Author's Note

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This author's note is to clear up the timelines and the characters and other things that need to be explained so its kinda important. Though its totally fine if you skip this part because it will obvious in the story.

Anyway lets get started.

So in the Percy Jackson timeline, its taking place two months after the Giant war (In November)  and before the Trials of Apollo. Also just for the sake of the story, Leo and Calypso returned to camp earlier so they are already at camp right now. The story might reference the Kane Siblings and Magnus Chase but they are not gonna make an appearance... at least I don't think so. Also, Percy and Annabeth already know about the Egyptian and the Norse Pantheons as they have already met the Kane Siblings and Magnus in this timeline.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, its taking place before Civil war and after Age of Ultron. And currently in the story timeline, all the avengers are together except the ones that came in the picture later. Oh, and also Nick Fury is still the director of SHIELD. But let me warn you ahead that there is a slight chance that I might deviate from the timeline so just keep in mind at that time that whatever is happening is before infinity war. And MJ and Ned know Peter is Spiderman. Also, there is a slight chance that I might change all of this. I will update things here if i do.

I want to keep this story accurate but I am not as amazing and creative as the writers and creators of Avengers and Percy Jackson so just go with the story plot. And although i do have a rough draft of the entire story, things are not set in stone so it could change. But don't worry, I will try not to leave too many plot holes.

So just before you read this is my first story and I'll do my best for it. I am doing this because I had an idea and i really, really like Percy Jackson so it seemed wrong to not write about it. And my first language is not English so there might be some mistakes but I will try my best to avoid them and if you guys find any, please tell me. Constructive criticism is most welcome. I don't enjoy human interactions in real life but here it would be my pleasure to talk to y'all.

Thanks for reading.

Hope you enjoy!


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