A Necessary Evil

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IMPORTANT AU: So my wattpad got banned for 'explicit'. That's all it said in the email. Banned - explicit. Okay wattpad. So anyway, now I'm sitting in my room jacked up on heroin republishing every single chapter i ever written. Fuck you Wattpad. It's already been pretty shitty recently. This is my new account now. Again, fuck you Wattpad.

Chapter 1: The Council Has Spoken

A story I'm experimenting with. Going down the evil Percy route. Update for Scars will be out soon, I'm a third of the way through the next chapter. Percy is evil, but still kinda good, I guess? He does some messed up shit in this story. Plus it's Pertemis. Basically, Percy's the antagonist, but there's two protagonists, and he's also one of them. It'll make more sense once I write the damn story.

Chapter 1: The Council Has Spoken

"No, please. Leave her! Take me instead! Just leave her be!" The Man said, weakened from his torture and imprisonment. He was once very strong, with a hard mind and fiery determination. Now, this man was a wreck.

The room he lay in was cold, dark, and with no visible way of escape. Shadowy figures surrounded the man, two of them holding him to the ground. He sobbed louder, pleading to a particularly tall figure, or taller than the rest at least.

"Please, I did it! I did what you asked! Just leave us be. Please." More sobs broke out in the room, and the tall figure laughed. His laugh was loud, and had a hint of darkness to it. Three figures behind him joined in as well, these being taller and more authoritative-looking than the rest, but not as much as the man laughing.

The man, who was obviously the leader, was cloaked in darkness, but he had the featureless face of a human. "Bring her out." He ordered, smirking at the sobbing mess before him. The man cried out, and pleaded, but his pleas were soon drowned out by the screams of a girl.

One of the men who were behind him was walking up to them with a struggling girl, who was screaming. "Daddy! Daddy, please! Do something, help!" She cried, and the man on the floor screamed, squirming in the grip of the two figures pinning him down. "Leave her alone!" He begged.

The man in front of him smirked, and reached by his side. He pulled a long, glistening sword from it's hilt, and the man behind him forced the girl to her knees. "You should've behaved, old friend. If only you'd waited a while before trying to get help. Then perhaps you wouldn't be here. And maybe, you should've behaved, because then your precious little girl wouldn't be caught up in this as well." He laughed, and the man on the floor sobbed more.

The man crouched down in front of the prisoner, and whispered to him. "You've made a terrible enemy, my friend. We have to do this. It'll teach you not to get in our way. We would've offered you immunity, you know? And your daughter. But, unfortunately, she will have to be punished for the sins of her father. Say goodbye to your daughter, though I have no doubt you two will be reunited real soon." He smirked, and the man thrashed around.


The leader of these strange shadowy figures approached the kneeling girl with his sword drawn. She cried, her lips trembling and tears flowing down her face. "Please don't hurt me..." She whimpered, and the man grabbed her chin, softly pulling it up so she was looking at him.

She sobbed louder as the man pressed the sword to her throat. "Shh, shh. Don't cry, little one. It will all be over soon. You will be at peace." He soothed, and as she closed her eyes, the man slit her throat.

The man on the ground cried out louder than ever before, and as the man holding his daughter let go of the girl, the man who had just ended her suffering lay her gently on the ground.

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