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An hour later and the two girls were sitting on a couch. The girls both had coats on, Eleven with a brown one and Twelve a blue one.

"Is there a number we could call for your parents?"

Twelve looked up at the boy who had asked the question, tilting her head as she examined him. He had dark hair and light skin with little freckles across his face. She was intrigued by the boy, she had only read about freckles before and had never seen them in person.

"How come one of you has hair and one of you doesn't? Do you have cancer?" The one on the right asked, spiral curls sticking out from under his hat. Twelve noticed that his teeth weren't really there, but she decided not to stare that would be rude.

"Did you run away?" The one on the left asked. He was taller than the other two boys and had darker skin. She looked into his eyes and couldn't look away, she thought they were beautiful. Those eyes were the reason she was sitting on the couch and not running through the forest at the moment.

Lucas however took it the wrong way and was creeped out that the girl was staring at him for so long.

"Are you in some kind of trouble?" The first boy asked softly, not wanting to scare the girls.

"Is that blood?" The dark skinned boy asks, reaching his hand out to touch a splotch of red on Elevens shirt. Twelve looked over and noticed that it was ketchup and not blood and was about to say something when the curly head boy slapped his friends hand away. This scared the girl and caused her to shrink back into the couch.

"Stop it you're freaking her out!" The black haired boy exclaimed. Shoving the taller boy back.

"They're freaking me out!"

"I bet they're deaf." The curly haired boy says, before clapping his hands in front of the girls face, making them both jump. "Not deaf."

"I can hear also." Twelve said softly.

"Alright, that's enough, alright? They're just scared and cold." The boy in the middle said again, walking away to find clean clothes for the two.

The thunder rumbled causing Eleven to flinch and Twelves hands to start shaking again.

"Here these are clean okay?" The freckled boy informed them, walking back over to the group to hand the girls the clothes. "Thank you." Twelve said timidly while taking the clothes. She noticed Eleven stand up next to her and start to take her shirt off.

"No, no, no!" The boys shouted, the black haired boy pulling her shirt back down stopping her from lifting it up anymore. Twelve gently grabbed Elevens elbow and shook her head.

"Oh my god. Oh my god." The two other boys murmur, turning away from the girls.

"See over there? That's a bathroom. Privacy, got it?" The black haired boy said pointing towards a small room.

Eleven grabbed the clothes and headed off towards the bathroom, Twelve following her.

The two entered the room not noticing the boy had followed them until he started to close the door. "No." Eleven states bluntly as she grabs the door preventing it from closing.

"Oh, so you can speak." The boy gives her a shocked look, "You don't want it closed?" Eleven shook her head.

The boy nodded, "Um, how about we uh, only close it a little? Huh?" He shows that he's going to leave the door open a crack, watching as the two girls nod, "Okay then." He says, before walking back to his friends.

Once the girls come out of the bathroom, Eleven walks over to a small pile of blankets and pillows that Mike had set up for them, while Twelve began to fold Lucas's jacket.

Looking around she saw the boy standing hear the staircase his back turned to her. She walked over and tapped him timidly on the shoulder.

"Geesh!" Lucas exclaimed jumping around, causing the girl to take a step back.

"Here's your jacket." Twelve said softly, handing it to him.

"Uh, thanks." He said taking the clothing item in his hand, he noticed how oddly it was folded. "You always fold your clothes like this?"

"Yeah, that's what Susanna taught me." She said smiling fondly at the memory of her nurse.

"Oh, cool." Lucas said, not knowing what to say but not wanting to not say anything.

It was later that night, and the girls were sitting in a makeshift fort the black haired boy had made for them.

"Here's my sleeping bag. Sorry I've only got one, but you can share." The boy told the two, handing them a yellow sleeping bag. Twelve took it and spread it out so they could both sit on it.

The boy watched the girls for a moment, wondering what the hell was happening to his life right now. His best friend is missing and two strange girls are now sleeping in his basement.

"Um, so what are your names?" He asked kneeling in front of the girls.

The girls made eye contact before rolling up their sleeves, revealing the 11 and 12 tattoos.

The boy had a look of shock on his face, "Are those real?" He reached over trying to get a closer look at the two marks, stopping when Eleven flinched back. "Sorry I've just never seen a kid with a tattoo before." He offered the girls a light smile.

Eleven must've decided it was alright because Twelve watched her as she held out her wrist to the boy, giving the boy an assuring nod. He gently traced his fingers over the numbers.

"Wow thats cool. What does it mean?" He asked curiously.

The girls pointed at themselves repeated the process they went through at the dinner with Benny.

"That's your name?" The boy asked slowly causing the girls to nod, "Oh okay Eleven and Twelve. Well umm, my names Mike. Short for Michael. Maybe we could call you El for short." He starts turning towards Twelve. "Susanna told me my real name was Magnolia. Could you call me Leah for short?"The girl asked softly.

"Yeah, of course. El and Leah. Well goodnight, El...Leah." He stands up from his kneeling position heading up the stairs.

"Goodnight Mike." El offered him a smile and laid down ready to sleep. Leah simply nodded and laid down next to El.

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