a deep breath. I'm on my way."
He tried to calm the younger on the phone but he himself was going crazy.
" B-baby."
Jimin pressed his lips together trying to stop the moans.

" Baby is fine. Don't worry. I'll be there soon. Please stay with me."
Jimin nods to that, his breaths heavy and voice quivering.

Yoongi pushed on the accelerator, his hands feeling heavy resting on the wheel.

" I'll be there. Everything will be fine.”
He whispers once again, reassuring Jimin and himself.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now