Sleepless Nights

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Dipper Pines walked through the town, amazed at what he saw. Nothing was the same. It was like the world had turned upside down from Weirdmaggedon and then shaken up like a snow globe. All because of Bill, a triangular entity that was bent on taking over the universe. Dipper watched in horror as people ran, screaming, as large winged bats with one eye froze anything that moved, carrying them off to the over-the-top floating pyramid that was home to the one-eyed demon and his henchmaniacs.

The whole town was on fire, and nightmarish things constantly appeared, leaking out of a brightly-colored dimensional rift in the sky. A nasal, high-pitched cackle came from behind him, and the brunette whirled around, and suddenly he was someplace else.

He was in the fearamid, Bill Cipher's castle. Dipper let out a strangled cry as he saw all his allies being turned into tapestries to line the walls, their faces trapped in an expression of terror. Gideon. Pacifica. Robby. McGucket. Wendy.

"No!" Dipper shouted, running towards them and tripping over a small contraption. Was that... the memory gun? He heard another laugh coming from the left, and he spun around and saw Bill. His heart lurched in his chest, remembering the moment that had replayed in his mind countless times. Bill turned to stone and then Grunkle Stan, dressed up as Ford, give a cry as he was shot with the memory gun, crumpling to his knees. Dipper felt a horrible dread as he watched recognition leave the old man's eyes, leaving him looking senile and dazed. He knew this couldn't be real. He knew Bill was gone. Their ruse had worked. So why was he still having nightmares?

Eyes began to appear in the walls, each one glaring at Dipper. "Why are you doing this!?" Dipper shouted desperately. "You're gone! You've been destroyed!" Dipper ran, tearing through the pyramid, hardly even paying attention to where he was going. He came across a giant throne room, a huge Bill lounging on it, holding Mabel, his sister in one hand, and in the other, sipping champagne. Dipper gaped. Bill was giant... and human? He laughed, the sound like chiming bells, too beautiful for such an awful... human? Demon? At this point, he had no idea. Bill simply sat, smirking at him, his golden eyes smirking at him.
"Do you like this form better?" He said nonchalantly, and started to squeeze his sister, and Dipper's breath caught.

"Help me Dipper!" Mabel cried, tears streaming down her face as she began to turn purple, gasping for air as Bill slowly squeezed the life out of his twin. Mason Pines had never been so scared and helpless in his entire life as he watched his sister dying in front of him.

"Stop!" Dipper screamed, running towards the throne, but never seeming to get any closer. Desperate tears poured down the brunette's face, as he kept trying, trying to reach Bill, trying to save his sister, trying to get out of this horrible, horrible nightmare, and this boy with a beautiful face and cruel, horrible eyes that had had seen the deaths of so many, and had not mourned. "STOP!" Bill just cackled.

"Make me," he said, cackling. But a single sound rose above the laughter, that made Dipper's heart stop, and time seem to slow down. His sister, hitting the floor.

Dipper woke up with a start, soaked in sweat. "You ok, Dip Dop?" Mabel said, peering worriedly at Dipper.

"Y- Yeah," he said shakily, pulling himself out of bed.

"Lemme guess," Mabel said. You dreamt about me when I ate raw packets of sugar?" Mabel said, trying to cheer up her brother. "I know that was very scary." She hated seeing him so scared. Dipper simply shook his head numbly, the joke barely sinking in. "Look, Bro-bro, I know it's tough being back here. It's been a while, and I know it bothers you that you're having nightmares about Bill, but it's probably just nightmares you're having, nothing more. Ok? It's gonna be alright." Mabel hugged her brother tightly, wishing she knew how to make him feel better. 

"Ok," Dipper said, nodding his head, summoning a shaky, nervous smile. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and looked his sister up and down. She's okay, he told himself. I'm okay. He's gone. He can't hurt you anymore.

Mabel frowned, concerned. It seemed like every time one of them went to sleep, either one of them or both would wake up trembling and screaming, terrified that Bill was coming after them. They both had dark circles under their eyes. Even though it'd been a year since Weirdmaggedon, the past events still plagued them. While the dream demon had been vanquished, echoes of the trauma still lurked, making it hard to do things.

"Whaddya say after breakfast, you and I go on some good ol' mystery hunt? I'll see if I can get Wendy to come!" Mabel said in a sing-song voice.

Dipper blushed. "I'm over her you know that, right?" For a while after the Northwest manor incident, he'd developed a small crush on Pacifica. He hadn't seen Pacifica yet, but he'd see how it'd play out.

"Dipping Sauce? Earth to Dipping Sauce," Mabel said, waving her hand in front of the Mystery twins' face. "C'mon, let's go downstairs and make breakfast before Stan does. I don't know how much longer I can eat Stancakes," she said, making a face.

Dipper laughed. "Race ya," He said, bolting down the stairs. 

"No fair!" Mabel cried, racing after her brother. They got to the table, grinning and panting.

"So, what are you making?" Dipper asked.

"What am I making? Nuh-uh, Bro-bro. You can't weasel your way outta this one," she said, grabbing his arm and pulling him to the counter.

"Oh, c'mon," Dipper protested, pulling away half-heartedly. He really wouldn't mind cooking with Mabel. "You know I can't cook! Hell, Stan's a better cook than me!"

Mabel just shrugged. "Whatever, Dipping Sauce. I'm still gonna make you cook with me," she said, grinning. "Now go get flour, eggs, butta, cinnamon, and vanilla extract from the pantry." 

"What are you even making?" Dipper asked, opening the pantry door after making a face at Mabel.

"French Toast, of course, you dumb-dumb," she replied, putting on an apron. 

Dipper came out of the pantry with cinnamon, placing the jar on the counter next to Mabel.

Mabel glanced over at it, then looked at Dipper. "Some of the stuff'll be in the fridge," She said, putting her hair up in a ponytail. Dipper opened the fridge, pulling out eggs and butter. "That's the only stuff you got?" Mabel asked, frowning slightly.

"Yep," Dipper replied. "Hey, half of the time Stan eats ice cream for breakfast, probably because he can't stand his own cooking, either."

Mabel laughed, shoving her brother out the door. "Go get some at the store," she said, grinning at Dipper.

Dipper smiled back at Mabel, then turning, walked toward the oncoming sunrise, his brown hair glinting in the sun. He couldn't help but be reminded of the words Ford said when telling the family everything Bill had said to him. We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know how, oh I know we'll meet again, some sunny day...

A/N: So, what do you think? The first part of the chapter is really pretty depressing, but the second is a whole lot of sibling banter. Sorry, the Chapter's so short, but the next chapter's gonna introduce a main character, so I'm planning to make it longer. If you liked this chapter, please consider voting. Thank you, readers. I would love some feedback, as this is my first story. 

As you might've noticed, (unless I messed it up) This chapter is dedicated to SilverWolfATW. I read one of her books, "A Code to Decipher," and loved it so much that it inspired me to write this one. If you like this one, I would highly recommend hers. Thank you, SilverWolfATW for providing me inspiration, and being kind and supportive to me.

Thanks, a geek.

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