The Forging of the Weapons

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Chapter 6: The Forging of The Weapons

Hopefully I'll have pumped this one out by the end of this weekend. Again, thanks for sticking around this long. I don't think I'm gonna give up on this story, I seem to like this one. Also, sorry if I get the forging process wrong. I'm not a blacksmith, so there'll most probably be stuff missing, but sorry if I get something wrong

Chapter 6: The Forging of The Weapons

Percy's P.O.V.

My vision returned to me gradually as the bright light that blinded me faded away. There was a large shadow looming over me, which as my sight returned, appeared to be Hephaestus. Ares and Athena were behind him, the former looking at me with a shocked expression on his face, while Ares seemed to care not for me.

My eyes wandered, and I saw Artemis standing not too far behind them with a shocked expression on her face and dried tear stains on her cheeks. I frowned, wondering what had made her so upset. That was when I remembered what had just happened.

I panicked and shot up, checking over my body and expecting to see nothing but charred flesh and bone. I was immensely shocked to find that my arms still had the untouched skin attached to them, and as I looked all over, I realised that the same was true for the rest of my body.

This did nothing to calm me, and if anything, the confusion made me panic even more. I looked up in terror at the four gods in front of me, on the verge of a mental breakdown. "What the fuck? How am I still alive? I saw my arms in there, they were nothing but flesh and bone! Why am I alright? What is happening to me?" I wailed, hyperventilating.

Hephaestus slammed his mouth over my hand as Artemis rushed towards me. She tackled me in a hug and buried her face in my chest. "Don't do that again! Don't scare me like that! I thought I'd lost you, Percy. After only a day of having you, I thought you were gone! You weren't breathing and- and I d-didn't" She sobbed into my chest.

I quickly realised that she needed comfort more than I could and quickly composed myself, wrapping my arms around her back and shushing her. "It's alright, Artemis. I'm alright, you're alright. Everything's alright. You don't have to worry about me doing that again, I'm never going near fire again." I told her, trying to calm her down.

I kissed her on the forehead, and then immediately realised my mistake. Oh shit. I shouldn't have done that, I should not have done that. I thought to myself as looked up to the three witnesses.

I'm sure it must have already looked a bit strange, the Virgin Goddess being comforted by a male she had only known for a short while. The deed I had just done must have been the icing on the cake, and as I saw their faces, I knew that was exactly the case.

Athena had a hand over her mouth in shock, and she looked offended. Hephaestus' eyebrows were raised, but to be honest, he didn't seem that surprised. Ares had a look of slight jealousy which slightly disturbed me.

Artemis's sobs quieted down fast, and less than a minute later she shot out of my embrace and looked at me with a pissed expression on her face. At first, I thought it was because of the romantic gesture, until she punched me in the shoulder, hard, and scolded me. "I mean it! Don't you ever fucking do that again, okay?" Her mood change scared me, and I nodded frantically.

She nodded, accepting my promise, and stood up. Artemis noticed the stares of the other gods and glared at them, though I noticed there was a slight glint of insecurity in her eyes. "What?" She snapped at the gods, which made none of them shy away.

Athena glared at her. "How could you?" She accused, with made Artemis flinch a bit, but she held her ground. "What do you mean?" Athena kept her angry gaze on the moon goddess. "I know what this is. You two have been around each other a lot recently, and you didn't react when he embraced you, or kissed you on the forehead. You two have been seeing each other, haven't you?" She said, which made Artemis flush.

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