A Time of Grief

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Chapter 33: A Time of Grief

Sorry I left you guys for two weeks, Red Dead 2 is really consuming my life. Not that I can play it right now, considering I'm in hospital. I didn't put this notice out on Fanfiction.net, so I'll quickly explain. Basically, on the 13th of July, my dad gave me Abilify, and long story short, I ended up mixing a bunch of prescription meds out of anger and overdosing. I almost died, but thankfully my sister found me almost immediately, so as far as I know I'm okay now. I also posted a Wattpad exclusive oneshot over there under No Choice, because frankly I had nowhere else to put it, it's called The Graveyard Shift.

Chapter 33: A Time of Grief, and A Time of Vengeance

They brought the news to Larissa perhaps half an hour later, when she was barely awake still. Nyx had stabilized her and was in the process of fixing her last wound when Artemis walked in with red eyes. Sapphire was sitting next to Larissa, and she looked just as confused as her older sister.

Artemis gestured for Nyx to finish up bandaging her hand, which had a gaping hole in the middle of it that burned like Hades. When the primordial finished, Larissa could hardly move thanks to the random bandages littering her scarring body.

Artemis pulled a chair over and sat down in front of Larissa's bed, and the girl in question pulled her younger sister up to sit by her. Artemis sighed, wiping her eyes, which worried the teen. "Where's the others?" Larissa asked before she could say anything, fearing the worst.

Artemis nodded, and when she spoke he voice came out raspy and choked. Larissa had never heard her mother sound like that, nor did she expect the headstrong goddess of the hunt could sound like that. "They're fine, but... Urio-" She was cut off by Sapphire.

"Uri?! Where is he?" She said, remembering her favorite brother and looking around. Artemis turned to her and couldn't help the tears that began to flood from her eyes. Of course Sapphire had to say that, she had to make it so much harder to deliver the truth.

Larissa saw her cry, and her face fell. "Mom...?" She trailed off, silently asking a question. Artemis couldn't bring herself to look at her, and instead wiped the tears away so she could see Sapphire.

"Sweetie, Urion... he's not coming home." She choked. "He didn't- he didn't make it. I'm sorry." She whispered, before breaking down and sobbing. The three were left sitting there and looking at Artemis in shock. Nyx had a very solemn look on her face as she looked away, and soon after she excused herself and left the room.

Larissa felt the tears leaking from her own eyes, yet she couldn't bring herself to fully break down. Uri, her little brother, was gone... and she didn't even get to say goodbye...

"No. NO! You're lying!" Sapphire yelled, standing up. Artemis turned her head up to her in sorrow, the skin around her eyes red and raw with tears and how much the goddess had stubbornly tried to wipe them away. "Sapph-"

"NO! URI WOULDN'T LEAVE! He wouldn't leave me..." Sapphire still shook her head, in denial about it all. She refused to accept that. He wasn't gone... just... hiding...

With tears in her eyes she ran out the door, barging past her mother, who had stood up to come and hug her or something along those lines. The woman watched as she left the room and wiped more tears away, not that it was really doing much at this point.

"Mom?" She heard from her left, and she turned back to the bed. Larissa was sitting up, knees pulled close to her chest. She was shaking, which was either due to the shock or the fact that her legs were almost destroyed by Michael's blade and having moved them to her chest probably upsetted some nerves. "I-is it true?"

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