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A/N: Anyone else think that in the video above, Shmebulock is literally the fanbase? :P

Mabel pulled Dipper into a hug. "I'm sorry we fought," she said, hugging him tightly. "I was worried when I couldn't find you or Bill anywhere..."

Dipper pulled away, smiling at her. "Thanks for noticing. What was Stan doing, anyway? How come he didn't notice I was gone?"

Mabel grinned. "I dunno, cop's showed up at the house again. I guess now he's a bull-fighter."

Dipper laughed. "You for real?"

Mabel laughed. "No, it's not, but the cops don't know that," she said with a wink.

Dipper laughed. "If only Stan could ride a bull as much as he could talk it," he said, his eyes shining.

"Oooooh," Mabel yelled. "Someone get a fire extinguisher, cause' Stan just got burned! Up top!"

Dipper just stared at her. "You killed it, Mabes."

"Aww, c'mon, you loved it," the brunette said with a grin.

"That's what you think," he said, elbowing her playfully.

"What?" Dipper said, turning away from Mabel to answer something Bill had asked. I guess that's my cue to leave... Mabel walked up the stairs, wishing goodnight to Stan and Soos. Putting on her PJs, she face-planted into the bed and groaned into her pillow. She had seen the tension between Dipper and Bill. Something was definitely up, but she couldn't figure out what. Maybe...? No. Mabel laughed at the ridiculousness of it.

When Dipper came back, she was going to tell him how she felt about him and Bill, and ask him about what happened in the elevator that made them so weird.

Outside, Dipper and Bill stood around awkwardly, unsure how to proceed after their, "moment" in the elevator.

"So..." Dipper said, his shoe stirring up the dust. For once, Dipper was glad the darkness was there, covering up the violent blush that was probably on his face.

"Hey look," Bill said suddenly. "You can see all the stars..." He looked at Dipper for permission, who shrugged.

"Let's do it," he replied to Bill's unspoken question. "And who cares what Stan thinks?" Dipper's eyes danced as this time, he was the one who held out his hand for Bill.

"C'mon, lemme give you a hand," he said, boosting Bill up. 

"Thanks," Bill said, grabbing his hand tightly, but when he finally steadied himself on the roof, neither of them let go. Bill tilted over and just fell to the ground, laughing. "C'mon, lay down next to me," he said, patting the spot next to him.

The brunette laid down next to the demon. They talked and laughed, Bill, pointing out each constellation. "I never knew there were so many stars," Dipper said, amazed. "It's like we can see the galaxy from our roof..."

"Yep," the demon said. "You know, there weren't any stars in the nightmare realm..."

"Really?" The brunette asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Yep," Bill shrugged. "The Nightmare Realm was away from everything and everyone. It's like they wanted to make you feel as alone as possible..."

The mystery twin tensed, sensing the change in mood. He grabbed Bill's hand, blushing but not letting go. "You're not alone anymore, Bill," Dipper said with a smile. "You have me, and Mabel."

Bill's stomach squirmed with guilt. He pulled a pocket watch out of his hat and checked the time. "Oh, look, I have to go," he lied.

Dipper looked at him and scoffed. "Go where?"

"Er, business in business land," he said quickly, shoving the watch back in his hat and jumping off the roof, landing with a thud to the ground. Dipper cringed even as the demon stood up again and ran off into the woods.

"Weird," he muttered. "Wonder what's gotten into him...?"

Dipper walked to his room slowly, wondering what he'd said to make the demon so hasty to leave. 

Mabel waited in her room for a while, sighing when Dipper hadn't come in yet. She frowned. Where was he? Stuck in an elevator with Bill? The brunette heard the sound of laughing from outside her window. Peering out, she saw Bill and Dipper, holding hands under the stars.

Her hand flew to her mouth, and tears began to pour down her cheeks. So that was what was different. Dipper liked Bill. That's why she was getting ignored and overlooked. She wiped away her tears angrily, watching Bill walk away. Her heart filled with satisfaction. She knew she should feel awful about her brother getting walked out on by his crush, but she just couldn't help what she felt.

If she couldn't be Dipper's best friend anymore, then Bill couldn't, either. And Mabel knew a certain book that could help...

A/N: Sorry, I know this chapter is really short and kinda lame, but I didn't get enough sleep, so it's probably lucky I made this one so short. I'll make sure either today or tomorrow to get a longer chapter in, although tomorrow I go to school, and today I'm going caroling with the choir. Thank you all so much for reading! If you liked this chapter, please consider giving it a vote.

Also, I'd like to give a shout-out to Perfect Angel. She has one work, and it's a crossover between Gravity Falls and the Owl House. Love it so much so far, if you're a fan of both shows I highly recommend it. 

Thank you so much for reading! 

Thanks, a geek.

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