The Space Between Spaces

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Bill wasn't sure when exactly he started to regenerate. He wasn't really sure of anything. He was everything, and nothing at all. He could see all the universe, and yet he could not clutch it in his gloved hands anymore. He couldn't do anything, except watch, wait, and plot. There was nothing except his consciousness and the universe slowly moving on without him. He didn't think time existed there. He would go to bed, and when he woke up, he felt as if he'd barely slept at all. But he couldn't really tell anyway, since there was no night or day. There was nothing at all except him.

With all that time to think, Bill discovered three very important things about him.

1. He was going to find a way back to Gravity Falls

2. He shouldn't think about everything he'd been through, because well-

3. He hated Dipper and Mabel Pines, very, very, much

He thought about that a lot. Especially Dipper. He'd go to sleep, and his brown eyes would often appear in his dreams, his mouth twisting into a sneer, and Bill would wake up, screaming, trembling with anger, not allowing himself to consider the other reason why he constantly dreamed of Dipper. He had certainly liked messing with him, but he didn't miss him... did he? No, of course not. He hated him, he reassured himself. If I ever see that stupid teenager again, I'm going to skin him alive. Forever. Bill repeated that to himself, holding the darkness at bay.

He constantly pondered whether he had said the right thing. Would Axolotl come to rescue him? The words he said were burned in his memory. A-X-O-L-O-T-L, my time has come to burn, I invoke the ancient power that I may return. Bill always tried not to think about his past. It hurt too much. A part of him was afraid if he did think about it, it would break him. And after being alive since the beginning of time, he didn't think he was ready to go anytime soon.

So he tried not to think about it, or the fact that that stupid salamander might not come through. Instead, he spent his time devising the perfect plan if he ended up back in Gravity Falls. Get Mabel to trust him, that way Dipper can't blast him to oblivion with the Zodiac. Then, he slowly get Dipper to trust him, befriend him- The demon shuddered at the thought- but it'd be worth it. Because when he held Dipper hostage, then forced Ford to build another portal, and then make him watch as he killed Dipper, his protegee, his future, his legacy, in front of him. Ford didn't respond to torture, no, he was too strong. But, attacking the people he loved- that was the best way. Love. Bill hated the thought. The thought of being attached to someone, to depend on them- A face flashed in his mind, an eye, it's face twisted up with pain. Bill shoved it away, shoved it down, down, down, down into that darkness inside him, and then covered it up with happiness

Then one day, something weird happened. Well, weirder than usual, although with nothing but an empty void as a company, Bill didn't have a lot of weird to run on these days. The void around him lessened. Day by day, the void got thinner and thinner, until a hole ripped through the void, and Bill, who had slowly been regenerating into a new body, felt some of his old power return. Then he was lifted up by red energy and flung out of the space between spaces.

Bill closed his eyes shut, his stomach squirming as he went at impossible speeds, blasting through multiple dimensions every second. The force field shielded him as he watched glimpses of other dimensions go by, and gasped with shock as he saw one eerily familiar to his own. Shapes floated around, a sparkling utopia, but then it was gone, and Bill cursed himself for being stupid enough to think about his planet. Now he really felt like he was going to puke. He paid attention, as this time, he didn't leave the dimension. Instead, he zipped through the galaxy, coming to a planet. He didn't even have time to identify it, but he had a feeling he knew what it was. He zipped through the clouds in a nanosecond, and before he knew it, his little force field slowed down so abruptly that if he hadn't left his stomach back in the void, he probably would've lost whatever he'd eaten last. Probably that champagne from the fearamid.

The force field disappeared right before he hit the ground, and promptly ate grass. "Thanks a lot, Axolotl," Bill said, standing up and trying to straighten up the shirt and khakis that were covered in mud. He spit grass out, examining his new form. "Oh c'mon, really? You had to make me a human?" He sighed. He'd have to make do. At least the salamander came through.

He observed his surroundings. "Oh, Gravity Falls! It is good to be back!" He said, talking to a spruce tree, a smirk on his face. He was tottering around, getting used to his legs, when he heard a muffled gasp at his feet.

"Geez, humans bodies have changed a lot since I inhabited one." He frowned. "I hope this isn't puberty." He finally looked down. A gnome stood there, staring up at him, completely dumbfounded. "Oh, it's just a gnome."

"Sh- Shmebulock!?" The gnome said, terrified.

Bill looked unimpressed. "No. I'm Bill. And you, gnome, are very stupid. Although I should've guessed. Who wears weird hats?" He snapped his fingers, and a hat appeared out of thin air, and Bill stumbled, feeling light-headed. What was this? Probably a weird human thing. He tipped his hat towards the gnome, grinning expectantly. He frowned as nothing happened, and did it again. 

"Damn it," he sighed. "I guess I don't have all my powers back." He smirked and placed his hat back on his head. "I'll leave it up to your imagination what I was trying to do to you. Have fun trying to sleep tonight."

Shmebulock ran back into the forest, shouting what was probably a warning. "Shmebulock! Shmebulock! Shmebulock!"

The dream demon let out a laugh and continued on. He finally reached the edge of the forest, a sign proclaiming, Welcome to Gravity Falls. He grinned. He walked a couple of miles more, until coming to a supermarket. His stomach grumbled. He pulled a wallet out of his hat, and then collapsed, panting with effort. "Well that's new," he remarked with a frown, his golden eyes sharp with annoyance.

He entered the store, looking at all the familiar faces. An employee walked up to him, grinning cheerily. "Can I help you find anything?" She said brightly.

"You were in the arm of my throne, weren't you?" He smirked.

"Wh- what?" The employee asked.

"You heard me," he said, walking away. The employee stared after him, confused. He walked around for a while, grabbing random things off the shelves. After he had grabbed everything he wanted, he wandered around, trying to find the check-out. Not looking where he was going, he crashed head-on into someone, falling to the ground, all the stuff in his hands spilling onto the floor.

"Thanks a lot," he said sarcastically.

"S- sorry," whoever had crashed into him stuttered. "Let me help you," they said, beginning to pick up his items. That voice... no, it couldn't be. He stared up into the face that haunted his dreams, those warm brown eyes smiling at him, his mouth curved up in an apologetic smile. Dipper Pines held out his hand, offering to pull him up. This couldn't be easier. 

Bill smiled like a shark. "No, it's quite alright." In fact, it was working out quite well...

A/N: Hi guys! Man, a lot of stuff went down in this chapter. What did you guys think? Was the return of Bill Cipher as dramatic and awesome as you thought it'd be? Or did I botch it? Tell me in the comments below! Thank you for reading, if you liked this chapter, please consider voting for it. Again, I just want to thank anyone for reading this.

This chapter's dedicated to garseeya726. I read her fanfiction book, and I really liked it and reached out to her. She was exactly what I thought she'd be like, kind and supportive, answering my questions and overall just being a role model. Thank you, garseeya726. The book was great, but my favorite part was probably the author that wrote it. c:

Thanks, a geek.

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