It's All Coming Together

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Chapter 16: It's All Coming Together

Okay, so this will most likely be the last chapter before the whole Dark Lord thing. Just needed to introduce all of Percy and Artemis' children instead of just flashing forward and suddenly they have five kids. I'm also gonna introduce some characters that I think you guys will like.

Chapter 16: It's All Coming Together

1 Year Later

Artemis P.O.V.

Thalia sat next to me as I breastfed Selena on my couch, trying to avert her eyes from the sight. I blushed. "Sorry." Thalia put her hand up in a 'don't worry about it' motion. I cleared my throat. "So, how goes the hunt?" I asked.

Thalia, thankful to have something to talk about, updated me on what's happening. "Well, it's still quiet, compared to during the wars anyway. It seems now that they've all retreated into Tartarus. We still do find the occasional straggler or group but we always outnumber them and can get rid of them quick." She said.

I nodded. "And how are we doing on recruits?" I asked her, and Thalia smiled. "We've had five since you left, and no casualties either. Their names are Jasmine, Hayley, Sophia, Britney and Jess. You'll get to meet them when you come back." She said, and I smiled.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to going back to the hunt. Taking care of this little rascal is tiring." I complained, and Thalia laughed. "Yeah, that's what you get for having a kid with my cousin. I bet she'll grow up just as ADHD as he was." I rolled my eyes. "I hope she doesn't. Percy got himself into a lot of trouble in the few years he knew the Greek world. I hate to think what someone like that would be like after knowing the Greek world all her life."

Thalia laughed. "You should include diaper duty on the list of punishments, take off laundry duty." She suggested, and I raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "You volunteering?" I asked, and Thalia cringed, shaking her head no.

Then we heard a sound coming from upstairs, making us look at the roof. It sounded like someone was walking around in my bedroom.

Six Months Earlier

Percy P.O.V.

I sat on the throne which Erebus had previously occupied, tapping my fingers absentmindedly on the armrests. Achilles sat on my lap, watching his older brother and sister play with their toys on the floor by my throne. My other hand was held by him, and I didn't mind as he bent my fingers at odd angles, as if trying to figure out how to break them.

Nyx walked in, wearing her usual black dress and barefoot outfit. She pat Calix on the head like a dog as she walked past, and the baby smiled at her presence. "Nick!" He said, unable to properly pronounce the X in her name. Nyx didn't mind though, she said she found it cute.

"Perseus, may I speak to you?" She asked, and after checking to make sure the doors to the throne room were locked, I gestured for her to go ahead. She crossed her arms. "If you really want to go through with this, you're gonna need some help." She said, and I raised an eyebrow.

"How so? More monsters?" I asked, and she shook her head. "Not like that. I mean close help, not just soldiers. You'll need people to confide in, because neither you nor I have all the answers." She told me, and I shrugged.

"It's not like we're gonna do this tomorrow Nyx. By the time we're able to go through with this, these three will be old enough to help." I said, picking up Achilles and showing him to her. Nyx facepalmed. "Percy, you can't rely on children. You need trained, experienced people, stupid." She sighed, and I pressed my hand over my heart in mock-hurt.

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