Love and Blood Under the Moonlight

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Chapter 9: Love And Blood Under The Moonlight

I like to write about Pertemis stuff, so this chapter is gonna be both important to the story and just Pertemis stuff I wanted to include. I wish I could put more Pertemis moments in this, but the story would get too long. Please remember to leave suggestions for Jason and Piper's son. I'm bad at names. Also, I'm thinking about starting a second story which would just be extra stories from this universe, stuff that I didn't want to put here because otherwise I'd have like 3 filler chapters. I guess I could throw the extra pertemis scenes in there. What do you guys think? I'd still work on this, but I'd add a random story every once in a while.

Chapter 9: Love And Blood Under The Moonlight

Artemis P.O.V.

A loud thud echoed through the forest as the deer hit the ground, dead with a silver arrow protruding from its body. Percy looked back and smiled at me, excitement in his eyes. "I did it! Did you see it, Moonbeam?" He told me, and I laughed. He was like a child, and in his eyes I could see what innocence the Fates had let him maintain.

I nodded, walking up and wrapping my arms around his neck. "I saw, Percy. I'm so proud." I told him, and the God leaned down and kissed me softly. "Well, I learned from the best, of course." He said, making me blush and bury my face into his neck. His smell was so intoxicating, I could stay like that all day.

I looked up at him. "My brother would disagree." He unhooked my arms from his shoulders and reached out a hand. I took it, and he told me with a grin on his face. "That's why people consider you the smarter one."

I rolled my eyes. "How flattering." My legs were swept out from under me, inciting a very un-Artemis squeal. He whistled, a different one to his Pegasus calling, and a bark was heard from the treeline.

A young wolf bounded out from the brush and headed straight for the deer carcass. It grasped the calf in its maw, and with surprising strength, managed to easily drag the large animal towards us with haste, not wanting to be left behind.

This was Perseus' pet wolf he'd adopted two weeks ago, Achilles. He'd named it this because he hopes of making it so the pup would never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever get hurt, because that would absolutely be the death of Percy. He loved animals too much.

The pup had wandered into our camp a few weeks ago, sniffing around for food. It had stumbled into one of the tents, scaring one of the younger hunters out of their sleep and making one of the older hunters grab her weapons and chase the wolf out of the tent.

The commotion had alerted Percy, who was on night watch at the time, and he made it there before the rest of us had even left our tents. The hunter, Atalanta, chased the dog out with her knives on hand, and tripped right outside the tent, letting the dog get away.

Percy showed up, blocking the wolf's escape through the main pathway towards the campfire, and the pup ended up colliding with Percy and knocking him over. The pup cowered into Percy, begging for help against Atalanta. When the hunter came and explained what had happened, he refused to let her anywhere near the wolf.

I came over, asking what happened, they both explained, and I was forced to choose sides. Percy wanted to protect the dog, and wouldn't let it go, while Atalanta argued that it was nothing more than a wild animal who was scrounging through their belongings.

My vote was sealed, however, when the younger hunters woke up and saw the dog, immediately becoming smitten with it. I couldn't bear to break their hearts and kick the dog out, or worse, let Atalanta kill it, so now Percy has officially adopted the dog.

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