Lost In A Dream

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Mabel woke up, yawning. She opened her eyes and gasped. She was in a luxurious suite, her surroundings grand. She crawled out of her poster bed, which was so large it took several minutes, and walked outside her room, apprehensive, but also curious. She peeked into rooms, several maids waving hello until she finally came to one that seemed to be occupied. 

A lanky teen got out of his chair, turning around to face Mabel. She gasped. Dipper had described what Bill had looked like, and the teen that stood in front of her was his spitting image. His brown eyes shone in the soft yellow light from the chandelier, making them gold. His black and brown hair had been carefully styled to look messy, but she could see the care put into it.

He wore a long yellow tail-coat with yellow bricks on it and a dapper bow tie. He bowed elegantly, tipping his hat. "Bill," she said, narrowing her eyes.

"The one and only," he said, smirking.

"Why'd you bring me here?" Mabel asked.

"Geez, not one for small talk, eh?" Bill said, giving her a grin.

"Wh- whatever," she said.

"Please, please, pull up a chair," he said, a table and two chairs appearing in front of them.

"No thanks, I'll stand," she said cooly.

"No, no, please, I insist," he said with a sly smile. He snapped his fingers, and the chair moved forward, and she fell into it with a startled yelp.

Is this how Dipper feels when he talks to Bill? She wondered. She felt as insignificant as a bug when talking to Bill. There was no point in trying to reason with him.

Bill laughed. "How's it been in Gravity Falls? Is Pine Tree still mooning over Red?" Bill smirked, waiting for the reaction.

Mabel glared at him. "No, but it's none of your business, anyway."

Bill raised an eyebrow mockingly. "Touche touche, geez."

Mabel snarled. "What do you want, Bill?"

"To talk," he said simply. "Care for anything?" Bill asked, producing a tray of pastries out of his hat. Mabel shrugged and took one. She was dreaming, so what did it matter? "You're probably wondering why you're here, and the reason is that, well, I figure you'd be a better listener than ol' Fordsy or Pine Tree. And Stan- well- he's just there. But I have to tell you something." 

For the first time, Mabel noticed a glint of apprehension in his eyes. "Someone followed me. I don't know who, but I do that they're after me and that soon, they'll come after you, too. Listen, I think I might have an idea, but if I'm right-" A quake shook the room, and as Mabel began to wake up, Bill flickered like a hologram.

"Listen," he began hurriedly. "Don't trust anyone. And watch out for-" Bill gave a yelp, turning to something Mabel couldn't see. "Hey, what're you-" His projection flickered and disappeared.

Mabel woke up with a start. The shaking wasn't a dream, she realized, her heart beginning to pound. Something was wrong. Really wrong. Mabel woke up her brother and grabbed Waddles, who was squealing. Together, they stumbled downstairs, trying not to fall with the quakes.

Grunkle Stan was already outside, peering worriedly at the house. "Kids!?" Their Grunkle cried.

"We're here!" The Pines' twins' called out. 

"Kids!" Grunkle Stan said, crushing them in a hug. "You're ok!" He pulled out of the hug, frowning at them. "Where's Ford?" Grunkle Stan's face turned pale as he looked at their faces. "FORD!" He ran inside the Mystery Shack, and a couple of moments after he went in, a blinding white light filled the Mystery Shack. The Mystery twins huddled together in their PJs, cuddling a traumatized pig, shocked at the turn of events.


Dipper and Mabel shivered in their dew-soaked PJs, each one too in shock to call anyone. Finally, a lone figure walked out of the house, and they could see it was not Grunkle Ford. "He's gone," Grunkle Stan said, looking numb. "He's gone. And the portal had been activated. Bill must've pushed him in." He slumped down in the grass beside them. A strange sound reached the twins' ears. They turned to Grunkle Stan, amazed, as he sobbed. "He's gone! My only brother, gone-" He lifted his tear-stained face. "All because of Bill..."

"Well actually..." Mabel explained everything that Bill told her. She could see by their faces they weren't convinced.

Dipper sighed, hugging his sister. "Look, I know you believe him, but- you don't know him like I do. He's just playing games with you, Mabel. You can't trust a word that he says."

Mabel slumped dejectedly, unconvinced. "Ok," she sighed. "What do we do now?"

Just then, a red pick-up truck pulled up to the Mystery Shack, and a red-headed girl hopped out, slamming her door. "What the-," she said, seeing the Pine's twins' dew-soaked PJs and their grief-stricken faces. "Dudes," she said, taking in their expressions. "Did Waddles die or something?" Wendy wanted to kick herself. Not the right time, she thought to herself.

"Whatever, you guys can explain to me later, you guys look freezing. Let's get you inside." Guiding them all inside at sitting them down at the table, they explained everything. "Whoa," Wendy said, trying to digest it all. "I take one day off from work, and this is what happens? You should give me a raise. I'm like a good-luck charm." The pines' twins' smiled weakly, but Stan just continued to sit there, his shoulders slumped.

"Grunkle Stan..." Dipper reached out to his Great Uncle, wanting to hug him. Dipper stared, shocked, as he flinched away, standing up abruptly. 

"I'll be fine," he said, his face telling otherwise. "I just- I just need some time to process." He got up and left the table, going upstairs. Then the soft sound of sobbing came from upstairs, and suddenly the house felt like the emptiest in the world.

A knock suddenly sounded at the door. Everyone looked at each other, Dipper finally coming up with an excuse. "It's probably Soos," he said. He went over and opened the door, and there, stood a boy with black-and-blonde hair, grinning at him, his golden eyes sparkling. "Heya there, Pine Tree!"

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