Bonus Chapter: Daisy and the Ghost Light

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A night in Toadtown, could also be a night for some fun! Especially in Daisy's case. Her first prank was pulling away some flowers where Donkey and Diddy Kong were watering them. Daisy was hiding behind the courthouse pulling the third pot of flowers with a rope. Next, she went to Toad's House of Tires, and hid behind a pile of tires Toad and his team had put up. Toad and his team are impressed, but Daisy suddenly jumps out from behind the model, causing Toad and his team to faint.

Next, she went to Peach's Toadstool Motel, she hid under a toadstool, to make it look like it was moving to Peach. 

Daisy: BOO!

Peach: [gasps]

Daisy: [laughs]

Daisy then went to Toadette's curios shop, she tried to scare and wake up Toadette, but it ultimately failed. Because Toadette was asleep! Later, Yoshi was taking one of his cans of organic juice into his building, which Daisy then moves one next to the other two and hides. Yoshi comes out, feeling confused as he sees three cans rather than two. After looking around, he takes one back inside. Then he comes back to see a lot of fuel cans in front of him, and moves back inside as Daisy laughs.

Meanwhile, everyone was gathered out at Daisy's diner; surprisingly, Daisy was nowhere to be seen.

Boo: I'll have the daily special when you get a chance...

Mario: Gosh, sure is a nice night.

(Then a can hits the ground in the background, being from a pile of cans that are front of what appears to be Daisy.)

Peach: (chuckles) It sure is... a nice night.

Mario: (chuckles as he sees the pile of cans with a very similar pointing out) I sure hope Daisy isn't waiting around anywhere to scare me, 'cause I'll freak out...

Daisy: BOO!

Mario: AHHHH! [knocks down the cans, only to reveal that it was the sign from Luigi's Ghost Busting and Salvage.]

Rosalina: [laughing] If only you moved that fast on the race track.

Daisy: [laughing] Oh, buddy! You look like you've just seen... the Ghost Light.

Todasworth: PRINCESS! [Everyone turns their eyes towards Toadsworth] Don't mock the Ghost Light!

Mario: What is the Ghost Light?

[The sound of a record needle scratching is heard. Silence for 10 seconds]

Toadsworth: The Ghost Light is a glowing orb of blue translucent light that haunts these very parts.

Daisy: Nah, don't be too scared, buddy, it ain't real.

Toadsworth: It is real! It all started on a night like tonight. The song dogs were wailing at the moon of Mushroom Range while the summer wind blew hot like the breath of Zozobra. A young couple was heading down this very stretch of the mother road when they spotted an unnatural blue glow, and all that was left was their car's out-of-state license plate. So remember, the one thing that angers the Ghost Light more than anything else is the sound of clanking metal. 

[Daisy's kart clanks and tries to keeps it from shaking]

Toadsworth: As you head home tonight, keep an eye out. The Ghost Light could be anywhere. Well, good night! [zooms away]

Peach: Whew, I'm bushed. Good night!

Everyone: Good night

[Everyone went to call it for the night, and turned off all their neon lights.]

Daisy: Uh... Good night.

[The diner's neon lights suddenly shut off, and Daisy drives her kart back to her garage. To avoid herself being scared, Daisy sang a little song.]

Daisy:  ♪ Behind the clouds ♪ The sun is shining ♪ Believe me even though ♪ You can't quite make it out... ♪

[Daisy heard a clank, and she sees what appears to be a monster . She shines her kart's headlights, only it to be a pile of junk in the form of a monster. Daisy reverses her kart back to her garage, only to be shaking so much, that her kart's headlights had fallen off!]

Daisy: Ah!

[She closes her garage door, only for it to fall off! Then, Daisy sees a yellow light.]

Daisy: (gasps) Oh, no, it's the Ghost Light! (reverses as the light comes towards her) Ghost Light, I respect thee! Return from where ye came!

[The light then turns out to be a firefly, who notices Daisy in front of it, and flies away.]

Daisy:  (chuckling) Oh, it's just a lightning bug. The Ghost Light ain't yeller, anyhow. Toadsworth said the Ghost Light is blue...

[Suddenly, a blue light shines straight behind Daisy, who then looks into her kart's wing mirror to see it, which looks like the Ghost Light. The screen then suddenly zooms in on her from the entrance of her building.]

Daisy:  (gasps) THE GHOSTLIGHT! (screams as she quickly drives away, with the blue light following her) AAAAAHHH!!! AAAHHH! AAH! AAAAAHH!! 

(Daisy drives along the main road, as the screen shows Mario and Toad appearing, grinning and doing a high-five.)


[The screen then reveals that it is only a lamp put on Daisy's kart's rear bumper which Daisy, is unaware of.]

Daisy: The Ghost Light's right behind me! Aah! (stops, which the lamp moves in front of her) Now it's in front of me! (drives backwards) It's right on my tail! (She run and drive past Mario, Peach, Toad, and the Toad team.)

Daisy: (driving through the Chain Chomps' field) Aaaaaaah!

[The Chain Chomps were woken up by Daisy, and they all tipped over]

King Chomp: (gets woken up by Daisy driving past) Huh?

Daisy:  (driving around Mushroom Butte) Aaahh! Aaaahh!! Aah! (moves her kart's body left at the final bend, and screams in slow motion as she has her kart's tires turned right) (as she  run past everyone) The Ghost Light's gonna eat me!

Boo: (leaves) Uh, let me know how it turns out.

Daisy: (eventually getting tired) Ghost Light's gonna...strip my kart's parts and sell 'em on the computer auction Web site. (gets up, then realizes something, and moves to her kart's rear bumper to see the lamp) Hey, wait a minute.

Everyone else: (all laugh)

Mario: Gotcha!

Daisy: Shoot, I knowed this was a joke the whole time!

Toadsworth: You see, princess;  the only thing to be scared of out here is your imagination.

Rosalina: Yup. That and, of course, the Screaming Banshee. Well, good night! (quickly drives away)

Everyone else: Good night! (all drive off in the distance, with the street lamps turning off)

Daisy: The Screaming what? (begins to shake again)

(The credits then show, as "Behind the Clouds" plays. After the credits, a post-credits scene is shown, where the Screaming Banshee appears behind Daisy.)

Screaming Banshee: (growls)

Daisy: (turns around and gasps, not realizing it is actually the Banshee) You better run. They say there's a Banshee out here somewhere tonight, but we ain't seen him yet. Good night. (drives away)

Screaming Banshee: Huh?

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