The Demon's Downfall

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Dipper screamed as he watched the ray hit Bill, blasting him into the portal, gone. "No!" Dipper cried out, straining against the ropes that cut into him.

"No, no, no!" Cryptos screamed, running toward the portal.

Xnathar stood in front of him, blocking the way. "Can it, kid. He's gone."

"No..." Cryptos mumbled, tears beginning to fall. Dipper watched, shocked at the display of emotion. The turn of events just didn't seem real. Bill was gone. Dipper's numbness slowly wore off, replaced by a brokenness that felt like it was going to tear him apart.

"Aww, look guys," 8-Ball said, turning his attention to Dipper. "He still cares about him, even after Bill broke his heart. I would think it was sweet if it weren't so pathetic. Weak human," he spat.

Dipper's vision turned red, and he screamed insults at him. 8-Ball just rolled his eyes and smirked. "I've heard that before," he said. "Let's get this over with. First though..." 8-Ball nodded at Xanthar, and Xanthar grabbed Cryptos, pinning his arms to his sides.

"What!?" Cryptos yelled, struggling. "You can't do this!"

8-Ball smiled mockingly. "Listen, kid. You loved Bill so much? We're reuniting him with you. Of course, you'll be trapped in the Nightmare Realm forever..." He shrugged, smiling cruelly. "But details, you know?"

Cryptos terrified expression turned flat and cold. "Oh, but 8-Ball..." he said, summoning a ball that crackled with turquoise lightning. "I may have loved Bill, but I've always loathed you. And now that Bill's gone, and you've overthrown him-" His eyes narrowed into slits, and he gave a cold smile. "I can finally get rid of you!" He screamed, hurling the ball of energy at his head.

A brilliant turquoise light flashed, making it impossible to see for several seconds. When everyone's vision returned, 8-Ball was nowhere to be found, but a trail of broken trees showed clearly where he went. 

The other demons backed away from a panting Cryptos who had crumbled to the ground, exhausted and weak. Who knew the timid young demon had such a temper. He had finally snapped. Just then, a green blur whizzed through the air, slamming Cryptos into a tree. "I may be mortal..." 8-Ball panted, a smile gracing his lips. "But I'm also a demon!" he shouted, bursting into green flames. Cryptos screamed as green flames covered him. 8-Ball laughed madly, his laid-back attitude gone, exposing him for the truly disturbing thing he had become.

"How do you like that...?" 8-Ball's face turned to one of anguish. "How do you like that..." He croaked out before his flames went out and he fell to the ground, unmoving.

And far away, underground in the bunker, where the rumbles of battle shook the ground, a brunette opened her eyes and looked around, her eyes meeting her Grunkle's. She hugged him, sobbing into his shoulder, while he rubbed her back, a hopeful smile on his face.

Dipper stared at the still-open portal, his mind whirling with everything that had happened. All of a sudden, the ropes holding Dipper vanished, and Dipper began to understand what Bill had done.

He hefted the newly made quantum destabilizer and blasted the demons through the rift. Pyronica's face looked desperate as she was thrown through, her face full of pain. "I'm just glad it's over..." she said right before disappearing. He hesitated at Cryptos, feeling sorry for him. He looked more terrified than ever. He was a demon, sure, but he was more human than any other of the Henchmaniacs, maybe even Bill, too.

"Erase my memory," the young demon begged, picking up the quantum destabilizer. "Please. I know what happened, and I know I did an awful thing, but- I want to start over. Bill started over, in a way, so why can't I? So just please, erase my memory. I hate living like this!" Cryptos cried, distraught.

Dipper sighed. "Ok. Once I figure out how Bill turned the memory gun into a quantum destabilizer and reverse engineer it, I'll erase your memory. Deal?" Cryptos reached for his hand to shake, and Dipper, realizing what he was about to do, quickly took his hand back. "Sorry, but... I don't really know the consequences." A sad smile graced Cryptos's lips.

"Ok," Cryptos said. "Thank you." The two possible allies smiled warily at the other, each one cautiously optimistic. They walked out of the awful clearing, knowing they'd both have some grieving and healing to do.

Just as they were leaving though, a familiar laugh echoed through the trees, making them pause.

"I'm not imagining that, was I?" Dipper said, looking at Cryptos.

Cryptos began to cry. "N- no, I heard it too," he sobbed.

"Don't worry," Dipper said, placing an awkward hand on the boy's shoulders. "We'll find a way to bring him back, ok? I promise. He can't be gone forever. He always finds a way, and this time, he had someone helping him. We can do this, ok?"

Cryptos nodded through his tears, and the two boys walked towards the mystery shack, and into the oncoming sunrise, each one feeling like this was a new beginning, and however painful it might be, they would face it and come out stronger. Better. And although Dipper wasn't sure how he knew that he'd find Bill again. And this time, he wasn't losing him so easily.

A/N: So, what did you guys think? Was it too crowded and unfocused, or was it good? What do you think was your favorite part? What needs work? Let me know in the comments below! Thank you so much for reading! If you liked this chapter, please consider giving it a vote. Have a wonderful holiday!

Thanks, a geek.

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