A Calling

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Chapter 5: A Calling

I'm back, and I'm honestly surprised I've lasted this long on a story without quitting. Thanks for supporting my decision to have Pertemis become a reality in one chapter, I really didn't feel like drawing it out for 25 chapters. Sorry for the couple days' absence. Again, personal stuff got in the way, plus schoolwork.

Chapter 5: A Calling


Percy's P.O.V.

I woke to the light pouring in through the tent and into my eyes. There was a weight on my chest and I looked down, being greeted by a head of auburn hair. I struggled to remember what had happened the night before, and hoped we hadn't gone too far. She felt fully clothed, so I safely assumed that we didn't.

She seemed to still be resting, so I didn't disturb her by getting up of moving, just content with letting her rest on my chest. I tried remembering what happened last night, and piece by piece, it came back to me.

After a make out session on top of the ferris wheel, we departed (after it reached the bottom, of course) and walked around a bit more. It was now night, and we decided to go down to the beach and hang out.

We didn't get in the water, we just sat on the sand and watched Artemis' chariot go by slowly. The two of us had a few more makeout session, but nothing serious. We sat with her head leaning on my shoulder, my arm resting on the opposite side of her.

"Hey Percy." Artemis said, making me look over at her. She looked slightly worried. "What are we? What do you think we are?" She asked, and I somehow knew what she meant immediately. I took a moment to think up a response, and replied with. "Well, by the way you look at me, and by the way I feel about you, we're in love." I told her.

I know, it was pretty corny, but I truly meant it. I felt like I was in love with her, and I hope she felt the same way. A small part of my brain was telling me I was wrong. She was a maiden goddess after all, after thousands of years of training herself to hate boys, maybe all potential love for any was erased.

I thanked the gods when she smiled, and leaned her head on my shoulder once more and stared back at the moon, the tides trying their best to reach out to it. I found it ironic that the God of Tides and the Goddess of the Moon were this close together. It's as if we were meant to be, as cliche as that sounds.

Artemis sighed next to me. "How are we going to deal with this Percy? I'm a maiden daughter of Zeus, and you're Poseidon's favourite son. They would never let us be together. Styx would never let me give up my virginity to you." She said, getting more erratic with each sentence.

I silenced her with a kiss on the lips, effectively shutting her up. She broke the kiss, and I was grinning at her. "Artemis, you're going too fast here. We're immortal, we've got all the time in the world to worry about doing the deed. Heck, we don't even know if I'll be still be alive after tomorrow. That can come later. For now, let's just enjoy what we have." I told her, and she nodded, letting me embrace her once more.

We sat there for another half an hour, watching the beautiful scenery in front of us. Unfortunately, our time together was cut short by the two of us being splashed by a huge torrent of water. I was unaffected as I put up my dry barriers and soon as I felt the hand start moving the water. Artemis, however, yelped, and snapped her head towards the threat.

The hunters were all standing there, watching us with suspicion in their eyes, though they didn't say anything. Thalia stood there, her arms crossed and looking at us expectantly. "The young girls are getting tired, they want to go." She said, and we nodded, not saying anything.

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