4 - First Meetings

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--Percy Jackson--

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--Percy Jackson--

Percy was now getting annoyed. Couldn't they leave him alone? Yes, he was talking about those agent/spy peoples. They were literally waiting for him outside his school. Of course, he appreciated that they didn't just barge in in his class. It would have been a bit difficult to explain the situation to the teachers.

At first, he hadn't really paid attention to them but he soon started getting suspicious of them. He wasn't sure whether they were following him or they just coincidentally had the same destination as him. But his suspicions were soon confirmed when he started walking towards a dead end. They were still following him.

Who are they? you may ask. Well there were three people. A buff blonde guy, an African-American dude who was wearing shades, and a redhead lady. They looked a little familiar but he couldn't remember where he had seen them. But whoever they were, they either really underestimated him or were trained rather poorly, except the lady.

The guys stuck out like sore thumbs after a while but he didn't suspect the lady until he saw her speaking with the shades guy. He really didn't want to fight anyone today. His day was really going good today. No complaints from the teachers, no monsters, no world-ending threats but noooo, the Fates couldn't let him have one day off. Seriously those three ladies needed a hobby so they stop messing with poor demigods like him. Perhaps they could go to those bingo games his neighbour kept talking about. That would definitely take their mind off of him. But first things first, he should take care of his stalkers and then he could arrange a bingo game for the three Moirai.

He started racking his brain for ideas. He definitely didn't want to fight them. They looked extremely strong and if they were from the same place the others were from, then there was no doubt that they were very well trained too.

As he thought about this he ran into a person. He quickly apologized and when he looked ahead, he saw the ice-cream parlour. There was no mistaking those colourful walls. He immediately knew what he had to do to get rid of those three. He knew the owner of the parlour so he could leave his skateboard and bag here and there was a park near here which had a lot of trees and ponds which meant there were a lot of people there. He could easily mix with the crowd there and there was no way those three could follow him again.

He quickly went in the parlour and the cool air hit him. He then realized how hot it was outside. And he had to wear a stupid hoodie because of the SPQR tattoo. Well, he thought, since I have come so far, might as well eat an ice-cream and then leave.

He walked towards the counter and saw Jack working there. He comes to this place so often that he knows the whole staff and they know him. "Hey Jack." He greeted.

"Hey Perce. I was wondering when you'd show up."

"Well it is hot today so I thought that a ice-cream wouldn't be so bad."

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