Chapter 16: The final race!

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[The next morning, was the morning of the big tie-breaker race!]

Shroomy:  Hello, race fans, and welcome to what has become, quite simply, the biggest event in the history of racing. A three way battle for the Mushroom Cup!

Toaddon:  There's a crowd of nearly 200,000 people here on Mario Circuit. Tickets to this race are hotter than a black leather seat on a hot summer day!

Shroomy: The Queen, Bowser, and Mario in a 200 laps, winner-takes-all, tiebreaker race.

Toaddon: You know I got a lotta miles on me, but let me tell you somethin' buddy. I never thought I'd see anything like this. Wow! Man, this is exciting! 

Shroomy: In fact, the country has almost shut down, to watch what many experts are calling the race of the century.

[In Rosalina's pit crew, her kart's tires were just been filled, and her kart's gas tank is filled to the top.]

Luma:  Hey, Mama! Good luck in your last race. You've sure been an inspiration to us.

Rosalina: Thanks, guys. Appreciate it.

Polari: Be careful out there, Mama; okay?

Rosalina: Don't worry, Polari.

[Meanwhile, Bowser and the Koopalings were talking to the press, again]

Bowser: Oh, yeah. You wanna know the forecast? I'll give you the forecast. A 100 percent chance of HEAT! CAUSE THIS KING WILL WIN IT ALL!

[On Mario's side of the racetrack, Mario was in his trailer; though he was still nervous, he was ready to race!]

Marco:  Hey, Mario! Are you ready?

Mario: [gasps] Y-yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm uh I'm ready. [Mario then opens the door and comes out, noticing the press chattering indistinctly and taking pictures of him. The screen then shows an aerial view of the circuit, before coming back to the ground to show Mario driving to Marco, who is wearing a headset.] Dad, thanks for being my pit crew today.

Marco: Na. Don't worry about it, kid. It's the least I could do. After all, "Gas Can" is my middle name.

Mario: It is?

Marco: Nahh, not really.

[Mario decided to do some last minute practice laps on Mario Circuit]

Shroomy:  And there he is; "Super Mario"! Missing all week, and then he turns up in the middle of nowhere! In a little town called Toadtown.

Toaddon: With his kart wearing whitewall tires, of all things. [Mario grunts and as Bowser's "emblem" sticker shines sunlight over his eyes]

Bowser: Well, well, well. I'd almost thought you wouldn't make it, Mario.

Mario: Oh, I did make it, Bowser!

[Unfortunately, Mario goes into his daydreams about his time in Toadtown. Just then, a green flag is waved as the screen then shows Lakitu waving it to start the race. The Queen and Bowser get on their way, but Mario was not ready.]

Mario: [Gasps] Shoot! [gets on his way]

Toaddon: Boogity, boogity, boogity, boys! Let's go racing!

[Mario may had a poor start, but he was determined to not let Bowser beat him!]

Shroomy:  Fifty laps down, and The Queen is still holding a slim lead.

Toaddon: [as Mario gets beside Bowser] Hey, Mario's got a run on him! He's looking to the inside! [But then, Bowser goes right in front of Mario, causing him to brake.] Oh, Bowser slammed the door on him!

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