201 - Diversion

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Inspiration - Medici -The Magnificent scene between Lorenzo and Clarice when they talk about Lucrezia in Blood with Blood

Side Note - Based in 2x01 after he returns with Lola and the baby.


"Why did you call me here, Mary?" The King of France asks his wife as she stands on the balcony to their new chambers. Their reunion in the the courtyard that morning had been joyful, the lovemaking afterwards fuelled by adrenaline and fear and loss and relief blissful, but their conversations afterward and after the last few days' events, a barrier of ice had risen between the King of France and the Queen of Scots. "What possible thing is there left to say between us?" he asks. Still, the Queen does not turn, instead holds the blanket around her shoulders and observed the remaining servants scattering around the courtyard beneath them.

"Word has spread of the triplet of hours you spent with the Lady Lola and the newly born child." she speaks plainly, not letting a slither of emotion cloud her words. The conversation they had, his insistence to place that stain a permanent reminder of her inadequacy in their marriage, it was unfathomable and heart-breaking to the Queen of Scots. She couldn't handle any more of that type of pain. How had Catherine done it for ten years?

"Oh, Mary. Not this again." he sighs. She closes her eyes, not wanting him to speak anymore. She wasn't really sure why she had sent for her husband, nor was she sure why he was still talking. But, it felt right in this moment to be physically together. "I'm sorry for the pain this caused you, I'm sorry for the whispers and speculation, but I need to give this child a better life than what my brother had. You have to understand."

She says nothing, simply turns around and fixes their eyes together.

Francis seems to read her mind.

"You want me to stop seeing him." he says quietly. "It's true, you want me to not see my son. What do you want me to do? Send him away to a cold castle, become exactly the kind of king my father was. God, Mary, who do you take me for? I'm sorry for the things I've done wrong, and they are countless and horrifying, but this is where I decide to be a different man to Henry Valois, where I don't become like your great uncle. You have to understand."

"I said no such thing," she says plainly, brushing her fingers through a lock of hair that had skated across her face. "however, you must admit that, no matter what's happened between us, I do not deserve to be humiliated in front of the court the family, the nobles, the servants." she says. "That's what you're doing to me. You haven't even properly claimed the child, and already I feel the stares, I feel the whispers behind my back, I hear the sniggers and the chuckles of the barren Queen who cannot give her husband what her own lady did. I do not deserve to be hurt like this. You expect me to be different than your mother, whilst you and your father put us through the same thing. At least Catherine had several years of questionable actions with Henry's loins, but you've thrown me right into the deep end where the two of them hated each other more than anything. And you expect us to be different?"

"That was not my intention." he tries to interrupt. 

"Well, it is the result." she interrupts him sharply. She sighs, beginning to talk again. "Unless the slim chance prevails and we are gifted a son, I will play the model wife and queen in front of Court and the nobility. However, I will close by heart from you so long as i must share you with that girl and your bastard son." she threatens without a second thought. His eyes grow, and Mary refuses to feel the stab of pain her words cause them both. "You claim you love me above all else, yet every chance you get, you choose her. Choose me this time, just this once, and remove the threat to our union, our marriage, our life. If not, you and I will echo your parents as we cry wolf for the future." she says, taking a step closer to the King. Unable to resist, Mary curtseys before the King of France. "Goodnight, Your Majesty. The Queen must take to her bed."


Hey! Welcome to the second oneshot book! Please leave a comment or two down below, it really does make my day reading a sentence or two after fishing a piece. Sorry it's gotten a little complicated, but Wattpad wouldn't let me put in another piece to TEML, cause for some reason, there's a 200 piece limit to novels on this site. Weird, but we've gotta make do! I hope you all bare with me and read along with this oneshot book like you all did with TEML!

Spoiler for next one, Mary-Francis-Lola drama with a twist!




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