Chapter 13: A night at the Toadstool Motel

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Peach: [Then the screen shows Peach inside the Toadstool Motel. Shadows then appear moving on the wall. Peach gasping and notices the shadows] Customers! [runs towards the door, turns on the neon lights, and notices a light saying "no" going off and coming back on, turns the lights off, turns the lights on again, but the "no" light was on before and turned off when the other lights turned on. Then we see Luigi and Mario in the distance driving, walking and fluttering along the road.]

Luigi:  Tomorrow night we can go look for the ghost light!

Mario: I can't wait, Weegee.

Luigi: Oh, yeah, I'm tellin' ya! [As Luigi talks, the screen shows Peach, who notices them, sighs, grins and walks back into the building. Then the screen shows Mario and Luigi again.] Oh, boy, you gotta admit that was fun!

Mario: Oh, Yeah Yeah.

Luigi: Well, we better get ya back to the impound lot.

Mario: You know, actually, Peach's gonna let me stay at the motel.

Luigi: : Aw. Gettin' cozy at the Toadstool, is we?

Mario: Oh, co-No, No, Are you kidding? Besides, she can't stand me. [McQueen scoffs] And I don't like her, to be honest.

Luigi: Yeah, you probably right: "HEY, LOOK, THERE'S PEACH!"

Mario: [looking around] Where-Where?!

Luigi: [laughing] [Mario groans] You're in love with Peach!

Mario: [As our heroes are talking, Peach then turns to see them from inside the building.] No, I'm not.

Luigi: Yes, ya do.

Mario: No way.

Luigi: Way.

Mario: Come on, look...

Luigi: [turns around and drives backwards] You're in love with Peach! You're in love with Miss Peach!

Mario: Okay, that's real mature Weegee, real grown up.

Luigi: You love her! You love her, you love her! You love her, You love her, You love her!

Mario: Wait... Alright, okay, Luigi, Luigi, Luigi, no! [Luigi laughs and noticing Luigi driving his kart backwards] Will you stop that?!

Luigi: Stop what?

Mario: That's driving backwards stuff. It's creeping me out. You're gonna wreck on something.

Luigi: [stops moving] Wreck?! Shoot, I'm the world's best backwards driver! You just watch this right here, lover boy. [drives backwards with his lights on, drives towards one of the Toadstools]

Mario: What are you doing?! Watch out, Look out! Luigi?! [Luigi then drives around the Toadstool.] Luigi! [Luigi laughs as he drives around a few more Toadstools] Luigi! [Peach watches as Luigi drives around the building. Finally, Luigi drives backwards onto the desert ground, stops, and starts spinning.] Hey, take it easy, Luigi!

Luigi: [screams happily. Then Luigi stops spinning, and drives backwards into the forest, laughing. Luigi grunting and blubbering, and jumps high up into the air in front of the full orange Moon]

Mario: [Laughs] He's nuts!

Luigi: [driving back to Mario and while still going backwards] No need to watch where I'm goin'! [jumps and turns around as he stops in front of Mario] Just need to know where I've been. [turns his lights off]

Mario: Whoa, that was incredible! How'd you do that?

Luigi: Rear view mirrors. We'll get you some, and I'll teach you if you want.

Mario: [chuckles] Yeah, maybe I'll use it in my big race. [tags along]

Luigi: What's so important about this race of yours, anyway?

Mario: [stops moving, and turns around] It's not just a race. We're talking about the Mushroom Cup! I've been dreaming about it my whole life! I'll be the first hero in history ever to win it. And when I do, we're talkin' big new sponsor, with private helicopters. No more medicated bumper ointment. No more people in rusty old cars. 

Luigi: What's wrong with people in rusty old cars?

Mario: Well, I don't mean yours, Weegee. I mean other people with old cars. You know? Not like yours. I like yours.

Luigi: Nah, it's okay, bro. [to Mario] Hey, you think maybe one day I can get a ride in one of 'em helicopters? I mean, I've always wanted to ride in one of them fancy helicopters.

Mario: Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure, sure.

Luigi: You mean it?

Mario: Oh, yeah. Anything you say.

Luigi: I knew it. I knowed I made a good choice!

Mario: In what?

Luigi: My big brother.

[Then Mario smiles at this.]

Luigi: See ya tomorrow, bro! [Luigi then turns on his lights, swings his hook, and drives backwards around Mario and back to his home. Luigi singing as he drives backwards] Mario and Peach underneath a tree, K-i-s somethin'-somethin'-somethin'-t!

Mario: : [Mario laughs. Then he walks toward the Toadstool Motel, as Mario tries to go backwards and looks behind.] Whoa, whoa, whoa. [We then see Peach as she watches them all going to their rooms.] Now then... [looks around to find his room] Number 1, number 1! [finds room number one] Oh, Number 1! [walks into the room and looks around as Peach comes to him.] Ha, this is nice.

Peach: Hey, Mario. [Mario screams and Peach shrieks] I'm sorry!

Mario: [turns around] Whoa! You scared me, you gotta be careful.

Peach: I scared myself scaring you scaring me.

Mario: I mean, I wasn't like "scared" scared.

Peach: No, of course not. Not.

Mario: I was more...

Peach: Just I overheard you talking to Luigi.

Mario: When? Just, just now? What, what did, what did you hear?

Peach: Oh, just something about a helicopter ride.

Mario: Oh, yeah. Yeah, he got a kick out of that, didn't he?

Peach: Did you mean it?

Mario: What?

Peach: That you'll get him a ride.

Mario: Oh, who knows? I mean first things first. I gotta get outta here and make the race.

Peach: Uh-huh. You know Luigi trusts you.

Mario: Yeah, okay.

Peach: Did you mean that?

Mario: What?

Peach: Was it just a "Yeah, okay", or "Yeah...okay" or"Yea-yeah, okay"?

Mario: Look, I'm exhausted. It's kinda been a long day.

Peach: Yeah, okay. Good night. [turns around and walks back to the building]

Mario: [Mario grunts as he remembers what asked him to do] Ah... Hey, thank you.

Peach: [Peach then stops, and turns around.] What did you just say? 

Mario: You know, thanks for letting me stay here. It's nice to be out of the impound, and this is... It's great. Newly refurbished, right?

Peach: Yeah.

Mario: Good night.

Peach: Good night. [walks back to her building, Sally giggles. Then Mario presses a button to close the door on the room.]

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