Chapter 6

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so today in school i actually wrote down this chapter and during lunch i think someone took it and I'm so mad like it was literally 2 and a half pages long and I can't remember exactly everything i wrote but ill try okay don't hate me and if you like this story so far pleaseeee vote for it and comment because i almost need some people to be the rest of the guys's girlfriends!

Britney's POV
I was half asleep but woke up right away when I heard my phone ring, I checked the time and it was 10:15 pm. I looked at the message and it was from cameron.

Cam<3: I had a lot of fun today, maybe we can do this another time. I'll call you tomorrow? Goodnight:)

With that I closed my eyes and fell asleep with a smile on my face once again.

I jumped out of bed and my eyes went wide when I heard a loud noise come from the end of the hall, I calmed down when I realized it was probably just my brother playing some stupid video game. I unplugged my phone and checked the time, It was 6:25 am so i decided to get out of bed and get ready since i had school today.

I got in the shower and washed my hair, once I got out i put my hair in a side braid and put on my cameron dallas hoodie with black jeans and black converse. It was raining outside and it was a bit cold so i didn't wanna wear shorts or anything. Once I finished with that, I brushed my teeth and put on some mascara. I checked the time again and it was 7:30 so i decided to make breakfast but ended up eating cereal instead. By the time i finished and did the dishes it was 7:45 so i walked out of my house and into my moms car. I took out my phone and texted cameron back since I was too tired last night to answer him.

We should meet up once I get out of school, which is 3:45. I'll be at Burger King?

With that I clicked send and got out of the car because i had arrived to school, I said bye to my mom and walked in. I heard my phone ring and cameron texted me saying okay. I went to my locker and got the things i needed for my next 4 classes and once the bell rung i walked to my 1st period. I sit all the way In the back and since the class was still empty i took out my phone and went on Instagram, as I was scrolling down i saw something that caught my eye. Cameron posted a picture of us from yesterday and I liked it, I read through the comments and most of them were nice and saying that we make a cute couple. The second bell rung which meant class started so i put my phone on silent and in my back pocket.

I felt someone tap on my shoulder and it was a boy I've never seen before. "Can you pass me my pencil it fell and i can't reach it" he said to me and when I finally found it i handed it to him and gave him a smile and he smiled back. "Are you new here?" i say and he nods. "I'm Jake, what's your name?" he asks me and I reply with Britney. "Well it's nice to meet you Britney i hope we have more classes together" he says and smiles at me and I smile back.

"Get off my seat loser" i turn around and Robert is there talking to Jake, I look at Jake and he looks rather terrified. He quickly gets up and sits In the front of the class. I roll my eyes at Robert and keep my attention to the teacher who is teaching the lesson.

After what felt like forever, the bell finally rung and i headed to my 2nd period. On my way there, someone spun me around and I was face to face with Nash. "What's up with you and cameron?" he says with a smirk on his face but I just roll my eyes and walk away. He grabs me again and I sort of yell at him causing everyone to stop and look at us. "Why do you care? I bet he's gonna end up hating me because of you because all you do is ruin my life" his jaw drops and i walk away from him and this time he doesn't stop me. When I walk in my 2nd period i smile when I see Natalie. I tell her all about what happened yesterday and she couldn't stop smiling and saying were gonna be a couple soon and I smile at the thought of that, but then again cameron probably thinks I'm just a suicidal teen who seeks for attention. The only reason why he wanted to spend time with me was probably because Im one of his fans and he doesn't want his fans to hurt themselves. I thought about that for the rest of the day.

When last period ended i went to my locker and put everything away. I checked my phone and I had 4 messages. One from Cameron, my mom, and two from a weird number. I opened cam's text first.

Cam<3: after we leave Burger King i was wondering if you wanted to come over? It's fine if you don't.

Mom: hey sweetie I'm gonna be staying at work till 10:00 pm if you get hungry order some pizza for you & Michael, love you.

Blocked number: hey Britney, its Nash. I was wondering if you wanted to talk, I have something really important i want to tell you.

Blocked number: I know you hate me but please just give me a chance to explain myself. - Nash.

When I read Nash's text i had this weird feeling, I want to see what he has to say but at the same time I'm scared, it's probably another one of his pranks.

I text Cameron and tell him I'm 2 minutes away from Burger King and he replies really fast saying he's already there. When I finally get there, i look around for cameron and finally see him on his phone. I sit down in front of him and he quickly looks up.

"Gosh you scared me!" he says and I start laughing. "What do you wanna eat?" I ask and he shrugs his shoulders. I get up and he follows me. I get a burger with fries and a small soda and cameron just orders fries and a soda. When we both finish eating we walk to Cameron's car and his house is only a few minutes away.

We pull up to his driveway and when cameron knocks on the door my heart drops. What if Nash is here? I mean he lives here so there's a 99% chance he's here like right now. "I left my phone in your car I'll meet you inside" I lied to him and he nods his head. I get in his car and once I close the door carter opens the door for cameron and I sigh in relief. I stay in the car for like 3 minutes and text cameron saying i found my phone. When I get out of the car i hear someone call me. I turn around and it's nash.

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